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Forums The Blackout The Curious Case of Vontell

Npc — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/17 17:42:58 )

"Oh! Hello there. I deeply apologize if I seem preoccupied, there happens to be a lot on my mind at the moment.
I'm not sure if you've heard, but my friend Vivienne went missing recently. She's not one to wander off without
contacting anyone, and while I hate to suspect foul play, I would be disingenuous if I said I wasn't concerned.
Since Voltra's Finest seem to be distracted, I think it's about time I be proactive and begin an investigation on my own.

Oh, you'd like to help me? Fantastic! I'll need the assistance if we're going to crack this case wide open.
Come with me, we'll need to hurry if we want to assure Vivienne's safety."


In the current dark times that Voltra has befallen, Vontell's friend Vivienne has gone missing!
At the pace things are running, Vontell has taken it upon himself to search for clues and find Vivienne's whereabouts.
He needs your help to guide him in this investigation.


If you've ever played a visual novel or choose your own adventure game,
this experience will be similar to that. If not, don't fret!

On the second post, Vontell will explain the current scenario
and will supply two options on what he should do next everyday.
These options will be up for vote for 24 hours. The most
popular option will continue the story and start the cycle again.

Participants will be rewarded with an accompanying item
that may evolve with your options.
Be sure to choose wisely!
Some options are less rewarding and dead-ends are a possibility.

Users are able to ask Vontell questions and discuss the options with
each other, so don't be afraid to talk it out!


Npc — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/17 17:46:41 )

Decision Thirteen: The End

Vontell nods in agreement, looking up at the building before him, "It's now or never...
We have to follow Leo's lead!"

Rushing towards the building Vontell's hand glows, checking the door for any traps. Seeing nothing more than a locked
door in his way, he turns to you, "Normally I would never approve of breaking and entering but...
This is a special circumstance."

With a turn of his hand he runs up the stairs, Leo leading him towards another door. There's faint noises inside, building
Vontell's suspicion, "We have to get in there..." He tries his trick again, frowning as the door
doesn't budge, "Strange... There's something on this door dampening magic... We'll have to use
another method..."


Decision One: Our Starting Point

Taking out a well-used notebook, Vontell sighs thoughtfully, [color=#8a3f66]"Since we're beginning blind, I think our best course
of action would be to investigate one of Vivi's favourite haunts. Vanora and I have already taken the liberty of
making a house-call, and there was no sign of her to be seen."

Vontell flips a page of his notebook, blue ink marking the pages, "Her store has been closed but it might
hold some clue to where she has gone. I also have it on good authority that Vivi is known to frequent
Aromatic Delights, a popular café in Voltra."

→ Which place should Vontell investigate? ←

@Vontell: Visit Vivienne's Shop

@Vontell: Visit the Café

Decision Two: Vivienne's Shop

You've unlocked Vontell's Notebook!

(Curious Case item will be rewarded when case is solved)

Vontell leads you to Vivacious Hair, the usually bright and warm salon that Vivienne runs. The usual scent
of fresh baked goods and the usual friendly chatter of clients is like a distant memory as you gaze at the
darkened storefront. Vontell sighs wistfully, shaking his head, "As delusional as it may be, I was holding
onto hope that she'd be here waiting for us..."

Reaching into his pocket, Vontell pulls out a shiny key, "Oh, are you wondering where I got this?"
He smiles faintly as he slides it into the lock, and opening the door before gesturing for you to enter before
him, "We are neighbours after all. We've entrusted each other with our shop keys in case of an emergency...
I'd say that's appropriate now more then ever."

Entering the shop you spread out to investigate. Nothing seems out of place as you search each nook and cranny
of the building, and as you get ready to pack up and cut your loses, you hear Vontell, "Eureka! Well done Leo!"

You gaze down at the capybara, who seems to be holding a pair of goggles in his mouth. There's one resident
of Voltra who's famous for wearing goggles and who is good friends with Vivienne... Valentina! "I never did
have the opportunity to question her. It might be worth the interruption of her busy work, but we also don't
know how long these goggles could have been left here... What do you think?"

→ What should Vontell do next? ←

@Vontell: Question Valentina

@Vontell: Return, Visit the Café

Decision Three: The Café

You've unlocked Mysterious Goggles!

