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Forums Entertainment Recommend me Anime to watch

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/15 02:24:17 )
My Anime planet acct <--my already watched list =D
it's not fully up to date but yeah gimme a list of your top 5 series and why you like it without giving away the whole show :)

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Voltie — sewer rat Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/15 03:28:58 )
Made in Abyss - best to go in BLIND. chibi characters go on a fantasy adventure in an amazing universe/world-build. the manga is also gr88/8.
Houseki no Kuni - CGI animation. gemsonas. character growth and philosophical trips. has a lot of Buddhist themes.
Kuroko no Basket - I don't even watch sport IRL, but this basketball anime got me so hyped lmao. Also, the animation on some sequences are so simply delightful. *sears it into memory*
Ergo Proxy - it's intellectual shitpost, but in anime format. if r/im14andimthisdeep were an anime...jk. but i think this is one of those love or hate things. i like it because the relationships are [spoilers], and i'm a sucker for angst, and it was really refreshing after watching shoujo anime for years. it's a sci-fi in a utopia/dystopia setting.
Yuri on Ice - hot dudes on ice. there are some fanservice scenes, but nothing r18. not my top 5, but this anime is somehow very modern. they use smartphones and show some posts in an instagram-like format. did i mention hot guys skating on ice.

sayonara cheesecakes ( 0 ڡ≦)ゞ✩◄-gallery-►

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/15 03:40:37 )

Elfen Lied Don't watch this if you don't wanna see blood. It's a violent anime, but Damn if it ain't one of my faves.

Rozen Maiden Dolls. Fighting to be the last. Yep. The concept is crazy, but it's actually really good. And Suigintou is freaking gorgeous.

Mirai Nikki (Future Diary) Deals with death, but it's a really good one. The main characters are in a 'game'. They gotta kill the other diary hold3ers, or they die.

Excel Saga Crack-tastic. every episode is a diff genre. It's awesome.

Shuffle This one is just sweet. ~<3 It's more of a shoujou or shonen. I dunno which, but regardless. It's good.

Pro-tip Avoid Deadman Wonderland. The manga is brilliant, the anime sucks. Avoid Rosario+Vampire as well. The manga is one of the best I've read... the anime has nothing to do with the manga save for similar characters.


Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/15 04:57:46 )
1. Psychopass.
It's my bar for what is a good anime nowadays. It's a sci-fi thriller, Super gripping plot and everyone's hot (well, the main guys anyway, the women were just ok). If you liked Witch hunter Robin (which I did) you'll like this show too. It's a little less subdued in tone and more outwardly adventure-y. Protip: Just watch season 1.

2. I second the Ergo Proxy recommendation. The ending was kind of rushed, but the pseudo philosophy and the sci-fi world is cool. And I like the art. Recommendation based on Witch Hunter Robin. You're probably seeing a trend here.

3. Gugure Kokkuri-san
To break the trend. This is a comedy about a girl in elementary school who claims she's a doll, and the ghosts that she somehow attracts. I have a feeling maybe you might not like this one because I don't see a ton of comedy in your list. But do give it a try, it's really cute and makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

4. Honey and Clover
Dramaful but still warm and fuzzy. You seem like you like stories about people's relationships with each other. This one is really um. bittersweet. It's about the very intertwined lives of 5 college students in an art school (and company). You'll end up falling in love with everyone. I did anyway.

5. Samurai Champloo
Okay, I take back my Yuri on Ice recommendation cuz I thought of something else. Samurai Champloo is a pretty all-around feel good anime. Good art, good music, good vibes all around. Spoiler: She didn't find whoever she was looking for, so don't feel too disappointed by the ending. It's the journey that counts. According to a mystery source people who liked cowboy bebop tend not to like Samurai Champloo even though it was produced/directed(?) by the same people. I will add that i liked Samurai Champloo a lot, and did not watch Cowboy Bebop. Also if you like Samurai Champloo, you'd like Michiko & Hatchin too. And these two I would group with Panty Stocking & Garterbelt. They're like adventure/frendship stories + action + comedy. (My recommendations come in packages. lol)

Side note: I did not know Cybersix was an anime. I used to love that show.

