I heard about this site through word of mouth and creep-I mean reading- other people's posts on various sites!
I am on Windlyn, Trisphee, Solia? (maybe? what's up with them?) as Mousy and I'm also on Gaia as OMousy. I'm probably on others as Mousy too.
I am a serial lurker, but I do try to post occasionally so that my buddies don't think I've fallen off of the planet.
I've already recognized several names from Windlyn mostly. /waves
A little bit about me:
I'm a workaholic. That means that during the day m-f, I'm working and not on any sites, but at night when I'm on my laptop and on sites, I'm also working! Like right now! I'm working :D I love my career and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I am married and have a 2 year old son. I think he's the absolute cutest child in the world, but I might be a bit biased. He's another huge reason I lurk so much. It's hard to post and chase down a toddler at the same time. He tries to post too, but it's all gibberish. XD
I love Harry Potter and the only reason I didn't get my letter was because I was a muggleborn during the time when Voldemort wiped out all the records of muggleborn babies. I would have definitely been sorted into Hufflepuff though!
If you'd like to know anything else, just ask.