(Curious Case item will be rewarded when case is solved)

You follow Vontell and Leo into Aromatic Delights, the warm scent of roasted coffee and fresh baked goods
wafting to your nose. A friendly barista greets you at the counter, "Welcome! What can I get for you?"

"Answers, preferrably," Vontell sighed, holding up a smiling photo of Vivienne, "A friend of
ours has been missing... I know she enjoyed frequenting your establishment, when would be the
last time you remember seeing her?"

The barista's eyes lit up, smiling faintly as he nods, "Of course I know Vivi! I've been wondering
where she's been, I thought she was just busy... Missing?"
He frownds worriedly, shaking his head as he
thinks, "It was about a week ago... Usually she sits at her regular table by the window, but I
remember her visit. She came in in a hurry and ordered something different this time... Pain au chocolat."

Vontell rubs his chin thoughtfully, "I happen to know that's our good friend Velvet's favourite pastry...
She always makes me pick it up for her. Peculiar... She neglected to mention a visit from Vivienne when we
questioned her. It could be that she never arrived... But there could also be something she held from us."

The barista waves to break Vontell from his musings, "Hey I just remembered something! While
she was here I did see her talk to one of our regulars. She's actually sitting in the corner table right now,
if you want to talk to her yourself!"

→ Who should Vontell speak to? ←

@Vontell: Visit Velvet

@Vontell: Speak to Regular

Decision Four: Café Regular

You've unlocked Aromatic Delights!

(Curious Case item will be rewarded when case is solved)

Stepping up to the corner table, you see a young woman sipping a fresh latte. She glances up at you all with a
curious smile, "Oh it's Vontell right? You run the shoe store?"

Vontell offers her a kind smile in return, "Occasionally, yes. But right now I have other matters
on the mind. Last week did you happen to speak to Vivienne Harper?"

"Hm... Oh! I did actually!" The woman smiles, setting her cup down onto it's coaster, "It was really brief,
I saw her stop in so I thought it would be the perfect time to ask if she had any appointments available. You see, I
had my sister's wedding to attend and... Oh, you don't mind about that right now,"
She laughs, receiving a patient
but grateful smile from Vontell in return, "She told me to visit her the next day, but when I did the store was
closed, it was soo strange! I even tried calling but, oh well... I won't lie I was disappointed."

Vontell thanks the woman, shaking his head with a sigh as he jots down a quick note, "That didn't offer
us any real leads, but it does confirm as much as I suspected. She made plans with this potential client, she didn't intend
to go anywhere..."
Vontell turns back to the woman, "Excuse me, miss, but at what time did you visit her shop?"

"Hm... It was early, around 10 am?"

"So she disappeared in that window... Hm... We need to gather more information."

→ Who should Vontell speak to? ←

@Vontell: Visit Velvet

@Vontell: Visit Valentina

Decision Five: City Rack

You've unlocked Latte to Go!

(Curious Case item will be rewarded when case is solved)

Walking downtown you enter the doors of City Rack, the chime of a bell ringing through the boutique.
You see Velvet straightening out clothing on the racks, the warm glow of candles lighting her shop.

"Hello Velvet, a pleasure as always," Vontell smiles warmly as he sees his friend, stepping
up to her, "Do you have a moment?"

"Of course darling, especially since I've had no customers all day. What can I do for you?"

Vontell sighs, as if struggling for a moment before speaking honestly, "I've been investigating the
disappearance of Vivienne as you know and... I've heard some concerning information. Were you completely
honest with me the last time I spoke to you?"

Velvet hesitates, as if considering her answer before sighing, rolling her eyes, "Yes, okay. I did see
her briefly but it was hardly relevant."

Vontell frowns, speaking more seriously, "Velvet, every pieces of information is relevant in this investigation.
Can you go over the events of your encounter?"

Velvet puffs her cheeks slightly in annoyance but complies, abandoning her work to hop onto the top of her
counter, crossing her arms, "With all the stress of daddy ignoring me and those weird creeps
in the masks, I've been absolutely at my wits ends! So..."
She sighs, pouting her lips slightly,
"I may have caved on my diet and asked Vivienne to bring me a pastry or two..." She pauses,
before muttering hurriedly under her hand, "Oradozen..."

