I'm curious to see the stance that my fellow Volties have on abortion.
Remember to keep all debates and discussion civil, and try to respect each other even if you don't agree.
I personally, while I don't think I'd ever have one, think it should be legal. It's morally wrong for me personally, but I don't think that my stance should mean it should be illegal for anyone else. I could see myself getting one if the child had absolutely no hope at life (i.e. life support, severe mental challenges, etc).
What do you think? If you're male, do you think you'd support your partner if they wanted to?
Forums Serious Talk How do you feel about abortion?
I'm in favor of letting the person bearing the child do whatever. It's their body. Sure, I feel a bit uncomfortable thinking about people who try to conceive and then have second thoughts, or "oops this is a lot more annoying than I thought it would be", but lbr if that kid was born, they probably wouldn't have a great childhood anyways.

@Espy: Yeahhh, I don't think people should do it for like...back up birth control.
However I understand if say someone got pregnant on accident or due to unfortunate circumstances (rape).
Or what if someone is pregnant early term and then they realize they can't afford the child. How difficult would the child's life be.
Abortion is a tricky thing.
However I understand if say someone got pregnant on accident or due to unfortunate circumstances (rape).
Or what if someone is pregnant early term and then they realize they can't afford the child. How difficult would the child's life be.
Abortion is a tricky thing.
Like you said above, abortion is a tricky thing.
I believe that in the long run it is up to the person having the child, however, when it comes to "I don''t think I could afford the child" or "I don't know if I could handle having a child" I would think it would be better to let them.. have a chance? If they made the child full knowing what would happen, it is up to them to take care of their child, then I don't think its right. at some point (during the pregnancy) if said person doesn't want the child anymore, there is always an adoption choice as there are people who can't have children. At the same time however, there is always the chance that they would be a bad parent or something along those lines.
I believe that in the long run it is up to the person having the child, however, when it comes to "I don''t think I could afford the child" or "I don't know if I could handle having a child" I would think it would be better to let them.. have a chance? If they made the child full knowing what would happen, it is up to them to take care of their child, then I don't think its right. at some point (during the pregnancy) if said person doesn't want the child anymore, there is always an adoption choice as there are people who can't have children. At the same time however, there is always the chance that they would be a bad parent or something along those lines.
Oh boy, the traditional abortion thread.
I am very firmly in the pro-choice category. That said, I don't think this is a topic that can ever truly be debated, because a debate relies on both sides sharing some common ground, and that's not the case when it comes to abortion. Both sides have irreconcilable moral grounds and there's not really a shared middle to meet on between "this is actually murder" vs "this is my body and forcing my to keep a pregnancy violates my rights and makes me a slave/incubator". It's one of those unfortunate topics that generally lead to circling arguments where both sides just can't believe that the other side doesn't /understand/, you know?
I am very firmly in the pro-choice category. That said, I don't think this is a topic that can ever truly be debated, because a debate relies on both sides sharing some common ground, and that's not the case when it comes to abortion. Both sides have irreconcilable moral grounds and there's not really a shared middle to meet on between "this is actually murder" vs "this is my body and forcing my to keep a pregnancy violates my rights and makes me a slave/incubator". It's one of those unfortunate topics that generally lead to circling arguments where both sides just can't believe that the other side doesn't /understand/, you know?
@Slytherclaw: No, I definitely know what you mean. But I wanted to get some serious discussion going and it was the only thing that popped into my mind besides Black Lives Matter, but that pretty much just boils down to how people view racism and what they constitute as peaceful and non peaceful protests. @ . @

sell me rigs please♥
First, I have to say it is so nice to see everyone comminucating their thoughts and feelings on this topic in a calm and civil manner. :vanora_heart:
As far as the question, my thoughts are of this:
Me, personally, I dont think I could ever get one done. I don't think its right and just goes against who I am as a person. But, I am pro choice. I think a person should be able to do what they want to do to their body. While I may be against it, someone else may not and who am I to tell them how to live their lives?
