This is an rp based on the anime Inuyasha with the main characters all being from Kagome's time. We know only Kagome has an actual last name and these are the for the sake of the rp.

Inuyasha Yokai
18 years old
Kagome Higurashi
17, turning 18
Sango Yamamoto
17, almost 18
Miroku Ueda
18 years old
All four have been close friends since they met in grade school. All four are seniors in high school just ready to start a new school year.

Koga Wolf
18 years old
He has a rivalry with Inuyasha but is friendly with the others. Has a crush on Kagome. Senior in high school.

Sayuri Watanabe
17 years old
She is new to the school, graduating there hopefully with new friends.

Kazumi Aiko
17 but doesn't look like it
***** I do not take credit for any of this art. I found all of it on Google*****

Inuyasha Yokai
18 years old
Kagome Higurashi
17, turning 18
Sango Yamamoto
17, almost 18
Miroku Ueda
18 years old
All four have been close friends since they met in grade school. All four are seniors in high school just ready to start a new school year.

Koga Wolf
18 years old
He has a rivalry with Inuyasha but is friendly with the others. Has a crush on Kagome. Senior in high school.

Sayuri Watanabe
17 years old
She is new to the school, graduating there hopefully with new friends.
Kazumi Aiko
17 but doesn't look like it
***** I do not take credit for any of this art. I found all of it on Google*****
but living takes true courage.