"Oh! Hello there. I deeply apologize if I seem preoccupied, there happens to be a lot on my mind at the moment.
I'm not sure if you've heard, but my friend Vivienne went missing recently. She's not one to wander off without
contacting anyone, and while I hate to suspect foul play, I would be disingenuous if I said I wasn't concerned.
Since Voltra's Finest seem to be distracted, I think it's about time I be proactive and begin an investigation on my own.
Oh, you'd like to help me? Fantastic! I'll need the assistance if we're going to crack this case wide open.
Come with me, we'll need to hurry if we want to assure Vivienne's safety."
In the current dark times that Voltra has befallen, Vontell's friend Vivienne has gone missing!
At the pace things are running, Vontell has taken it upon himself to search for clues and find Vivienne's whereabouts.
He needs your help to guide him in this investigation.

If you've ever played a visual novel or choose your own adventure game,
this experience will be similar to that. If not, don't fret!
On the second post, Vontell will explain the current scenario
and will supply two options on what he should do next everyday.
These options will be up for vote for 24 hours. The most
popular option will continue the story and start the cycle again.
Participants will be rewarded with an accompanying item
that may evolve with your options. Be sure to choose wisely!
Some options are less rewarding and dead-ends are a possibility.
Users are able to ask Vontell questions and discuss the options with
each other, so don't be afraid to talk it out!