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Forums Charities 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest

Voltie — She/It Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 03:49:18 )
@unicorn: I mean I don't see why you're apologizing, but also... Why do you *have* to make breakfast for dinner? That's an awesome dinner, it shouldn't be *have* to! :c

Donator — King Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 03:53:10 )
@Unicorn: no doesnt count -gets paddle
Dressed as goblins!
Do it all again!
See the friends all again!

Donator — Alien Imp Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 03:54:18 )
@Unicorn: Pancakes sound delicious right now.

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 03:59:52 )
@Juneberry: I am making it for my little one and myself it has been a bad day and a very bad night.

@Dread Pirate: you better be spanking yourself, with that paddle I haven't done anything wromg today. But my day has been crappy.

@Interstellar Fairy: I got used to the cherry soda -giggles- scrub and yes it tasty breakfast for dinner

Voltie — She/It Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 04:01:19 )
May I ask what made it so bad for both of you so that I can send hugs and smiles?

Donator — Alien Imp Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 04:03:14 )
@Unicorn: Tastes better now?
What did you cook?

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 04:06:49 )
@Juneberry: my littles daddy acting like he owns something when he don't lying a lot not beimg honest.

@Interstellar Fairy: Yes, I'm making pancakes silly

Voltie — She/It Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 04:09:15 )
Doesn't sound like a daddy I'd like to be near. Or a person for that matter. I prefer blunt honesty any day... though I'm better with lies than I was in the past in recent years. Not telling them, but now I don't freak as much when I find out someone lied about simple stuff.

Donator — Alien Imp Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 04:15:02 )
@Unicorn: I wasn't sure if it was pancakes only, sorry lol..

Donator — Cactus Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 04:19:59 )
@Dread Pirate: I ish one of them fantastical females. XD Ish you?
@Unicorn: Hi sweet pea~

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 04:25:10 )
@Juneberry: I can tell when he is lying and not being honest.
@Interstellar Fairy: it is fine, there so fluffy.
@Fade: hello there what are you up to?

Donator — Alien Imp Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 04:26:02 )
@Unicorn: Oooh, very nice. I love pancakes from thin and dense to big and fluffy.

Donator — Cactus Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 04:26:23 )
@Unicorn: I just got home from seeing Ready Player One in theaters. c: It was amaaaaaaaazing. How are you, m'darlin?

Voltie — She/It Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 04:29:12 )
@Unicorn: How do you learn that besides through experience? Dare I ask what kind of lies he's telling? >w< Also dare I ask more about your littles because kids are adorable and I want to hug them automatically?
@Fade: I'm sure you are fantastic but what makes you fantasti*cal*? o3o

Donator — Cactus Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 04:39:07 )
@Juneberry: Idfk, because everyone is fantastical in their own way because everyone is beautifully different. <3 How are you, sweet pea? Ish you new?

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 04:42:36 )
@Interstellar Fairy: and the syrup oh my god, it even tastes, just like that stuff I got in the mail.yesterday which is great!

@Fade: it was a bad day and night, so would you recomend others to go see that movie?

@Juneberry: that is true. my little one is two, and she is my everything. I used to lie when I was little, but then a friend lied to me and that really hurt me. So I realized at a ver young age that lying wasn't good so because of that I am honest 24 hours 7 days a week. I am very blunt with what I say and people don't like it.
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

Donator — Alien Imp Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 04:44:17 )
@Unicorn: Lol that's really awesome. I wonder if they used real syrup.
I'm ganna get some rest, I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Donator — Cactus Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 04:45:47 )
@Unicorn: ABSOFRAKINGLUTELY, I'd recommend it. c: The novel, Ready Player One, by Ernest Cline, came out in 2011. It takes place in 2045 and it's all about the main character, Wade Watts, trying to solve a puzzle about a guy, James Halliday, who was OBSESSED with the 1980's. It was an amazing book. And the movie just released tonight, and while it was different, it was good. Ernest Cline actually worked on the screenplay WITH Steven Spielburg, so the changes they made actually worked well for the movie, I REALLY enjoyed it~ You don't have to see the movie to enjoy the book and you don't need to read the book to enjoy the movie. c: But if you like video games and anything 1980's, it'd be worth a watch!~

Voltie — She/It Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 04:45:50 )
@Fade: That's a very good reason! I just had to know 'cause you said you were a fantastical female, and I wondered for a sec if being a female made me fantastical too. xD Also you're already way sweeter than me to me~ And... how'd you know!? I just joined today. I saw Unicorn's name in this thread's title and rushed in. Because Uni was the first to say hi in my newbie greeting~

@Unicorn: I'm like that too. I learned lies hurt pretty early in life from my family (I blame my mom for my trust issues myself). And oh boy... the terrible twos! Are they terrible yet? Also... Why can I never spell terrible right since playing and writing about Rune Factory? Well, anyway- I bet she's sweet like you. o3o And I think blunt is good, so... One more person that won't dislike it? :D

Donator — Cactus Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 04:50:08 )
@Juneberry: Welcome, welcome, sweet pea. <3 And yeah, my life hasn't been any kind of easy or kind, so I try to put kindness and smiles and goodness back into the world. Unicorn is LEGIT an amazing friend, she's a gem of a person~ c:
Fade on Solia/Fadeykins on Sapherna
Please PING me so I'll see your response <3
Juggy is my mule~

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