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Forums General Chit-Chat Let's talk Dreams!

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 09:20:30 )
I didn't see anything like this so I thought I might as well make it. I think dreams are really interesting, since the weirdest things can happen. And its fun to look up what they might mean. So I thought, we could discuss dreams we've had, what dreams can mean. Or use this sort of like a dream journal.

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 09:23:31 )
I can start by saying I have this one dream I keep having for years. It's not that often but I always remember it cause it's almost always completely the same. I'm at my grandmothers farm far from the house and there are snakes EVERYWHERE. They're slithering all over each other and I know I have to get to the house. So basically the whole dream is me trying to get to the house, but I never get there. I step on a snake and either I wake up then or I wake up when it attacks.
I've looked it up and I think it means I need to watch my back cause someone might backstab me...or was this something my other grandmother told me...I can't remember. Eitherway. It's weird that I've had this dream happen so many times during so many years

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 09:33:26 )
I have quite a few reoccurring dreams that absolutely terrify me. Though I can say I haven't had them in the last year.

I have the tendency to have really vivid and what seems like epically long dreams. To the point when I wake up I have a really hard time getting oriented to what is real or dream. And I've even had a few dreams that I've been able to control, stop them, rewind and replay them, change them... it doesn't happen very often but it is quite amazing when it does.

It's like directing my own movie. :vanora_heart:

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 14:00:13 )
@Niamh: Oo, that sounds like you were lucid dreaming. I've done it a few times too but I've never been able to force myself into a lucid dream.


Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 16:49:02 )
@Kitten: I haven't been able to either. The times I've tried I haven't even dreamed at all, that I can remember. But it is surely fascinating when I do lucid dream. :vanora_shock:

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 17:10:59 )
@Elithiya: That is terrible! I hope you are able to get a mask for your CPAP soon. And that with it you might have better dreams. Sleep and/or dreams should be restorative!

Donator — buzzbuzz Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 17:21:11 )
i actually keep a dream jorunal by my night stand and record them c: because they can be pretty intense haha
ive had a dream where the world went into a total like end of the world type of thing and you could see lava shooting up into the sky like SUPER tall, and the ground went all wavy and it was so cool yet so scary LOL


Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 18:03:51 )
@cnts: I would love to keep a dream journal! I even keep a book and pen on my nightstand. It's just never worked out to where I get the time in the morning to write it all down. And by the time I get the free moment to write, I've forgotten most of the dream.

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 18:11:58 )
Ahh I wish I could lucid dream more often, but usually my mind just controls everything and I just sit through.
I tried to keep a dream journal, but Im usually too groggy to write and in just 3 min while waking up I forget most of my dreams. I'm just left with how they made me feel afterwards

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 18:18:45 )
@Kjemi: That's what I'm mostly left with too, how they made me feel. There are times if I really try hard, I can remember the dream for a day, then really big details for a week. But the only dreams I can remember in the long run are the reoccurring dreams and that's probably because I've had them for so long.
Please @ me.
My mind wanders so that ensures I come back.

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 00:32:12 )
tldr Boris, sorry :P
just here to say that after I started taking meds for depression (years ago!) I started to remember more of my dreams... they seem so vivid! And normal. Like people say they fly or whatever, I just dream I'm at a school, or a family party.

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 02:18:08 )
I gotta say Boris, you described your dream so well I almost felt like i was there... damn that seems like one epic dream.

I can understand why normal day life might be disappointing to dream about. Although terrifying, it's a bit more fun to be chased by a shark as big as a blimp or something like that.

Donator — pancake Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 09:27:06 )
I had a dream that I was waking home and this BIG cat came running at me. Like a bobcat, but the size of a lion. I was so afraid, so I laid down and the thing just came up and started licking me and I was like woah, no. So I got up and kept walking and he followed me. I started worrying that it was going to change his mind and try to get me, so I started to run and the fucker chased at me and I woke up. D;

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 10:33:39 )
I kind of only remember snippets of dreams unless the dream was really bizarre or really upset me. And even most of those I forget eventually. Or at least forget part of.
One from my childhood that I still remember is this one:

In my dream I had been sleeping in the hideaway bed in my grandma's living room and I woke up and all the lighting in the house was dim, like it was just the street lights through the windows only it was all red. And I heard a faint noise coming from down the hall, possibly from the kitchen and I somehow just knew that there was a murderer in the house and that my family was all dead and they were coming for me. So I quietly got up and was going to hide upstairs because if I could get to the closet in one of the upstairs rooms I'd somehow be safe. But when I got to the doorway, I realized (again, I just knew somehow) that the hall carpet was covered in acid and the only way to get upstairs would be to jump from the doorway onto the bottom stair (which was actually something that was manageable but very difficult), so I jumped and just barely make it. Through all of that, I heard and saw nothing, but as soon as I get to the top of the stairs, I hear footprints getting close to the bottom of the stairs. I can hear someone climbing the stairs as I scramble down the hallway, trying the doorknobs, but they won't open. The footsteps are almost at the top of the stairs....
And then I woke up.