On the other hand, despite being pro choice, I do not think its right if you go and have sex, get pregnant, get the baby aborted, then rinse and repeat. I don't really see this happening to older people (I'm sure it does though), but I see a lot of careless teens lately who, despite knowing how sex works and what can come out of it, they brag about how they'd just abort and keep going and doing it over again.
Thats just kind of how I feel on the matter. I'm horrible...and I mean horrible, at wording things so hope this made some bit of sense.
As far as the question, my thoughts are of this:
Me, personally, I dont think I could ever get one done. I don't think its right and just goes against who I am as a person. But, I am pro choice. I think a person should be able to do what they want to do to their body. While I may be against it, someone else may not and who am I to tell them how to live their lives?
On the other hand, despite being pro choice, I do not think its right if you go and have sex, get pregnant, get the baby aborted, then rinse and repeat. I don't really see this happening to older people (I'm sure it does though), but I see a lot of careless teens lately who, despite knowing how sex works and what can come out of it, they brag about how they'd just abort and keep going and doing it over again.
Thats just kind of how I feel on the matter. I'm horrible...and I mean horrible, at wording things so hope this made some bit of sense.

I don't think it should be the main birth control you chose and if someone who wasn't on birth control needed one they should also have a sit down with the doctor to talk about birth control to prevent future pregnancies.
I am pro-choice because at the end of the day unless it's my body and my life I shouldn't really have a say anyway. Plus I know how hard it is to grow up unwanted and I wouldn't wish that on any child.
@Elithiya: I'm with you on that! I think the only babies I have will be fluffy ... or have feathers ...
I am pro-choice because at the end of the day unless it's my body and my life I shouldn't really have a say anyway. Plus I know how hard it is to grow up unwanted and I wouldn't wish that on any child.
@Elithiya: I'm with you on that! I think the only babies I have will be fluffy ... or have feathers ...
I used to be suuuper pro-life growing up (my family went to a Baptist church most of my childhood). However upon growing up I got to thinking, "what if that were me?" I am pro-choice. The person carrying the pregnancy should have the right to control what happens to their own body and their own life. I know for a fact that I am never having children (don't like them, don't want them) so if god-forbid I ever got pregnant I think I would consider abortion as an option (I do take birth control so it wouldn't be my first line of defense if I chose abortion). I plan on getting my tubes tied eventually, but I know that any doctor I go to is going to turn me down because I'm a "young, unmarried woman with no children yet and I might change my mind" (plus I can't afford it). Like that's a woman's only purpose in life, to spawn children? Ultimately it boils down to the individual whether or not abortion is something that should be an option, but that's why I'm pro-choice. No person should be forced to be a fetus incubator if they truly do not want to/cannot carry a pregnancy.
@ me to get my attention or I probably won't respond

Well, I prefer adoption over abortion. That's just me. There are some cases where I wouldn't judge a person that did it. As a simple method of birth control? Many people want babies but can't have them, so adopting babies is a lot easier than an older child from what I have heard.
I will also admit that there are situations that it is best. Such as children who have too many health issues to have a good quality of life. Not talking about autism, I am talking about kids much worse off than that. Or a situation where you have to choose between giving existing children a mother and choosing the unborn.
I shouldn't judge, I never know what someone is going through. Maybe it is a case of rape or incest, or something along those lines. I just have my personal beliefs about it, and there are situations I can't properly weigh in on because I haven't been there.
I will also admit that there are situations that it is best. Such as children who have too many health issues to have a good quality of life. Not talking about autism, I am talking about kids much worse off than that. Or a situation where you have to choose between giving existing children a mother and choosing the unborn.
I shouldn't judge, I never know what someone is going through. Maybe it is a case of rape or incest, or something along those lines. I just have my personal beliefs about it, and there are situations I can't properly weigh in on because I haven't been there.
What I am trying to say is, while I have my beliefs, and it's something I would like to adhere to, unless it's made my buisness, I shouldn't judge anyone for their choices. There may be a reason for it, and unless it's made my buisness, I should stay out of it.
