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Forums Role Playing Closed: Making New Thread

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/5 21:38:12 )
You can die anytime...

This is an rp based on the anime Inuyasha with the main characters all being from Kagome's time. We know only Kagome has an actual last name and these are the for the sake of the rp.


Inuyasha Yokai
18 years old

Kagome Higurashi
17, turning 18

Sango Yamamoto
17, almost 18

Miroku Ueda
18 years old

All four have been close friends since they met in grade school. All four are seniors in high school just ready to start a new school year.

Koga Wolf
18 years old

He has a rivalry with Inuyasha but is friendly with the others. Has a crush on Kagome. Senior in high school.

Sayuri Watanabe
17 years old

She is new to the school, graduating there hopefully with new friends.

Kazumi Aiko
17 but doesn't look like it

***** I do not take credit for any of this art. I found all of it on Google*****

but living takes true courage.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/5 22:34:47 )
You can die anytime...

It was still early in the new school year, only a few weeks in, and Kagome was frustrated. She and InuYasha were partners. And again, while she worked to get things done, he slacked off. It caused them to have a fight the night before. Kagome ended the conversation with,"I'll do it myself. Like ALWAYS. " In a moment of frustration, her cell phone broke. She had just gone to bed and tried to forget about it. She was walking with Sango to school and telling her about it when the remains of her phone fell out of her backpack. She sighed to her,"I wish he understood how important this year is." She said to Sango, who listened quietly to her vent,"It's like he doesn't care at all..."


Sayuri was running a big late thus morning. She had enough time to get a granola bar before hurrying off to school. She was still learning where everything was and hoped she wouldn't get lost today. She looked like a mean girl, but it wasn't the case. She had a rough time since her family moved to town and she hoped things got better soon.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/6 00:24:39 )
Inuyasha hadn't slept very well due to an argument with Kagome, over a project he didn't understand. The whole thing didn't make any since! But instead of trying to explain that, they argued and he ended up upsetting her. He stayed the dorms with his roommate and best friend Miroku. He went to bed flustered and Miroku didn't help any..

He woke up not feeling so great either. His head was pounding and he felt warmer than usual. Inuyasha had to stop himself from shattering the alarm clock. Miroku noticed his friend dragging and sent Sango a text, that Inuyasha was sick. Even with trying to et him to rest, he insisted on going anyway and trying to make it up to Kagome for last night. He knew how he felt about school and honestly, he was trying. Just not enough.. So the two got dressed and headed out.


Koga was also on his way to classes when a girl ran into him, causing him to stumble back some. He managed not to drop anything though. He was going to snap on her until he saw how beautiful she was, and she appeared to be a wolf like him. "You alright.?" He questioned calmly.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/6 00:50:24 )
You can die anytime...

Sango read the message from Miroku and looked at Kagome,"Look...maybe You should go a little easier on Inuyasha..." She told her what the text said," Inuyasha isn't feeling well. But he's going to school anyway because he wants to make it up to you..." Kagome heard that and felt hee anger disappear. Guilt replaced the anger, making her feel awful,"Oh dear..." She looked at Sango,"Thank goodness we have study hall first thing...I'll tell him to rest." When they got there they met up with InuYasha and Miroku. Sango hugged her boyfriend gently while Kagome went to Inuyasha,"Hey..."She said quietly


Sayuri had been in such a rush she knocked into someone, falling back on her butt. She looked up and saw it was another wolf demon like her,"Yeah...I'm so sorry. " she said,com new to this school. And I'm still trying to learn my way around here. I hope I didn't hurt you ..." She looked around and grabbed her things which scattered everywhere.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/6 01:03:47 )
Once they met up, Miroku gently wrapped his arms around Sango's waist and kissed her cheek. "Good morning my love." He greeted casually. Inuyasha nodded lightly to the girls and glanced at Kagome briefly before casting his eyes down. Miroku had texted Sango, he could tell by how Kagome was acting. But he wasn't mad.. "Hey.." He greeted quietly, unsure of what to say to her.


Koga chuckled and helped her gather her scattered things, then offered her a hand up. "Don't sweat it, and if you'd like, I can show you around the campus." He said, indicating he was totally fine.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/6 01:19:26 )
You can die anytime...

