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Voltie — He/Him Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/3 08:03:50 )
Aww, Sweet of you to say. I'll be alright waiting on it. I need to focus on recording more anyway at the current moment. Also, Aello will be on the main tv more as she's playing kingom of amalur
My awesome Art

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/3 11:17:21 )
@Vii: ah I need to call my GameStop to see about an early release! I know some people are already getting theirs in the mail and stuff, I'm so jealous! Though they can't play atm I think cause the servers aren't even up yet
My mom used to buy me lots of dbz action figures and naruto figures lol they were pretty much all torn up and broken , I never took care of anything xD I remember throwing my goku figure into a tree for whatever reason and I never saw it again :vanora_sweat:

Donator — King Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 03:26:57 )
I thought d2 came out on the sixth
Dressed as goblins!
Do it all again!
See the friends all again!

Donator — A.I. Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 22:39:55 )
@Dread Pirate: Yeah, I meant to fix it yesterday but never went online, and also went.. two days without updating the count oTL For some reason I thought it was the 9th -__-

@Burial: Nooo, not Goku! Though I can imagine exactly what went through your head when you threw him. xD "GO SUPER SAIYAN!"

Gosh, I haven't even watched DBZ since I was a kid. That really makes me want to watch it again. o:

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 09:01:58 )
@Vii: omg probably who knows xD dbz was probably the very first anime I ever watched and still watch today, I love db super :vanora_heart: I think I'm behind a few episodes so I get to binge watch it on my next day off!

Omg D2 comes out so soon!! Literally just 1 more sleep away. I'm so excited but I still need to call my GameStop ! I keep getting off of work too late so by that time the stores closed :vanora_cry:

Donator — A.I. Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 09:18:27 )
@Burial: I know, right! I'm so excited! I can't wait to go pick it up tomorrow! Though, I realised I probably won't get to play much as I'm sure there will already be a bunch of crap to download. It'll at least take twenty minutes installing probably..aaand who knows what I'll have to delete to make room this time. c': I really need an external hard drive.

I hope the servers hold up, too, but one or two hiccups are almost always inevitable when launching something on this scale. Something I didn't even think about, or realise, either, is that Xur apparently made his last visit to the tower? So I wonder if he'll ever appear again?

For some reason I'm scared that Destiny will "turn off" once D2 comes online, too. xD

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 10:34:29 )
@Vii: thank goodness I already deleted like 3 games off my PS4 so I should have plenty of room :D
Oh yeah I'm definitely expecting some sever issues, I hope it's not too bad though! I'm just hoping I get to play launch night even if it's just for a little while.
Ah I'm so sad now! I wanted to make sure I got to see xur on his last visit and I missed it! I might actually boot up destiny and play for awhile tonight just to get my last few moments of destiny in before D2 <3

Donator — A.I. Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 10:36:19 )
@Burial: I know, right? I mean, I'm kind of hoping he's still around, because didn't he visit other areas in the Solar System as well? I honestly can't remember. I might hop on Destiny, too, but the other night when I jumped on it was super deserted.There was nobody in the tower, and I think I saw 2 people in world.

I'mma cry for real if they end up shutting Destiny down any time soon. q-q

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 10:45:57 )
@Vii: aw I was kinda hoping there'd be lots of users on, you know having tower parties and stuff to celebrate D2 lol I guess I'll just have to check
I think xur is supposed to pop up in D2? Or atleast I know lots of people will be looking for him come Friday xD
I read somewhere that bungie wasn't going to take destiny offline anytime soon I think, theyre just not going to be putting anymore updates to it at all, I guess it'll just be there for people to reminisce and for people who can't get D2 right away

Donator — A.I. Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 10:51:43 )
@Burial: I was figuring he'd show in the second one as well. And maybe some people will be online tonight and tomorrow getting geared up for the first round of release.

I didn't get into the Trials of Osiris but I thought it was kinda lame that Bungie just kind of canceled that and essentially "killed the game" (as I've heard others say), especially when they made it sound like Destiny was going to be way bigger than it actually was. Granted, Destiny is like the first of its kind, but I can't help but think back to games like Skyrim and think they could have made it more broad. Idk. I wasn't disappointed by Destiny but it wasn't quite what I expected, either.

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 10:58:07 )
@Vii: wait so trials won't be a thing anymore for Destiny? I mean I think I remember reading somewhere that there were going to be no more events for D1 so i guess that meant trials and iron banner? Meh oh well I hardly think I'll pop D1 back in anytime soon after D2 comes out besides I never liked pvp anyways xD I'm not horrible at it but I'm not great either and I always end up getting flustered when I start die too much :vanora_cry:

Donator — A.I. Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 11:14:11 )
@Burial: Indeed, no more Trials. I was sort of hoping the Sparrow Races would make a comeback, but maybe they'll pop up in D2. I'm not usually one for races and am pretty bad at those as well, but managed to snag first place in two races and got a couple cool items. But I suck so bad at PvP too. Hopelessly. xD But I've come to accept that some people are meant for it and some just aren't, but if you're with the right group of people, it can still be fun despite dying countless times. I'd never even stepped into the Crucible more than, say, once, but then I was dragged in by a group of five others after playing some strikes, and ended up having a bit of fun as well as netting some good experience. Sadly, I suck pretty bad so they don't necessarily seek me out to play, as the Crucible is their main haunt. xD I've just always been drawn by the storylines, so that's where I've always lived.