@Elithiya: Pay that doctor no mind; I'm on my second Nexplanon, heavily weighted and my periods have completely vanished. So being overweight won't automatically cause heavy bleeding.
@iggy: I've also been considering being sterilised to as I am 100% certain there are no children in my future (except cute niblings) and I honestly don't want to spend the next 30 years on birth control. But at 23 and with no children I'd get laughed out of the doctors office before I'd even had a chance to state my case.
@iggy: I've also been considering being sterilised to as I am 100% certain there are no children in my future (except cute niblings) and I honestly don't want to spend the next 30 years on birth control. But at 23 and with no children I'd get laughed out of the doctors office before I'd even had a chance to state my case.
I am pro-choice for many reasons. The number one reason is that I would have no real choice. If I get pregnant without having 100%planned it all out, it could be down to a choice of me or the baby. I've got a heart condition and would have to have a valve replacement shortly before getting pregnant so that there isn't too much strain on my valve. To top it off, my boyfriend has polycystic kidney disease so any male child he has is most likely going to have it too. This means that they will be born with missing or completely failed kidneys and have to go on dialysis from birth just like he had to, then the child will have to battle to find a matching kidney to have even a simi-normal childhood. 10-15 years later, the new kidney will fail and it's back on dialysis.
TLDR: Due to health concerns, if I get pregnant, I'm going to choose me over it. That said, I come from a mostly primitive and southern baptist family, so it's not gonna fly so well. But it's my body, my life, my decision, my choice. No one else has any right to decide for me, or judge me for my choice.
TLDR: Due to health concerns, if I get pregnant, I'm going to choose me over it. That said, I come from a mostly primitive and southern baptist family, so it's not gonna fly so well. But it's my body, my life, my decision, my choice. No one else has any right to decide for me, or judge me for my choice.
The reasons that you just listed are definatly reasons why abortion can be a nessesary evil. That's a terrifying thing for anyone to have to face and worry about when bringing life into the world.

I'm for it. People need to have a chance to choose.
I must say if it's someone else it is they're body, they can do what they want with it,
if they wanna have an abortion, that is up to them, because it is there body, not mine.
I know that I'd never have an abortion, but that is my choice.
if they wanna have an abortion, that is up to them, because it is there body, not mine.
I know that I'd never have an abortion, but that is my choice.
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!
Definitely Pro life in this conversation. But as always there will always be exceptions to the "rules".
However it DOES need to be an option on the table. While I personally not be for it and if both parties consent (not counting forced). It's their bodies/materials used to make it. Just on a personal note, Please try contraceptives (Yes I know don't always work) and try not to use it as a day after pill.
However it DOES need to be an option on the table. While I personally not be for it and if both parties consent (not counting forced). It's their bodies/materials used to make it. Just on a personal note, Please try contraceptives (Yes I know don't always work) and try not to use it as a day after pill.

I am one-hundred percent pro-choice, no matter what the circumstance is. I don't care if it's rape or if if they decided to do something without protection, they should still have the right to abortion if they do not wish to go through with a pregnancy. To me, it is much kinder to terminate a fetus before its life begins rather than having them be born into a life of suffering or to parents who don't want them.
And for those who say there's always adoption, well, while that is true, it's not always that simple. There are already countless children in orphanages and foster care who have yet to be adopted or are often overlooked. As well as many starving and homeless or abandoned children. And children who have been abused. Bottom line, there are already many children who are suffering and in need of love and forcing someone to continue a pregnancy to term would just add to this problem. Why bring more children into these situations when there are already so many in need? I also don't think that pregnancy should be used as a punishment. Just because someone got pregnant without the use contraceptives doesn't make it okay to force them to carry a pregnancy to term. Everyone makes mistakes and having a child can be something that drastically changes a person's life. If someone isn't ready to be a parent, then they should be allowed to have the option for abortion just as someone who was raped should have the option. A college-bound student shouldn't be forced to give up their dream and possibly give up the chance at achieving a great feat (such as finding a cure for cancer or AIDS or another disease) because of a mistake that they made at a college party.