Donator — She/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/15 08:35:15 )
Garbriel Dropout
It's about angels and demons in the human world and Satania is best girl

Masamune kun no revenge
It's about a guy who used to be really fat trying to get revenge on the girl who broke his heart

It's about NEETs getting a second chance at their life. Aprogram called Relife gives them a drug to take that makes them highschool age again and they enroll in highschool for 1 year in the program

Danganronpa and Danganronpa 3
About a highschool for elite humans with abilities but it isn't all what it seems. Welcome to the school of mutual killing

Youjo Senki/ Saga of Tanya the evil
About a sadistic man who as a result of his actions gets pushed in front of a train just as this occurs time stops and a mysterious being 'X' appears and the man challenges being X's motives and logic which results in him being reincarnated into a nine year old little girl with magical ability in a pre-WW2 era land.

An anime about the light music club and their trials trying to keep it all together and become a serious band.

Acchi Kocchi
A slice of life comedy about a group of school friends

Watashi wa motonai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! aka Watamote for short
About a girl who has just entered highschool who has severe social anxiety and her trials with it

Prison School
About a group of boys at an all girl's highschool who get caught doingnsome questionable things by the underground student council and are sentenced to three months in the school's prison, but there's a catch if they get caught trying to escape three times they are expelled.

Shomoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na sekai aka Shimoneta for short
The government has banned pornography and other lewd things in the future humans wear a collar that monitors their speech and behavior in an effort to preserve morality in Japan. That should speak for itself

Konosuba God's blessing on this wonderful world 1, 2 and ovas
Kazuma Satou has died in one of the most embarassing ways, after the Goddess Aqua, makes fun of him he drags her to an alternate world that is like an MMORPG...

A hilarious slice of life anime following a group of school girls and classmates, a professor and a robot girl

Wolf girl and black prince
Erika has just enrolled in high school due to her nature of telling lies she lies to the popular girls in her class about dating someone. No problem right? WRONG they want proof so she takes a picture of a random boy on the street only problem is he saw her do it but she runs off the next day the same boy from the picture is in the cafeteria and everyone knows him as the prince Erica pulls him aside and explains what happened and the prince agrees to play along and be her boyfriend but this prince isn't what he seems...

Serial Experiments Lain
After one of her classmates commits suicide Lain receives an email from her stating that she has only left her body but she still lives here. Lain decides to investigate the Wired and find out what she meant but as she goes further in the line between reality and it become blurred.


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/15 15:46:48 )
Macross - There are several series/OVAs/movies in the metaseries, so just watch them all. If you don't have much time, just watch the movies. The plot? Basically, music saves the universe, and giant robots.

Evangelion - You can either watch the series continuity, or the reboot/sequel(?) movies. Lots of religious references and teen angst.

Megazone 23 - conspiracies, transforming motorcycles, and aliens. Oh, and there's an AI idol singer in there, too. Watch the first two parts, they're good. Watch the third one at your own risk, because it kinda sucks...

Shoujo Kakumei Utena - Starts off light, and then gets into OMG WHAT AM I WATCHING territory. Lots of sword fights. You will want to punch Akio before it's over. Repeatedly.

Kingsglaive: FF XV - A prequel of sorts to the latest installment to the Final Fantasy series. Shows what happened in Insomnia after Noctis' departure.
See what conventions I'll be at next

Final Fantasy XV: Worst. Bachelor Party. EVER.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 00:29:11 )
@okios: lol I know what you mean. Prince of Tennis had me like that cause I had it shoved at me since grade 10 haha (not complaining but I didn't know it was my thing til it was literally a group thing LOL) A few of these are on my list just haven't gotten around to them yet due to hype, laziness, no motivation lol

@Lady Luna: LOL I've watched all of elfen lied and rosario 1-2 NEED MOREEEEEEEEE (also gotta catch up on the manga. used to own it but had to downsize)Does the rosario manga introduce the other sisters and moms?