Vontell shook his head, "Really now, of all reasons to hide this... Was there anything else you two
discussed that day?"

Velvet shook her head, "Uh uh. Girl code says that I can't discuss that with you and it wouldn't help
with your investigation anyway!"

Turning to you Vontell whispers, "I have a piece of information about that day that Velvet may share
as well, but I also promised Vivienne to keep it in confidence between us. If I reveal it and Velvet does not
know, I could be betraying her trust. But this is a matter of importance and could outweigh that bond...
Should I risk it, or should I find another method of prying the information from Velvet?"

→ What should Vontell do? ←

@Vontell: Reveal Information

@Vontell: Bribe Velvet

Decision Six: The Bribe

You've unlocked Ruined Diet

(Curious Case item will be rewarded when case is solved)

Vontell seems unsure, glancing back at you with a wary expression, "Hm... I don't feel right
about this at all, it seems underhanded..."
He sighs, shaking his head, "But I trust your input..."

Stepping up to Velvet again, Vontell smiles warmly, "I understand and respect the bond you
and Vivienne share, but I hope you do understand that this is a difficult time for everyone. I also understand
that this is an astonishingly taxing situation for you as well,"
He offers her a gentle pat on the shoulder,
gazing down at her with a warm smile, "Close shop and allow yourself a break, you seem in desperate
need of it. Ah, I know! I'll take you to your favourite restaurant, you can order anything you like, my treat."

"Hm... I have been so stressed out with all this nonsense going on," Velvet shrugs, nodding.

"Of course you have been, anyone would be," Vontell nods in understanding, smiling
gently, "We can discuss this whole Vivienne situation deeper over a hot meal an-"

Immediately Vontell is cut off, Velvet shoving his hand off her shoulder, "I can't believe you! You
thought I would fall for something so stupid?! I thought you knew me better than this, I'm not so vapid and
shallow to throw my friend under a bus for some food! For anything! You can't buy my loyalty, you dweeb!"

Eyes widening, Vontell raises his hands apologetically, hoping to calm his friend, "Oh, no. I didn't
mean to imply in any way that you would-"

"I don't have time for this! I don't know what happened to Vivienne and I'm just as scared as
everyone else! I'm not holding information from you so why don't you just cut this detective game and
leave?! Grow up!"

You're booted from Velvet's store with a dejected Vontell, the man sighing as he rubs his eyelids, "I should
have seen that coming..."
Vontell sighs, shaking his head dejectedly, "I hope she's not too upset
with us... When she's under a lot of pressure her patience is paper thin... I'll have to make it up to
her later. Sincerely."

Vontell shakes his head, marking a note in his notebook before glancing up to you,
"That was a dead lead. What should we do now?"

→ DEADEND. What next? ←

@Vontell: Visit Valentina

@Vontell: Consult Leo

Decision Seven: Valentina

No Item Unlocked, Try Again
(Curious Case item will be rewarded when case is solved)

Walking towards the familiar looming tower and down a daunting underground path, you hear
the distinctive sounds of clanging metal reverberating. Stepping up to the central core, you see two
things. The first is the core itself, a large round sphere that is usually too bright to even gaze at directly,
now only a dim glow. The second is Valentina, so focused on her work she doesn't notice any of you.

Vontell cups his hands to his mouth, obviously used to this scenario,
"Val! We need to talk to you!"

She seemingly ignores you as she turns a heavy bolt. Vontell takes a step forward to try again, but
before he can a teal beetle leaps high off the ground, smacking Valentina in the face, "Huh?! Oh!
When did you get here Vontell?"
She gives a friendly grin.

Chuckling softly, Vontell steps up to her, "I deeply apologize for interrupting your work,
but there's something of dire importance I need to dicuss with you. While I'm aware you've been...
preoccupied, until recently, I was wondering if you had visited Vivienne before her disappearance,"

Leo waddles up to the pair, holding the goggles in his mouth, "We found these in Vivi's shop
and were curious if they belonged to you."

Instantly snatching up the goggles, Valentina brought them close to her face, her eyes darting over
them before laughing, "Why would I wear something so dark? Po-lease." She smiles,
"I mean it, police! These are VPD standard goggles, didn't you notice?"

