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Forums General Chit-Chat Animal sitting for 3 days-2 Apartments lol

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/12 20:51:32 )

So as the title suggests, I have 2 of my friends' apartments to myself for like 3 days. They are gone away on a trip and I'm looking after their animals while they are gone (Apt 1 = hamster and crested gecko (my nephew)) {Apt 2= Budgie babu, aka the one that is more work and has a list of rules n shit haha)

So I will be sleeping in Apt 1 cause I know her more closely than Apt 2 and feel more comfortable there. But I have free reign of both apartments, food, entertainment etc you name it. Both beds are clean etc in case I'm 'too lazy to walk to the other apartment/down the stairs'.

So while I am gone from my apartment to do this (also got paid $50 and the other gave me junk food and stuff lol) hoping roommate of mine waters my geck. He was fed before I left so he's fine in that aspect til I'm home but his water evaporates so should be kept up. The cat is fine cause he's batshit crazy as is, though I'm not there to stop him from jumping on the geck cage and roomie is at work.

This is my life until sometime on Wednesday woo!
Also abusing apt 2's chromecast right now, though it's being finnicky with my laptop but works with my phone so youtube 24/7 cause the Birb has to have constant noise so he does not feel he is home alone. (at least til bedtime)

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/12 21:03:55 )
@KeirenKiren: Sounds like a good deal.
I would petsit your batshit crazy cat for free.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/12 21:10:54 )
@Totalanimefan: lol yeah it's $50 cause there's a little bit of work involved with the birb. He's got a schedule to keep up haha
I have to be out of bed and up in apt 2 at 10am, take the blanket off his cage, change his paper tray and food. Start up sound to have on til 10pm. Eat breakfast by the cage cause he;s spoiled lol, dim the lights at 9pm and lower the volume on whatever I'm playing for him. (I can also read to him for an hour but it's not mandatory) then blanket the cage at 10pm.
The other 2 I just have to check on Zuko (gecko) water and feed him tomorrow night, hamster just gotta fill food bowl once a day and water is good.
lol he even had his surgery to get fixed as well and he's still a bit on the crazy side. I'm afraid he's going to break my gecko's cage and kill him so that is why he's not allowed on top of it. But he;s wanting to cause he's like "this is my perch" but he's too heavy, it creaks and groans under the strain of his 9lbs.

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/12 21:23:10 )
@KeirenKiren: Ah. They're bound to be crazy for a while after the surgery. Hope he settles into it well.

Have you tried giving him a better higher perch? Put a fake cat there. He's bound to be like "anything you can do, I can do higher!"

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/12 21:30:03 )
@Eruca: We bought a pheramone thing he does not like the smell of but we have to constantly spray the rag on top of the cage with it. He actually has a fake cat webkins so he'd go after another one (he attacks it haha it's funny) Video lol
@Totalanimefan: I'm a bit wary of birds cause my 'father' (deadbeat) had a cockatiel and used to let it fly all around his apartment etc and I didn't get good exposure that way plus went to a giant walk-in bird cage for grade 9 with my school travel group as well...but he's alright cause he aint leaving his cage while I'm here haha. I don't like when they fly around you and your head. But he's fine inside of it. I pet him and stuff and give him a little treat.
Geckos well I own one but the one that's my nephew is a different breed than mine but I've looked after him before as well. Hamster will be interesting cause i've not tried to open his cage yet/hope I close it up or he'll get out haha. The bird cage is easy to close.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/12 21:36:46 )
@Totalanimefan: 3 while I'm here haha so yeah a little bit worth the money. If I had of refused one of them would not have been able to go away cause nobody else was here/available to watch birb. Who is currently chittering at a mirror in his cage and clicking his beak on it ahha. She's getting him a companion soon enough as well cause they're so very social.

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/12 21:48:26 )
@KeirenKiren: OMG that is effing adorable! Thank you for sharing.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/12 22:28:35 )
@Eruca: That's also the toy cat in question aha
@Totalanimefan: I'd have to drug myself with allergy pills aha I'm also allergic to my own. Though he is more of my roommates cat than mine cause I never paid for anything besides like xmas toys haha (also if i move out or he does i'm not taking the cat)

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/12 22:35:09 )
@KeirenKiren: I used to live with roommates with cats too. Having cats that aren't yours is the best.
@Totalanimefan: I wish I lived near you so I can watch your cat.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/12 22:39:10 )
@Eruca: lol we got the little Sh*t on my birthday too, but he's crazier than most cats for sure so I hope he calms down too. We have to legit drug him with calming treats/stuff in his water to get him not to freak out. Roomie says he runs as if he is in pain. I'm more of a dog person so am used to whines etc if animals are hurt or whatever. Plus he keeps changing the cat's food lol and had to get him a suppliment for the last one he was on cause it was causing him stomach issues lol. His poo is always toxic smelling as matter what. We also think he was taken from mama too soon. he can;t cat.

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/13 01:16:09 )
@KeirenKiren: Aw, the poor thing sounds darling! Except for the mystery health issues he might be struggling with. How old is he anyway?

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/13 02:35:30 )
@Eruca: He was born some time in august. He's also got cat herpes |D
between 7-8 months old

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/13 02:55:09 )
@KeirenKiren: Oh ceiling cat... How'd that happen?
Ping me

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/13 15:10:50 )
@Eruca: I don't get why ceiling cat haha
But yeah he's got herpes in his nose lol poor defective thing

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/13 20:26:04 )
That sounds awesome! Hope it's not too hectic with 2 different apartments and sets of pets.
I've house-sat for a sibling before and it was GREAT. I had to take care of mice but that was really low maintenance.
Waiting for more pretty long hairs~ ' u '

Questing :: Alice

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 00:36:41 )
@ME: it was til tuesday night when the power went out. I'm normally also nervous not having anyone around as well but I wasn't spooped or nothing so that was good. lol It just got cold was the issue. They got home around 630 wednesday and i got home too to a sooky cat

Apparently ours went out around 3pm wednesday but came back sometime before I got home (my guess was the power company was trying to fix the power outages and knocked ours out cause we had a nor easter tuesday into wednesday but it was clear when it went out)
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