"Hello lovelies! I've been so bored cooped up in my room, I thought I'd sneak out and try to help with this predicament. You may not know this, but I was once a renowned spellcaster in the Ice Realm, believe it or not. And I still know my way around magic. It has been a while, so I'm going to need to borrow your magic to help me out!
I have a rather large collection of spellbooks that were stored up in my attic, my brother thought I couldn't find them there but he should know better by now. Anyway, I happened to find a tome containing a spell that could help us boost Valentina's battery! Unfortunately, this writer seemed to be a very eccentric person and wrote it all in code!
I'll need your help to decode it so that I may cast it by noon tomorrow, alright? That way Virgil will be too busy to notice! Oh! Speaking of, don't tell him or we'll all be in for it!"
Violet needs your help to decode and cast a powerful spell that will help fuel Valentina's battery.
Work together to solve the clues to find the next symbol, this is a community effort!

This isn't a competition, this is a group project!
You'll be given a clue to solve. Once somebody discovers the right answer, Violet will release another!
Some clues are for the number in the symbol's order, some clues are for the symbol itself.
It's also possible for symbols to repeat!
This isn't a guessing game, so think carefully about your answer.
The fate of Voltra could be at stake!
At noon tomorrow, Violet will perform the spell, so help her prepare!

2 12 6 7 1 20 4 11 8 17 10 15 1 13 16 9 19 6 11 7

2 12 6 7 1 20 4 11 8 17 10 15 1 13 16 9 19 6 11 7