Smiling sheepishly, Vontell shakes his head, "I hadn't, no... That raises even more questions
though... When were the VPD in Vivi's shop? Have they been investigating the case further? When I went
to visit them, they appeared too busy to help, hm... It's possible that they have found further evidence,
but with all the chaos of the blackout, they could also be preoccupied and unable to assist us."

As he's lost in thought, Valentina waves to him, "Hey if you're in an investigating mood, I have
a case for you! Somebody keeps swiping my tools when my back's turned, and Bernard here only steals my
things that he calls 'clutter', pffft!"
The beetle's antennae twitch as he's mentioned. Somehow you get the
sense he's justified, "There's also been some weird noises outside while I'm working and I always feel like I'm
being watched... BUT you know, looking into it means leaving the core. So it'd be swell if you made like an egg."


"Yeah, get hardboiled, detective, and find out what is it!"

Vontell sighs, shaking his head, "It does sound incredibly concerning and it appears to be clear
case of sabotage, but by who? We need to power back to help us find Vivienne, but if it's a deadend it may
distract us from Vivienne further."

→ A tough decision. What should Vontell do next? ←

@Vontell: Visit Voltra Police Department

@Vontell: Investigate Outside

Decision Eight: Outside the Core

You've unlocked Attention Grab

(Curious Case item will be rewarded when case is solved)

Stepping out into the cool night air, you're greeted with a typical peaceful night. Vontell shushes you
gently, flicking his light on as he begins to investigate the scene. Scanning the area together, you
initially discover nothing, causing Vontell to sigh, "Perhaps it was only some
ne'er-do-wells pranking Val, or potentially being cooped up so long as begun to effect
her mind. Either way, I see no need for us to-"

Before he can finish his thought, you hear a nearby shuffling and scraping. Immediately Vontell's
flashlight flicks up towards the sound, initially seeing nothing before a pop of colour catches your
eye. Something very small and crumpled lies on the ground, either red or possibly pink,
"Interesting... Perhaps some trash?" Vontell rubs his chin thoughtfully,
"However, I swear I checked by the alley about three times and hadn't noticed
it there before... I'm positive of that. Hm..."

As Vontell takes a step towards object, a loud bang and rattle causes everyone but Leo to jump.
Turning the light towards the sound, you see a row of garbage cans. In the middle you
notice a can shaking, "Interesting..."

→ Which should Vontell investigate? ←

@Vontell: Check the Object

@Vontell: Check the Garbage Cans

Decision Nine: The Object

You've unlocked Curious Thoughts

(Curious Case item will be rewarded when case is solved)

"It's strange how this appeared out of nowhere... You're right, we should investigate it now."

The rattling behind Vontell slows to nothing as a rat hops out of the can, dashing off with a shiny piece of copper
in its mouth. Stepping up the the object, Vontell shines his light directly on it, letting out a soft gasp as he sees
Vivienne's flower, "Why here...?" He speaks softly, kneeling to investigate it further.

The bright petals of the crumpled flower are dirtied with a mysterious black, thick substance,
"Oil? Tar? Paint? What is this...?" Vontell mutters allowed, moving to put his thumb in it. Before he can,
Leo grunts, nudging his side to stop him before shaking his head.

"No? But why not-" Before he can receive a response, Vontell and Leo's attention are stolen from the
flower. A dark form stands before them in the alley, towering over them. Momentarily shocked, Vontell regains
his composure, moving to lift his flashlight. However, before he can react the figure darts deeper into the alley.

Vontell needs to hurry and make a choice! Should he abandon his usual logical route and rush in after it,
or should he suspect foul play and leave to receive help, potentially losing this lead?

→ Which should Vontell investigate? ←

@Vontell: Check the Object

@Vontell: Check the Garbage Cans

Decision Ten: The Alley

You've unlocked Leo Nudge

(Curious Case item will be rewarded when case is solved)

With wild abandon Vontell dashes down the alley after the mysterious figure.
It's dark, you can barely see your fingers in front of your face. "Halt!" Vontell suddenly
shouts as you manage to adjust your eyes enough to see the form of his body.