@Eruca: Got some of these on me listy ;D and yeah same i was like whut. But I think the site also has airbender etc involved as well. lol Cybersix is life yo!
@Miku: Got a few on this list as well =3 I have some ready to watch aha.
@onsenmark: for macross I know of a gif thing from frontier lol where the girl is like dancing around haha

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 00:49:55 )

@KeirenKiren: Afaik every character in the animae is in the manga. Just... you know, with an actual freaking STORY.

I second the suggestion of Psychopass, as well. That is a freakin' awesome one

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Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 01:12:56 )
@Lady Luna: but I mean they didn't introduce moka and kokoa's sisters lol in the anime (I enjoyed it regardless of not a whole lot going on cause of the humor in it)

I think I have that one ready to watch *runs to check* oop I lied, nope not yet. next round once I'm done freeing computer space from everything else I got. Which includes og kuroshitsuji season 1 cause i aint finished it and put it off way to hecking long. So going to be going through that and the specials/movies/other seasons too.

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 01:14:52 )
@KeirenKiren: Oh, I'm so glad! You better start! There's a lot of quality content out there.

Totally! I want to meet Data Seven so badly.
And I was So invested in the Adrian Lucas thing. Even though Adrian wasn't actually a man... That show definitely needs a reboot.

Also. Just an opinion, but. I don't think kuroshitsuji is worth watching. Just download some pretty wallpapers and read the summary on wikipedia.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 01:18:32 )
@Eruca: I love kuro but I also like Yaoi |D and it has undertones and I loves me some Bassy *I own the manga too*
it's not for everyone though lol.

Yeah Cybersix makes a hot lookin dude haha. I don't think it was aired 100% when I was younger watching it so I re-watched it a few years back to finish it. Along with Escaflowne as well cause YTV effed it up and took it down for being too

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 01:31:31 )
@KeirenKiren: See, I believe in the quality of the manga. I just don't think the anime has that much more to offer beyond the voice actors.

I don't think I saw Escaflowne on YTV. Looks pretty interesting.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 03:13:00 )
@Eruca: ah, yeah I love the VA's JUST NOT THE ENGLISH ERGHHH SO PAINFUL lol I tried it after watching subbed and was all oh hell no. maybe if i seen the dub first LOL

you have/had YTV as a channel? you canadian too haha?

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 07:04:21 )
@KeirenKiren: Yeah they definitely can't just replace Junichi Suwabe with Chris Pratt. LOL Even the thought!

OMG yes! I didn't even think twice about it possibly not being available elsewhere. lmao

Voltie — Moody Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 07:39:08 )

FuuChan Says. . .


Not sure if you like horror or psychological horror but Junji Ito's collection is great.
I think episodes are still coming out[just the ova's i think?]
and it's basically a collection of short stories created by the artist Junji Ito.

Kyoukai No Katana is also great. It has comedy but also it does have a bit of drama in it
with a unique story line.

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Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 16:44:39 )
@SirLionelNigelConrad: I'll have a look, thanks for adding a link :)

@Eruca: lol he's Starlord and nothing else for me. Throw in dino's Starlord playin with dinos haha

@FuuChan: yup I seen some bits and pieces of clips from it so it peaks my interest haha. I Started the other one like 1-2 years ago and never picked it back up yet. Also watching Kara no Kyoukai which is like mini movies haha

Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/20 03:19:41 )

Tokyo Ghoul
Steins Gate
In the middle of watching both of em. Pretty good ones. Tokyo Ghoul has some violence. Steins Gate deals a lot with science stuff and time travel.


Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/20 03:36:59 )
@KeirenKiren: LMAO! I don't even know who star lord is.
But I totally know what you mean. I usually know about voice actors from otome games and once I start following some voice actors, I just hear them doing funny voices as themselves. And like, the lines in otome games are virtually always SUPER awkward. lmao Quality entertainment.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/20 12:39:05 )
@Eruca: chris pratt/guardians of the galaxy haha
and lol. that's the same if you know dub actors from tv shows in the 90's early 00's haha
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Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/20 16:27:47 )
@KeirenKiren: Oh wait... You're totally right!
There was a lineup of some 20 actors that like, voiced everything. lmao
At that point I still thought "yeah, maybe I can dub stuff too"... turns out, nope. lmao
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