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Forums Mini Shops PrinCSS Profiles [UC]

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/9 06:21:40 )

@Aly: Hey there~ I just have a simple question~

Would you be willing to do a profile for someone if they just gave you a few key things? Like...
'use X kind of background, and y kind of colours. The rest, have fun with. Oh, X is my budget' ??


Donator — PrinCSS Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/9 11:53:03 )

    @Lady Luna: Of course!

    I can go by budget or if there's no rush (and I mean it might take a while depending) - I can just use creative freedom to fit the brief :)
    So you could say "Oh, I have 25 ohms as my budget!" And I might change the pictures, colors and text.
    Or you could be like
    "I'd really like this box to be here, that box to be there, the navigation to do this" - and I'd quote you before I start, and when I get into it revise the quote based on what I develop.

    I hope that answers your question! Sorry I haven't really touched this thread for a while ^^;


Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/9 14:10:02 )

@Aly: Totally answers it =)
I'll... proibably be back XD

And no worries. I get that threads aren't p[osted in for awhile awhile sometimes =)


Donator — PrinCSS Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/9 22:41:56 )

    @Lady Luna: Awah well I appreciate you stopping by! It has made my day :vanora_heart:

    Aha yeah I started it then wasn't sure of pricing and time - Voltra has so much to customise! It gets a bit much sometimes haha


Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/10 03:16:10 )

@Aly: I don't even know what the options ARE. LOL.
But hey, know what? Actually... would you be willing to do aocmbination?

I have 18k volts.
Would you accept 500 ohms on top of that?

And then have free reign for a design? =)

[Well, free reign aside from the following:
I'd love a link section that I can customize IF possible. I don't know if that is doable or not.
Colour scheme? Blues and Purples, ideally. Use some blacks for darker bits if need be, and pinks for uber bright areas.
And I love stars. So.. if you need a shape idea that is good, stars are cool. Lol]

Beyond those, you'd have complete free reign.

Would you be at all interested in something like that? =)
If not, lemme know~<3


Donator — PrinCSS Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/10 09:54:17 )

    @Lady Luna: Excuse the long & messy following oops:

    So many elements in the profile like the headings, columns, sidebars, then like friendlist/bio and even comments have whole sections on their own xD
    -totally goes off talking about things you might get annoyed at oops-

    I am super flexible! And that sounds perfect ~

    Tbh I wouldn't mind at all if you gave me a checklist of 100 things you wanted changed! c:
    Tbh some days I'd prefer that OTL

    A link section you could customize like with your forums/external locations/blogs and things?
    or the Voltra navigation with some kind of easily-editable aspect? O:
    Both of them I can do, for sure!

    Blue and purple are my favorite colors hngg <3
    Would you go with a dark or light color scheme (like black or white background?)

    Since you're saying stars and darker accents, perhaps a darker style theme!

    Did you want it as a scroll-able page or sort of floating inside of a box?

    And for the price, I will be doing it responsive for you too, for either option (scrollable or floating box)

    I am interested, but just worried about time! With free-reign design profiles I get carried away or end up waiting for inspiration to hit-
    The more active you are/the more you check in with me and give input the faster it will go though ^^

    Sorry for the delay, also!!
    I ended up going out most of the day ><

    But yeah!! Even if you'd rather draw up an idea if you had anything in mind (in paint, SAI, gimp, photoshop, w/e!)
    I'd be happy to make your dreams come true \o/



Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/11 05:13:45 )

@Aly: Awesome~<3
Honestly, I have nothing in mind for it. I just want an awesome lookin' profiles.
I've seen your work. You do beautiful profiles.So you can have free reign!

For ease, I can do up a small list for you of various things to add/remove/keep in mind.
(I know I mentioned a few things, but I mean do up a neater list with what is more 'necessary' and more 'flexible' or whatever, if that makes sense). Like, if that helps, I'd be more than willing to do that~<3

And darker themes are awesome. Just sayin'. XD

So basically, it'd be a case of 'here's my limit. Here are requests. Have fun'.

Also, I'm almost ALWAYS online! Ping me and I'll come runnin'! Or message me. LOL.
(Today was an exception. I just got on. Spent the day with my sis~<3)

My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/11 10:52:47 )
Pixel by cnts
@Aly: Alyyy ;A; it me, Miyo, I just joined (was lurking then I saw this thread)

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