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Forums General Chit-Chat I don't understand..

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/8 01:28:38 )
How my upstairs neighbors can be so loud. Like, when they walk I'm wondering how they're not falling through the floor into my apartment because they're stomping so hard. They were just stomping right now that was actually causing some vibrations.
Not to mention that they love to come home 11 pm - 2 am and start stomping and banging everything around. Right when I'm trying to sleep or already asleep. They've woken me up twice now, once at 2 am and once at 4 am, because they're screaming during an argument.
I'm starting to want to be passive aggressive. Like, start banging on their door and then running away - at 2 am. Or writing a note on the door, asking them to have their arguments not in the middle of the night - or quieter.
I should possibly just call my apartment complex, but I doubt they'll do anything.
So ranting on this makes me feel better, so I don't do anything rash.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/8 01:38:47 )
Ah man, loud neighbors are the worst. The people below me are actually pretty stompy too, though they generally are pretty good about not being loud after 9-ish at night.
I think I'm the annoying loud neighbor in the middle of the night because I am super clumsy and always drop stuff.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/8 01:42:08 )
@Kaderin Triste: I'm not sure if dropping stuff would go through the floors/ceilings here. But even so, at least you aren't screaming at 2 am. I mean, I can clearly hear their conversation.
I'm sure I"m not the most quiet either, but OMG. The other apartment I was in (which was in the same building that I'm in now) I NEVER heard anyone.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/8 01:50:14 )
@Bubble Tea: Apartments can have weird acoustics really. I noticed that when my downstairs neighbors are having a mild argument, I can actually hear it best if I'm in the bathroom.
I feel like, since yours are so disruptive at late hours, I would at least mention it to the landlords. They might not be able to actually do anything, but they might at least mention to them that there have been noise complaints?
I don't hear most people where I live. But the chick next door can be very the most awkward way... It's not often though, so when she's getting busy, I generally just play some music loud and then go watch a movie in the other room. Or just sleep on the couch that night. And then just the stompy neighbors below who argue somewhat, but not usually loudly.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/8 01:57:13 )
@Kaderin Triste: Yeah. The big difference is that I was on the 3rd floor and now I'm in the 2nd floor. And honestly, I say it's the upstairs, but I'm not 100% sure. It does seem like them though.
I haven't had that problem, thankfully. But I do understand having to sleep on the couch, I did that last night because of the yelling.
I should probably call the complex, we have a courtesy officer. I just don't want to be that person.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/8 02:01:49 )
@Bubble Tea: Yeah, it can be tough to be that person. Unfortunately, sometimes it can't be helped. Let's face it, there's a courtesy officer for a reason...
Actually, I wish more places had something like that really.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/8 02:05:25 )
@Kaderin Triste: I'll do it when this happens for a 3rd time of waking me up in the middle of the night. Although, I could have done it last night. It was like the second time it's happened in a month.
This is my first time living in an apartment complex. Is that uncommon?

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/8 02:11:38 )
@Bubble Tea: Honestly, I don't really know. I have only ever lived in 2 apartment buildings. At my first place, I had a couple across the hall that would get so loud and slamming into walls with their fights (in retrospect, I seriously think there was some domestic abuse going on), that they would manage to shake stuff off my walls. And in that same place, I also lived above an elderly man who would stomp around at like 3 or 4am and would be like ranting and cussing loudly.
The place I'm in now, I've had a lot of good neighbors, but the woman who was in the apartment next to me originally (I've been here for around 6 years), would cuss and yell and throw a fit because she was so sure that people were using up all the hot water on purpose. Now I just have loud sex chick. But most everyone is fairly quiet.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/8 02:14:27 )
In my apartment building, the apartment just above mine can be pretty loud sometimes. They like to throw wild parties, but my other neighbors complained and they have to shut them down by midnight.

What's more concerning is that they vacuum at least once a day, typically twice. It's a little annoying, but mostly confusing. What are they doing that requires so much vacuuming?
Pronounced Meechee
Primarily a lurker

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/8 02:21:32 )
@Kaderin Triste: Oh my. I'm sure the new apartment is great compared to that first one.
I guess everyone really has apartment problems. Maybe I just don't have as much tolerance as I thought. Lol

@Michi: Yeah, I'm sure my neighbors don't like when my friends are over. We stay up late and are pretty loud.
Honestly, I started laughing when reading that. But I'm not sure why they would need to vacuum so often. Maybe they're paranoid about dust?

Donator — Turtley Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/8 14:54:09 )
I feel you on this. my upstairs neighbor is a loud single father and a bit of an alcoholic. It's either him or his kids always up, banging around, yelling, playing video games and arguing with people over the voice chat, or just sounding like there are elephants wrestling. Considering his sons are under 8 years old, I can bet most of the loud music and swearing aren't them.

I've complained about it, but all it does is make him yell at his kiddos more, and I hate getting them in trouble. So we deal with it as best we can.

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/8 14:58:23 )

I used to have a next door neighbour like that. He had a motorbike in his livingroom, drank a lot and thought, in the middle of the night while being drunk, that he could sing and play guitar.
He couldn't.
We called the cops a few times and, at some point, they took his music installations (stereo and guitar) whenever he was too loud again.


Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/9 03:36:50 )
@Turtle Sensei: Oh shit. That sounds like a tough situation to be in. I can't believe he's getting onto his kids when he's the one who's making most of the noise. I'm glad I'm not having to deal with that kind of problem.

@Tuijp: .. Just.. Why would someone have a motorbike in their living room? I don't understand. It brings me joy that they took away his sound system, good call.
I think the neighbors that keep screaming to each other in the middle of the night should just break up at this point.

Donator — Turtley Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/9 03:49:01 )
@Sockies: yeah we've debated calling child service on him.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/9 03:52:58 )
@Turtle Sensei: I don't blame you. I would say that you should, but that's still a hard decision to make. You know?

Donator — Turtley Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/9 04:00:51 )
@Sockies: yeah, we just worry that the kids will end up in a worse place.

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/9 10:03:54 )

@Sockies: I have no idea why or even how he did it. The motor would never fit through the doors normally and the windows weren't wide enough either.


Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/9 22:53:46 )
@Turtle Sensei: Yeah, I understand that. There's many times when the situation they're put in isn't any better.

@Tuijp: You think he took it apart and assembled it in his apartment?!

Donator — Turtley Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/9 22:59:32 )
@Sockies: I live in Iowa right now, adn there have been recent news stories of people starving their foster kids. so I just worry.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/9 23:00:32 )
@Turtle Sensei: OMG. Seriously?! That's terrible! Why?! What is wrong with people?!

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