Vontell slides forward to a halt, looking around wildly, "I.. It just disappeared!
Really! I never once broke my gaze on it and-"
He stops, seeming to notice something
as he looks down, speaking to you in a hushed tone, "Do me a favour... Back away
now. Don't stop."

Cautiously, you follow his instruction as he holds his arms out wide to shield you. You follow his
eyeline to the ground, and that's when you finally notice it... The shadows are moving on their own!
As if turning into a liquid state they pool together, suddenly rising to form a towering, dark figure,
"Do. Not. Continue."

It's too dark to make out the figure's features, but you still manage to notice that the figure's mouth
did not move while speaking. Its voice seemed eerie, almost inhuman. Vontell doesn't seem phased
as he responds immediately, "You dropped her flower, did you not?
What have you done to Vivienne?"

"You. Cannot. Have. Her."

The tone, while still eerily calm in tone, sounds unmistakably threatening.

Vontell's hand twitches, before lifting his flashlight in a swift movement, shining it onto the figure's
face. Although brief, you're met by the sight of a hooded figure, wearing what almost appeared to be
a broken porcelain mask. Before you can react, however, the figure attacks Vontell, knocking the
flashlight from his hands.

The flashlight spins on the ground, allowing you brief flashes of the scene before you. You see the
figure close in on Vontell. You see the figure enclose a taloned hand over his face as he attempted
to fight back. You hear a shout in the darkness. And as the flashlight slows to a stop,
you see Vontell alone, covering his eyes.

You rush in to help but he responds in a hurry, "The flashlight, hand me
the flashlight!"
As you hand it to him you manage to see Vontell stumble to stand,
"We have to hurry, we cannot allow it to escape!"

You know something is wrong, and he lets out a humourless, breathy laugh,
"That creature... It must have a powerful magic... I managed to counter its attack
with the best of my ability, but I'm currently struggling to see... There's no time to worry,
it's escaping! Hurry, we can't afford to wait any longer!"

→ What should you do? ←

@Vontell: Follow the Figure

@Vontell: Try to Stop Vontell

Decision Eleven: Follow the Figure

You've unlocked Mysterious Mask

(Curious Case item will be rewarded when case is solved)

Vontell nods as you support him, "Thanks... I know I can count on you in times of
He pushes past his limited vision as he dashes forward, not wanting to lose sight of
the figure. Once out of the long alley you can see her better, and only now can you fully appreciate
how inhuman this being is.

She weeves and ducks, you can't see any movement of running but her speed seems unnaturally fast.
You also notice that her cape seems to be unable to maintain a material form, swirling into what
looks almost like smoke, or perhaps pure darkness itself.

"There's some distance between us..." Vontell pants, turning his head to you briefly
as he keeps running, "We have to make a dire decision now... We can rush forward and
try to capture and confront this creature... Or we can try to lag back and follow carefully.
Perhaps we can discover her hideout."

→ What should Vontell do? ←

@Vontell: Confront the Figure

@Vontell: Follow the Figure

Decision Eleven: Follow... Your Heart

You've unlocked Love

(Curious Case item will be rewarded when case is solved)

Following your encouragement Vontell rushes after the dashing figure. "Wait-" Vontell calls out,
before gasping as he sees the figure trip over her own cloak.

"Oh. No." The figure says helplessly, covering her mouth shyly as she lays on the ground.

Being the gentleman he is, Vontell rushes over, gently taking the figure's dainty taloned hand,
"Here... Let me assist you..."

As their fingers brush the figure blushes... somehow... through her mask, "Thank. You... You're...
So. Kind. And also... Handsome."

Vontell blushes as well as he laughs gently, his eyes sparkling as he helps her to her feet, "Well, I
couldn't allow a defenseless yet undeniably bewitching damsel such as yourself to see harm now, could I...?"

Hearing his charming words, the figure's heart beat faster, her face growing warmer,
"What... Is this Feeling?"

Charmed by her whims, Vontell... Listen, I can't do this anymore, you get the idea.

April Fools, knuckleheads, you'll get your real update soon.

