"...." the man was silent as he gritted his teeth and brushed the dirt off of his clothes, and combed the debris out of his red and black streaked hair.
He was Ash Fyrane, a top hunter for the guild Candentus Lux. And he had been sent out to deal with a situation somewhere in the southern United States.
It seemed that an illegal guild had set a special net trap, and had caught a giant striped Frost Lion, which were designated as endangered and illegal to hunt. Ash was sent to dispatch of the hunters, and free the feline... but the latter part had been a bit harder. The net had been electrified and sticky, which made it hard to get off of the creature. Plus, the creature had NOT been cooperative at first.
However, after a brief tussle and scrimmage, Ash had managed to free the creature, and it had run off while he was cleaning himself off.
He then sighed, and looked at the net.
"Need to dispose of thi-" he said, as he started to approach it, but then stopped mid-sentence.
"...hello?" he asked, looking around, swearing he'd heard something. He then noticed that there seemed to be a small part of the net still moving.
"...the hell?" he muttered, as he zeroed in on the specific area, and got closer to it.