Donator — SENPAI
Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/6 05:37:51 )
@noctis: Yeah, same here. I really only use my phone while on break & on the way to work/back home (since my fiance drives), and then I switch to computer when I get home. No point in using my phone there. Like my phone is at 50% right now, but it probably won't go lower than that. AHHH I HAVE THAT SAME PARANOIA! AHH. I'm glad I'm not alone omg.
I haven't been disappointed yet! Q VQ !! It could be the company that I'm with because you need to get phones from them to be activated. It's only $35/mo for unlimited everything, so it's cheap and I haven't had problems with anything yet. I mean the data drops after like 5GB, but you can pay like $10 more for unlimited data. I might do that if I can get more money. ;;;
I'd need a headphone jack. > > ;; I watch shows and stuff on my phone, and if it's something like anime or criminal minds, I'm sure kids or other people don't want to hear that.
AHHH YESSS!!! They're just... so good. I cry.
Omg. I always pay my loans like a week early because I'm hyper paranoid. rip me.
Yo. I have so many plushies. Many of them are pokemon ones, since we live close to the NYC pokemon center, so when we visit I try grabbing one or two. /sneaky eyes.
Hahahaha. My fiance is pretty good at the machines! He doesn't get one every time, but I get one every now and then. u vu //