→ What do you do? ←

@Vontell: Shake Your Head

@Vontell: Riot

Decision Twelve: Tracking the Figure

You've unlocked Vontell's Coat

(Curious Case item will be rewarded when case is solved)

With your help Vontell falls back, tracking the figure instead of confronting her. She stays steady, seemingly unaware
of your presence, or perhaps unconcerned by it. Staying to the shadows, Vontell whispers to you softly,
"My eyes aren't deteriorating, but they also aren't improving... It's blurry... But I can still see her shape..."

You soon find yourself in a dead silent alley, a seemingly an abandoned part of Voltra. You notice the figure make a
sudden turn, her body shifting into shadows as she slips under the door of a rundown building.

"Here...?" Vontell whispers, holding you back as he watches, waiting. A few minutes pass,
you don't see anyone leaving the building or any mysterious movement of shadows by the door. However, you do
faintly notice a sense of movement in one of the upper windows.

"Is she up there?" He asks, but you notice more movement. There's two distinct shapes
in the window, but it's too dark to see what they're doing, "It could be Vivienne with her... But it could
also be more of those creatures, or perhaps an unrelated innocent."

Leo lifts his nose to the air, grunting as he stands up from the ground. Surprisingly, you see the capybara run towards
the building without hesitation, Vontell's eyes widening slightly, "He says we need to investigate. But wait!
Leo, we should think this out!"
He frowns when Leo doesn't stop, "There's no time to plan this out...
Do we follow Leo and rush the building, or do we attempt to seek some help, build our forces and support?"


@Vontell: Rush the Building

@Vontell: Try to Find Help


Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/22 00:16:07 )

Oh I like this game too! No one else is

@Vontell: Visit Vivienne's Shop


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/22 00:38:08 )
Casting my vote.
@Vontell: Visit Vivienne's Shop
Seems like the more logical choice as a starting point.

Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/22 00:39:29 )

Thats what I figured too ^^


Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/22 00:53:50 )

@Vontell: Visit Vivienne's Shop

ohh this sounds like fun.

Star's Memory Jar | Star's Quest |Star's Runway | Shadow Realm Market
Pls Mention as i wander

Avi art is best gift

Donator — He Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/22 01:29:33 )
@Vontell: visit vivienne's shop

This is so fun o:

Donator — Cat Mama Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/22 01:57:15 )
November 2017 - February 2018
@vontell: visit the Café

I love games like this and it seems I'm the first one to suggest the cafe. Haha.


Donator — penguin Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/22 02:13:02 )
@Vontell: Visit Vivienne's Shop

I also think it is the best place to check first.

Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/22 02:17:07 )
• v •
@Vontell: Visit the Café

I figure a little side-trip isn't a bad idea, more info is never bad for an investigation. :3


Donator — Cat Mama Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/22 02:22:00 )
November 2017 - February 2018
@Mica: So true, plus it mentioned that her shop has been closed. So who knows if we'd get anything there as it is?


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/22 02:38:33 )
@Lithinel: Just because it's closed, doesn't mean there might not be clues on the inside.

Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/22 02:41:58 )
• v •
@Lithinel: True, I think there's potential to find clues in her shop but I think that we can easily come back to it eventually, y'know? Plus new locations are always exciting, anything can happen.

Apparently out of a gig. --v
RLC Commissions always available! PM me or add me on discord: micami#8341

Donator — Cat Mama Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/22 02:43:13 )
November 2017 - February 2018
@another movie addict: That is true, but what if we can't even get in because the door's locked. That was my line of thought. Lol

@mica: That is also a very good point. There's no harm in looking anyway.


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/22 02:46:22 )
@Lithinel: It could be locked, but what if there's a spare key Vontell knows about? Maybe on the inside we'll see that her purse is still there, so she didn't plan on leaving for long? Or something like that.

Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/22 02:48:05 )

@Cookie: You don't even get to vote?! :( But surely one vote, even if from staff, won't effect anything.


Donator — Cat Mama Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/22 02:49:26 )
November 2017 - February 2018
@another movie addict: That is a very good point and I can see where you're going with it. I just went with what my gut instinct said


Voltie — Obnoxious Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/22 02:52:51 )
@Vontell: Visit the Café

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/22 02:53:16 )
@Lithinel: Mmm I watch a lot of true crime documentaries, so that just seems like the kind of thing that would be done first in them.

Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/22 02:54:07 )

Of course you would pick the cafe @jazz:


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