Kagome gently felt his forehead and gasped, moving her hand away,"Inuyasha... your burning up," She said softly,"I know you came here because I got upset, but I can see it in your eyes that you don't feel well... In study hall I want you to rest okay?" She looked really worried about him. Sango kissed Miroku's cheek,"Morning~" She said, hugging him gently.


Sayuri thanked him for all his help,"I'd love for you to show me around." She said with a smile,"Kagome showed me a little bit when she could. But then she and Inuyasha had to go work on a project they had together in class. So I've been trying to find my way without having to bother anyone."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/6 01:59:40 )
Inuyasha shook his head lightly and glanced at her. "Explain the project to me, different from how the professor explained it.. Maybe then I'll understand and be able to help." He said calmly. "I'll rest if that's what you want, but.. I want you to know I'm sorry." He said to her as they walked. Miroku lightly tugged Sango off to the side so they could go to their class.


Koga nodded lightly and smirked casually. "Alright then." He said, offering his arm to her. The campus was big and he didn't want to lose her while giving her a tour. "It's no problem, really. "

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/6 02:02:49 )
You can die anytime...

Kagome nodded,"It is." She said gently as she walked with him,"And I'll explain it later, when your feeling better... Your health is much more important than any schoolwork." She gently hugged him, a quick one since they were alone at the moment,"I'm sorry too."

Sango looked over at Miroku,"You think Inuyasha will ever tell her how he really feels?" She asked him


Sayuri smiled and thanked him, taking his arm after putting on her backpack."It's nice to meet some other people that don't think I'm a dweeb...this other wolf girl named Ayame keeps threatening to beat me up..." She looked down,"Even though I never did anything to her."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/6 02:43:24 )

He frowned, but agreed none the less. Inuyasha lightly pat her back when she suddenly hugged him and paused to take a quick break before continuing on to class. If he didn't have a skull-splitting migraine, he'd be alright. A fever was nothing really. Once they reached the Study Hall, he sat near Kagome and rested his head on his messenger bag, like a pillow and closed his eyes.

Miroku rubbed the back of his head. "There's no telling.. But I wish he'd do something before someone else makes a move." He said casually, lightly holding her hand as they neared the class room.


Koga rose an eyebrow as he began walking. Ayame was already giving her trouble? Must've been cause she was another wolf.. He shook his head. "Don't let her walk over you or she won't stop. If she does anything, come find me. No matter what she tells you." He said to her a bit seriously. Ayame had a record of messing with new girls, and often tried steering them away from him by telling them lies. He just hoped Sayuri didn't listen. "I'm Koga by the way." He said, calming down some.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/6 03:07:11 )
You can die anytime...

Kagome let him sleep, working on what she could get done with their project. She kept an eye on him, really worried about him. She decided that after class she was going to convince him to go to the nurse... somehow. She knew he couldn't continue like this. And it made her feel even worse than she had before.

Sango nodded,"Yeah.... he really should...and soon..." She kissed his cheek before they entered their classroom and went to their seats.


Sayuri looked worried,"Oh... she's been going around trying to convince me your her boyfriend..." She said, looking a little nervous.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/6 04:36:45 )

Inuyasha continued to sleep through Study Hall.

Miroku took notes throughout the class and everything while thinking about the upcoming dance.


Koga rolled his eyes. " I don't go for girls who pick on new students and bully them." He said calmly, even if the aggravation was apparent. As they passed certain places, he'd point them out and continued showing her where everything was.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/6 04:49:44 )
You can die anytime...

Kagome gently rubbed his back as he slept, using the other hand to write down stuff she was finding for their project. She glanced up and noticed the bell would be ringing soon. She decided that she did enough for the project for that class and put her things away. When the bell rang, she gently nudged Inuyasha,"Inuyasha..." She said softly,"I'm going to take you to the nurse."

Sango saw him writing notes and threw a small paper ball at him playfully, giggling before kissing his cheek and continuing with taking notes. She was thankful their teacher never noticed them. There were worst kids in that class then they were.


