Too lazy to remove/change the background since I'm just moving this over from my thread on a different sight. OTL
Oh well, you guys will learn to live with it lmao. DONE IT.
And since I am ripping this off past threads, it's going to have the exact same settup. SO;
Let's put in an about me thing because that's cool right?
I really really like goats. A lot. Favorite animal. Second is vultures.
I'm 22 and live in a mitten state.
I love all the colors in existence but my favorites are greens, blacks, purples, and bright oranges.
I do not use specific pronouns. Call me whatever. You could probably just use female since I almost always have female avatars.
I have lots of pets~ 2 dogs, 1 cat, a snake, 3 rats and many fish~
I'll put more here later I guess. I'm really lazy lmao.