@lithinel: I have Badminton, Yoga, and Core Conditioning Mondays and Wednesdays. I have and IT class, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Fridays are usually spent taking notes to prepare for tuesday's tests. D: Sometimes I spend all weekend writing notes since the chapters are so long. Bleh. But thank-you though.
I just need to see a doctor and have them send a request for me to see my Cardiologist which is the only reason I'm even going to bother with the doctor. I hate them. I never even go to the doctor anymore unless I need to get a shot.
I just need to see a doctor and have them send a request for me to see my Cardiologist which is the only reason I'm even going to bother with the doctor. I hate them. I never even go to the doctor anymore unless I need to get a shot.