Donator — Cat Mama
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/11 21:06:05 )
November 2017 - February 2018
@tuijp: Not me. I probably watched my first scary/horror movie at the age 12. Liked them for a few years, and now I hate them again. Mainly because there was one that scarred me for life and turned me off of them completely.
Donator — Cat Mama
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/12 15:42:01 )
November 2017 - February 2018
@tuijp: Well everyone reacts differently to them. In my case, I'm extremely squeamish and I get freaked out easily.
@eruca: Thank you. I will add you to the list of hobbits now. :)
Donator — Cat Mama
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/12 15:47:46 )
November 2017 - February 2018
@tuijp: That's interesting, but then again it's not for everyone. For me, I just can't handle the gore mainly. Like even Supernatural pushes my limits sometimes if I'm being honest.
Donator — Voltie
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/12 17:51:23 )
@Tuijp Won't make me taller, but I appreciate the gesture.
@Lithinel: Now it's for real. Ha!
I'm squeamish too. Good thing Doctor Who's almost never gory. Even when it is (like when 10'hand got chopped off) it's not bloody. In LotR, mostly the orcs die pretty gory deaths, but they're orcs so we tend not to sympathize.
I read an essay about how the whole orc thing is basically the thought processes that go into real world racism and I was shook. SHOOK.
Donator — Cat Mama
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/12 18:01:54 )
November 2017 - February 2018
@tuijp: Thank you for the tip. I will definitely take your advice.
@eruca: Exactly. I think that's part of the reason I've clung to Doctor Who so much. Like, there are a lot of deaths but they tend to be on the quick, clean side. And they're more emotional than anything. Even the orc deaths in LotR aren't too bad. At least compared to other things. Like there are a lot worse shows/movies out there.
I haven't read the essay but I think I have heard that somewhere before as well.
Donator — Voltie
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/12 18:33:23 )
@Lithinel: I completely agree. That's the aspect of death that I care about, and not how far up the blood sprayed. Speaking of, in your opinion, what's the saddest companion departure?
Now that I look for that essay, I can't find it. Most of them just rail on about how Tolkien was racist and fascist and blah blah blah. /rolls eyes Like he was writing a factual record of modern history.
@Tuijp: Oh it's like you know me so well! That's what makes me a Hobbit. I'm hungry All. The. Time. It's Physically difficult to eat as often as a hobbit though. :vanora_xd:
You don't sound like you're of the hobbit kind, my friend. Are you more of an elf? Somewhere in between (or is that just a DnD thing)?
— Princess
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/12 21:25:22 )
@Eruca: Another fellow hobbit! Yay! *hands Eruca some of the finest beer in all of Buckland*
Also, a fellow Doctor Who fan! My kinda person! River episodes always pull at my heartstrings. Their love story is so tragic! Probably my favorite companion is Donna though, I love her relationship with the doctor, she always was the most honest with him.
Donator — Voltie
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/12 21:39:01 )
@Saeyra: 'ppreciated, friend! When you say that, I really feel like I hopped on the right fandom trains. :vanora_xd:
River is a great character! But I kinda never really understood who River was to the Doctor. Like, maybe it was the way the TV series was written (didn't dive into the other stuff yet), but she felt like any other companion to me... Well other than her superpowers... But that doesn't make her emotionally special, which was the heart breaking part for me. Maybe that was the point?
Donna is my fav companion hands down! Her departure feels like one of those "missed connections" ads except the other person died reading the ad. ;A;
On a happier note, Martha's departure was really positive to me though. I always think it takes more guts to cut your losses than to wait until you have nothing left. Her leaving was kind of a girlpower move to me. In general I found Davies era companions more memorable than Moffatt era because of girlpower moves like that.
— Princess
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/13 06:29:18 )
@Eruca: River is his wife but as he moves forward in his timeline she is moving backwards through it. So his first kiss with her is her last kiss with him. The day he first meets her in the library is the last time she will ever see him and she dies. I don't understand it fully myself but it seems to be something like a Benjamin Button situation, with a little timey wimey wibbly wobbly bullshit in the middle. Its not as linear as Benjamin Button because time travellers go to any place in time. I hope I explained it good.
I really like how Donna never thought she was special and she kinda saved everyone in the end by just being herself. Martha...I feel like she outgrew the doctor. Like she didn't need him anymore after awhile. I kinda just started getting used to Peter Capaldi before he changed I am quite sad about it. I like his latest companion too, she is so optimistic and wide-eyed, it kinda reminds me of myself when I first started watching the show.