It's kind of funny, though, I've met and befriended more people over Destiny during the past month than I had for all the time prior.
There was a time a few weeks ago where I and another player started running around / dancing with another player, and then eventually there were five of us dancing in a box / centre pattern. xD Good times! And it's times like that which solidify my love for the game so.

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 12:34:10 )
@Vii: omg I loved sparrow racing! Because I disliked crucible, racing was the only way to get crucible exp and it was also super easy to get higher lvl gear, I really hope it comes back in D2
I'm sure if I had a group to do crucible I would've liked it but I was just such a lone player. Even though 90% of my friends on psn are from destiny I hardly played with them more than a few times.
Dance parties are always fun xD I remember going to the jukebox area in the tower and there were like 8 people just dancing and jumping around, it was awesome. Dancing is like the #1 way to earn friends in destiny :vanora_xd:

Donator — A.I. Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 20:33:11 )
@Burial: Aww yiss, grabbed some of that shining neon loot! Though I thought the racing armour was kind of a useless idea. I kept getting excited thinking I'd earned new armour only to find out it has no defense value lol.

I'm a pretty lone player too, sometimes I'll ask someone to hop in their game but otherwise I'm always just too nervous / scared c': and I get dropped a lot as I have to use my Mobile Hotspot for WiFi, so half the time I feel like people just get more aggravated with my than anything else. oTL

And so true. xD If you hang out there long enough you're bound to have someone send you a friend request.

Whooooo the day is here! Get to go pick up Destiny! 8D

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/6 00:40:19 )
@Vii: oh yeah the armor was definitely useless, but they were cool looking and great for infusing into other armors. I think that's actually how I hit 400 light
Omg omg I can't believe today is the day! It feels so unreal thank goodness I'm off work today cause I know damn well I wouldn't be able to focus on anything xD sucks I work tomorrow though cause I know I'm gonna wanna play so much! I'm already seeing that people are having to queue to get in and it's not even out in the US yet technically! :vanora_cry: most people won't be getting it until later tonight -.-

Donator — A.I. Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/6 00:46:32 )
@Burial: Oh, shoot, I don't even think I thought to use it for Infusion. I suck so bad at remembering stuff like that and as such here I am, stuck somewhere around 320 light. q-q Everyone thinks I'm a noob but here I've been since the beginning. xD

And yes, the day is here! I'm excited! Our GS is starting finalisation at 3PM, and then they're handing out copies at 9PM tonight cB SO I just realised I should start thinking about that fairly soon, as I'll have to leave in a couple hours. o:

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/6 01:19:11 )
@Vii: omg 320 light?! What's your grimoire? That's usually how you can tell if someone is a noob or not xD for me, lower than 2500= noob higher than 3500= not a noob lol but really you can't tell cause someone could've been playing since day one but they don't do all the activities or even bother looking for the dead ghosts which means they'd have a lower grimoire than people who do
Ohhh try to go early! Maybe you'll get some cool freebies like a poster or something! I'm gonna call my GS here very soon to find out if they're doing an early release, I can't wait! :vanora_heart:

Donator — A.I. Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/6 01:22:43 )
@Burial: Yeah c': might be closer to 340 now, but, I simply didn't get to play for a really long time, and now there are a bunch of activities I can't really finish without other people. xD Like, I've never done the King's Fall raid, I was too low level to do it the last time I was able to play a year ago. There are plenty of missions I haven't even received yet. oTL

Donator — A.I. Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/6 01:23:06 )
@Burial: btw forgot to add this, but I know my grimoire is over 3000 xD
[ often multitasking unsuccessfully ] | [ I may take a while to respond, but haven't forgotten you! ♥ ]
qu'est-ce que tu vas chercher?

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/6 02:25:30 )
@Vii: I've never completed the kings fall raid, I think the raid group I was with only made it to the jumping puzzle before it quickly disbanded same with the wrath of the machine raid -.-
I barely made it to 5000 grimoire during the age of triumph and that was thanks to the dead ghosts lol I spent a lot of time trying to find them all and I think I still didn't get them all, I might be missing a few :vanora_sweat:
There was a bunch of stuff I couldn't do cause I needed a fire team -.- which is why I stuck to strikes so much, matchmaking is great <3

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