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Forums General Chit-Chat Do people ever say you're "too normal"?

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 16:17:48 )
@SirLionelNigelConrad: Well in that case, women are sexist against women too. Nothing's Meant to be sexist. It just turns out that they are.

Speaking of mansplaining, you just mansplained the etymology basic bitch, you realize that right? It's Actually funny. Please don't try to twist an insult to sound complimentary. PLEASE.
I'm just gonna pretend you don't fully grasp the meaning of the term and not hold it against you.

Cake is delicious. Do you still have yours?

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 16:37:37 )
@Q t e a p o n: Haha, Birds of a feather! And you are the top 5 people you hang out with!
Goes to show, weirdness is contagious.

@SirLionelNigelConrad: You are correct, it does not. But it's also not what you're thinking it is. Here's everything you'd want to know about that word:
I admit, it's intellectually hard to understand mansplaining until you're able to consciously not mansplain (easiest way to achieve that is to experience a non-male perspective, but that's a tall ask). It's a big obstacle to us moving past it as a society.
You did it again.
What's the connection between using basic bitch and feeling inferior to men?

I don't mean to put you on the spot, but you just keep going. LMAO. Where's the laughing w tears emoticon when you need it?

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 17:08:30 )
@SirLionelNigelConrad: No, and no! It's not that simple. I can't understand why you're filled with all this animosity and disdain. Pointing out that something is sexist is not an attack on character, it's a plea for understanding.
It's super tiring for me to carry the onus of persuading somebody who refuses acknowledge women's experiences that in fact, they are important and consequential. All the while being told that things I experience are post modernist bullshit and not real.
I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

If someone else would try, I apply you to. But I'm sick of it.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 17:25:35 )
I can't say I've ever heard anyone be called "too normal" even in TV shows or something fictional other than that 1 Sabrina the Teenage Witch animated series episode where she's followed around one day by the school reporter and she doesn't want to seem weird so she enchants the reporter's glasses so she always seems normal. (Episode 13 according to wiki)

I remember being called weird as a kiddo, but they were by friends.
I didn't really get it? So I didn't take it as a compliment or an insult. They definitely weren't saying it in an insulting way. I don't even remember in what context they were saying it in.

I want to say I'm unique, but maybe I'm just trying too hard to not be the average lol.
Waiting for more pretty long hairs~ ' u '

Questing :: Alice

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 17:28:53 )
@SirLionelNigelConrad: ok.Here's a run down of what happened.

You (a man, presumbably) said something that I (a woman) pointed out was sexist. You argued that it wasn't. I noted that you were mansplaining, something that I experienced, but that you did not. You with me so far?

You proceeded to argue that mansplaining does not exist, implying that whatever I experienced just now wasn't real, and that your interpretation of the situation was the only valid one. Hence, we're talking my and women's experiences, as this happens very often to women everywhere.

Do you see now?

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 17:59:59 )
This is a very polite and bitchslappy argument.

Voltie — Princess Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 18:11:36 )
@Eruca: Honestly, it didn't start getting sexist until you accused him of mansplaining. If I had said the exact same thing he said, it would be a pretty normal conversation. You are targeting him because you think he is a man and that is pretty sexist in my opinion.

Always ping me please.

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 18:15:56 )
@ME: Omg, I used to Love Sabrina the Teenage Witch!!

Yeah, I think most of the time when people say you're weird to your face, it's just an observation and not like good or bad.

@Majesticles: As arguments should be.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 18:19:31 )
@Eruca: When arguments are polite, they just lose all of their splendor and fun. You start to behave way too carefully in them and then end up not saying half of the things you want...and half as violently as you want. Back in my day we had more balls to come out with feelings.

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 18:36:23 )
@Majesticles: Sounds like you think I'm a lot more angry than I actually am. lol

And yeah. I don't have balls, I'm a woman.

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 19:18:29 )
It's just a pun. Relax.

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 19:32:52 )
Ooh. What kinda soup?

Voltie — Obnoxious Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 19:44:22 )
Not a fan of Asian food specifically Chinese, Don't trust it at all.

Voltie — Vampire Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 19:59:02 )
@eruca: yeah, I know the feeling. I remember being called ‘too boring’ or ‘too normal’.

I know that all too well.

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 20:11:41 )
@Len: What did you think it meant?

Voltie — Vampire Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 21:04:50 )
@eruca: It means that the person thinks that you’re too boring for them to handle essentially speaking.

To me, it’s kinda rude to say that a person is boring unless they just around at home all day doing nothing. Then that’s just being honest. Now if the person is a party goer or have interesting tastes that you don’t have, then the person referring to you as too normal or boring is honestly not worth your time.

I’m personally know I’m not a boring person. I’m just not a party person. I know that I have a lot going for me with my bachelors as well as experience and going to work for a full time company that pays really well if I do well with the internship. I also draw, create websites and games from scratch as a hobby as well as creating other things.

If someone calls me boring, then they are not worth my time because they don’t know who I am nor did they take the time to know me as a person.

My advice with people like that: don’t let them get to you.

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 21:34:01 )
@Len: @Len: That's such a positive, self validating thought process! It must have taken a lot of work to get to this point.

I don't think anyone's boring in their core, but people might not be able to express how interesting they are in all circumstances. Boringness is a state, not a trait.

Voltie — Vampire Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 21:45:27 )
@eruca: Thank you.
It took years and life lessons to grasp this thought process, but it was all worthwhile.

It’s sad but true. And the ones that have difficulty on expressing how interesting they are are the ones that you need to look out for. Especially if they are not happy with themselves or feel like they achieved anything because that’s where the problems begin.

Boring is definitely a state. It’s not something you inherit. I think that as long as you do something beneficial and live life to the fullest, I don’t think the person is considered boring.
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Donator — she/they Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 22:57:00 )
@Arcius: Would it be rude if someone did but meant it as a compliment? Hypothetically.

I guess if they meant it in the best way possible, it wouldn't be too rude, however, they'd have to explain themselves of course LOL
im a space cadet who's lazy with typing 90% of the time
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Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/16 23:43:03 )
@Arcius: But even in the best way possible, how can it be a compliment? That's what I can't wrap my head around.

Maybe if the context was "was it you that did [inser extremely stupid and embarrassing action]?" And then "no, you're too normal". :vanora_neutral:
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