And then more recently. I had a dream where my sister in law was having a dinner party at the museum I work at and for some reason they have it in the attic and one of the dinner guests is just some snooty/bitchy female who is completely rude to me. So she orders a steak "JUST THE STEAK" no sides and I go down to the basement where they've set up a makeshift cooking station (they are literally using an electric griddle to cook on) and I place the order and then watch in horror as a tiny little kitten walks onto the griddle and just lays down and cooks itself. It kind of transforms into an actual steak, but I still have the knowledge of what happened. But I grit my teeth and take it up and serve it. And the woman takes one bite, spits it into a napkin, and declares it too well done.
And I run out of the room crying.
And then I woke up. XP

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/6 00:49:00 )
I very rarely have dreams, but when I do, they're really vivid, and I remember them pretty well. Such as one that I still remember from many, many years back, where I had wings and could fly.

I actually had one recently, though. It started at the house I grew up in, in the 'down back' area (which is about two acres of land). I now recognize that many of the details were entirely wrong (like the suuuuuper thick forest surrounding everything, rather than just regular-sparse), but at the time, I knew that's where it was. For some reason, all of my family that lived there (i.e. my mom, brother and grandparents) were having a bonfire in the backyard. At night, where it was pitch black.
After a short time, there was some rustling at the edge of a forest, and there was a cougar prowling around. (Which is a thing that could happen. We had cougar warnings every so often around where I grew up.) So, we decided to head up to our house, and managed to make it back safely. For some reason, upon getting in, I was all alone and apparently thought it was a good idea to not turn any lights on, and then decided to head over to my grandparents side of the house. Going through the hallway there, I turned the corner, and was pounced on by the cougar. It had its jaws clamped on my skull, and I could feel myself (thankfully, fairly painlessly, yay dream logic) bleeding out. And then I fell unconscious in the dream and woke up.

That was an, uh, interesting way to start the day, let me just say... XD

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/6 00:56:41 )
@Kaderin Triste: The first dream would make a great horror movie. I was on the edge of my seat...granted the ending would need a bit of a change... The second one though..very weird...and kinda sad. Poor cat.

@DataNinja: That sounds like a horrible nightmare! I'd be really freaked out if I dreamt I was bleeding out, yikes ;A;

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/6 01:05:21 )
@Kjemi: The funny thing was, it wasn't scary at all. It was just one of those dream things where it's like 'oh, this is happening'. Like, as it was ending, I was thinking "Well, this sucks. I guess I'm not going to get saved. Oh well, at least it's rather painless." It was more of a... realistic surreal thing, I guess. I dunno. Dreams are weird.

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/6 01:08:01 )
@DataNinja: Oh my.....dreams really are weird. I once got this great book idea from one. It was a grandmother that used her dogs to kill people and then cooked them for her family

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Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/6 01:13:17 )
@kjemi: Well then... That's certainly an interesting idea. Good thing neither of my grandmothers have dogs...

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Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/6 06:23:01 )
Omg, where do I even start with dreams?

I have always had really vivid dreams, and I can somewhat lucid dream. I am often my persona/oc when I dream, who controls shadows, and over the years I have learnt how to control those powers in my dreams. From barely able to do anything with them in a fight, to now being able to fully constrict an enemy in shadows and overpower them.

I also have tons of apocalyptic dreams, as well as dreams where I remember what I've done previously in the same dream even if it's been years since I last dreamt it. I often find myself going, 'I went right last time I was here, let's go left and see what changes' etc. I also recognise people in dreams, and am aware when I am in dreams, such as being able to say to dream people, I will see you in my next dream, or at least I hope so, or say, Oh, I can't do this now because I'm about to wake up.

I've tried writing dream journals in the past but it never lasts, so I now literally just store everything in my head or as bullet points in my phone note apps and stuff. I do want to start writing out scenerios from dreams more though, as I used to love writing and it's something I am considering trying to get back in to.

Oh, and I remember at least one dream nearly every night/time I go to sleep. Probably above 80%of the time I can recall something once I wake up x.X it actually wears me out sometimes when I dream a lot, because I just don't feel like I'm really resting when I'm asleep.

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