Donator — nyan?
Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/20 21:23:22 )
welcome to neko's needs ---
hi there, i'm neko and i'm currently on a quest! i would very much appreciate your help, be it donations or simply your time, companionship, and chats! n___n one of my needs is simply friends to talk to!
so please stick around and have fun with me on my journey to the things i need!
Donator — nyan?
Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/20 21:29:43 )
neko's current need ---
currently i'm questing eyes and hair in every single color the site offers! super fun, right?
if there is a strike through the item // color, i have already achieved it!
Donator — She/Crazy
Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/21 11:19:01 )
Sounds good! I have slowly been buying some of my own quest items when I reach about 2.5k volts. Almost there again myself. Going shopping is a lot of fun on avie sites! ^_^
Donator — She/Crazy
Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/22 01:50:46 )
Yeah. I am addicted to collecting it all though. Just gonna make me that much more determined to continue posting on the site. Gotta collect it all! Hehehe! ^_^