I can understand how this can be a conflicting issue for so many people, but it's not all black and white. There are many gray areas and they should be considered before making a choice of whether or not it should be legal. And it's also important to note, that even if abortion became illegal, doesn't mean it wouldn't happen. People would still find a way to abort a fetus, even if that meant going back to using coat-hangers. Keeping abortion legal simply allows individuals to have a safe method of terminating a pregnancy.
And for those who say there's always adoption, well, while that is true, it's not always that simple. There are already countless children in orphanages and foster care who have yet to be adopted or are often overlooked. As well as many starving and homeless or abandoned children. And children who have been abused. Bottom line, there are already many children who are suffering and in need of love and forcing someone to continue a pregnancy to term would just add to this problem. Why bring more children into these situations when there are already so many in need? I also don't think that pregnancy should be used as a punishment. Just because someone got pregnant without the use contraceptives doesn't make it okay to force them to carry a pregnancy to term. Everyone makes mistakes and having a child can be something that drastically changes a person's life. If someone isn't ready to be a parent, then they should be allowed to have the option for abortion just as someone who was raped should have the option. A college-bound student shouldn't be forced to give up their dream and possibly give up the chance at achieving a great feat (such as finding a cure for cancer or AIDS or another disease) because of a mistake that they made at a college party.
I can understand how this can be a conflicting issue for so many people, but it's not all black and white. There are many gray areas and they should be considered before making a choice of whether or not it should be legal. And it's also important to note, that even if abortion became illegal, doesn't mean it wouldn't happen. People would still find a way to abort a fetus, even if that meant going back to using coat-hangers. Keeping abortion legal simply allows individuals to have a safe method of terminating a pregnancy.
My stance on abortion is this:
It's the woman's body. Let HER decide what she does with it. If she wants to do that, it's HER body. If she can't support the baby while it's growing within her, it's HER body.
There is NO ONE else that can decide waht a woman does with HER body. Even if the father wants her to keep it, he's not carrying the thing. Yes, they should sit and talk it out, come to an agreement, neither should force the other to see things their way, but it is still her body, not his.
I would probably never have one [I can't even carry to term anyway] but I fully 100% support them being legal.
Thankfully, here in Canada, they are~<3
It's the woman's body. Let HER decide what she does with it. If she wants to do that, it's HER body. If she can't support the baby while it's growing within her, it's HER body.
There is NO ONE else that can decide waht a woman does with HER body. Even if the father wants her to keep it, he's not carrying the thing. Yes, they should sit and talk it out, come to an agreement, neither should force the other to see things their way, but it is still her body, not his.
I would probably never have one [I can't even carry to term anyway] but I fully 100% support them being legal.
Thankfully, here in Canada, they are~<3
I can understand how this can be a conflicting issue for so many people, but it's not all black and white. There are many gray areas and they should be considered before making a choice of whether or not it should be legal. And it's also important to note, that even if abortion became illegal, doesn't mean it wouldn't happen. People would still find a way to abort a fetus, even if that meant going back to using coat-hangers. Keeping abortion legal simply allows individuals to have a safe method of terminating a pregnancy.
I can understand how this can be a conflicting issue for so many people, but it's not all black and white. There are many gray areas and they should be considered before making a choice of whether or not it should be legal. And it's also important to note, that even if abortion became illegal, doesn't mean it wouldn't happen. People would still find a way to abort a fetus, even if that meant going back to using coat-hangers. Keeping abortion legal simply allows individuals to have a safe method of terminating a pregnancy.
Do we want more deaths because of girls using a coat hanger to attempt to tear the damned thing out of her?
Legalized and completely available abortions are FAR safer, more clean, and far less likely to result in massive problems - possible death from internal bleeding because they punctured something - for the would-be mother.
[Also, sorry about the second post here ^^ ;; ]
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