Sayuri nodded as they walked, making note of everything he was showing her,"That's what a lot of people were saying. But she kept trying to shut them up or claim they were lying." She shook her head,"Either way, I'm just gonna try to stay away from her."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/8 01:39:38 )

Inuyasha continued to lightly sleep until the bell rang. His fuzzy white ears twitched and he slowly opened his golden eyes. He raised his head as Kagome spoke and glanced at her. The nurse? Why the hell would he go there, he didn't have any medicine she could give him.. He rubbed his head. "Fine.." He said quietly, deciding against giving her a hard time, and pocked up his bag.

Miroku chuckled and opened up the crumpled paper just to see if their was a note hidden inside. Once class was over, he gathered his things and followed the classmates out, waiting for Sango out in the hall.


Koga nodded lightly and glanced at her as the first bell rang. "Sorry you missed your first class.. Did the tour help any?" He said to her casually.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/8 01:52:30 )
You can die anytime...

Kagome grabbed her things and wrapped an arm around him gently, leaving with him to head to the nurse,"If your fever is too high I'm taking you back to your dorm to rest." Kagome said, gently but firmly. She could catch up on her work later . His wellness was more important.

Sango hugged Miroku after leaving the classroom,"Ready for our next class?"


Sayuri smiled and nodded, "Yeah it did. Thanks for this. I'm sorry you kissed your class too."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/8 02:12:46 )

Inuyasha glanced at her as they walked. He'd be having to women telling him to rest.. He sighed quietly and lighltly slipped an arm behind her waist with his free hand. Whatever. It only proved she cared about him. Arriving shortly, Kardae greeted them as Inuyasha sat down. She checked him over and everything and handed him an herb remedy to help with his headache. "You need rest, above all else. You're pushing yourself too hard Inuyasha." The elderly woman scolded. His ears lowered some. "Not enough though.." He murmured softly.

Miroku kissed her cheek and held her hand. "Should we swing by the nurse to check on our friend?" He asked curiously, having a deep concern for his friend and roommate.


Koga rubbed the back of his neck as she spoke. "No biggie.. I might've gotten kicked out of class anyway." He said with a quiet chuckle.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/8 02:19:51 )
You can die anytime...

Kagome looked down,"Its kind of my fault." She said, feeling really bad about stressing him out. She looked over at him,"I'm so sorry... why don't I get signed out and get you to your dorm for some rest?" She asked gently,"I can make you some soup."

Sango nodded.


Sayuri frownrd,"Kicked out?" She looked worried. She felt bad he missed class for her.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/9 01:40:37 )
Kaedae shook her head lightly and glanced at Kagome. "No one is forcing him, except himself." She said. Inuyasha sighed and stood. "C'mon Kagome.." He said calmly before starting to walk out of the room with his things.

Miroku lead her, and blinked when they caught them. "What did she say?" He asked curiously, with concern.


Koga shrugged. "Told my professor he was teaching us garbage." He said quietly. "So he kicked me out, and gave me detention." Koga crossed his arms lightly. He wasn't wrong either. His class was nothing but crap, they didn't even need the subject outside of school!

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/9 01:51:56 )
You can die anytime...

"He's been pushing himself too hard." Kagome said softly,"I'm taking him to the dorm to get him in bed." She looked at Miroku and Sango,"Will you two get our homework for us please?"

Sango nodded,"Yeah, well explain what's going on." She said. She looked at Inuyasha,"Get well soon, okay?" She said softly.


Sayuri listened to him and nodded,"What class was it?" She asked him, wondering if it was one she would have too,"Obviously it wasn't something that good."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/9 03:14:14 )

Miroku nodded as well and pat Inuyasha's shoulder. "Be a good boy now." He teased, earning a much deserved glare from the half demon, as he left with Sango. Inuyasha sat down a minute. The herbal medicine was kicking in and he was beginning to feel a little tipsy, but at least his headache was lessening slowly.


Koga thought a moment. "Calculus, I think.." He answered casually and he glanced at her.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/9 04:37:11 )
You can die anytime...

Kagome waited with him a few minutes. When he was ready to go, she walked with him out of the school and towards the dorms. She gently had an arm around his shoulders to make sure he would be alright.


Sayuri nodded,"I hate Calculus." she said,"I hate math in general."

but living takes true courage.

Pixel Art by the talented Neko~ Thank you so much, Neko! <3
Both a just adorable~ :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart:

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