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Forums The Blackout Violet's Charming Spell (END: LORE UPDATE)

Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 07:50:01 )

Yay! ^^ Ah, that makes sense. That one was tricky lol


Npc — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 07:52:06 )
A Clue!
Violet runs her finger across the page, reading aloud the final clue.


Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 07:52:39 )

Of course its another math one xD *pulls out paper again* lol


Donator — He Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 07:53:06 )
Its 7 xD

Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 07:55:06 )

I'm gonna go with Raxton's answer xD


Npc — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 08:05:39 )
The sound of seven is pure heaven! You got it right!

In Violet's lap the book begins to glow bright, the letters shining on the paper. She smiles up at you all with a gleam in her eyes.

I think it's ready, it's been so long, I'm excited to be able to try out such an ancient spell... Hmm.. it's going to require a bit of energy though, so I think it's about time I got some rest. Hm~ Thank you all again for your help! Be sure to join me tomorrow at noon, we'll cast this spell together!

Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 08:08:36 )

Yay! We did it! Great job everyone! <3
Just be careful when you do do the spell, Violet <3 Sleep well!


Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 15:54:28 )

Well, I missed it lol oh well, nice job everyone!


Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 16:10:16 )

We still have to be here for the spell! ^^ *waits patiently*


Npc — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 17:13:45 )

Violet glances up, smiling and waving to everyone as you gather at the meeting place.
She's seated on the ground, the old tome sitting in her lap.

"Thank you for joining me, everyone. I was so excited I could hardly sleep last night, but don't worry,
I was able to,"
She smiles coyly, "Bed-er late than never, right?"

She sighs, a slight shakiness beneath her breath as she clasps her hands together, her expression changing as
she takes on a more mature air, "Alright, it's time to be serious... In order to conduct this spell,
I'm going to need to borrow your power. I'll need you to focus with me, feel the energy within you flow
through your veins, try to harness it. We all have magic within us, even if you've never been able to use it before..."

She glances up at you, smiling faintly, "I believe you all have the potential to be so strong, I'm
faithful that we'll be able to give Valentina a boost."

She runs her fingers over the aged parchment of the book,
"Lend me your power while I speak this spell, alright?"

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 17:15:37 )

I'm a little confused as to how this works >.<

ooh nevermind >.< I guess it was solved already ^^;;
i saw a clue on the front and was confused but i see in chat a final clue went out last night ^-^

also love the pun!!

Npc — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 17:36:49 )

As Violet summons your energy, she continues to recite the spell, her eyes beginning to glow. Beneath her
hands the book begins to levitate, beginning to shake slightly. It suddenly becomes a ball of light, slowly engulfing
Violet in a blindly light. Her voice is completely drowned out as you hear the crackle of electricity, the air
feeling heavy and almost suffocating in the presence of this pure magic energy.

As quickly as it begins, the bright energy suddenly shoots off into a beam, streaking through the sky over
Voltra towards the core. Colliding with the battery, the energy suddenly takes a massive boost. Although unseen
by you, this does manage to momentarily faze Val out of her work.

You turn your eyes away from the sky to look back to Violet, but something isn't right. She looks severely
weakened, her breath uneven and laboured as she gives you a faint smile, "G...Good work everyone...
I think we helped a lot... Right?"
She suddenly collapses in front of you, the tome tumbling abandoned
from her hold, still smoking from the spell.

Violet's unconscious, alive but unresponsive.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 17:47:46 )
@Virgil: *runs to Violet's side and waits* here Virgil! We... we were just trying to help! It worked but... she fainted!


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 17:56:47 )
o v o

Violet! /runs over to her side and kneels down to check her vitals

Mm, alive but I can't believe you would go to such lengths. /cracks a smile

Actually, I can... being that it's you. Care more about the users than your own life. We might be just a little dead, though, if Virgil finds out. /eyes Tae with a look

I'm not sure if this will work, but... /gently cradles Violet in his arms and gathers what he can of his magical power within an open palm

If we all have magic within us, then what little we can muster should be able to help you in some way. If that happens, then maybe we can all avoid death at Virgil's hand. /sweatdrop


Voltie — She/It Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 18:14:58 )
@Violet: What to do to help her... The good news is she's alive. The bad news is I'm still super worried. *deep breaths*

Npc — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 18:39:56 )
Virgil rushes up to her, panting heavily as he shoves everyone away from her, "Back off her! Violet!" he pulls his sister into his arms, gently brushing her bangs out of her face as he checks her condition. His eyebrows furrow heavily, muttering to himself shakily, "Not again... Not again please... Please wake up..."

Shaking heavily he snaps, turning to glare at everyone, "Why would you let her do this?! She's SICK! She's supposed to be recovering not doing STUPID stunts like this!" He swallows heavily, shaking his head as his voice lowers, "Nobody cares though do they? As long as you get what you want who cares right? Who cares who gets hurt!?"

Npc — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 18:43:18 )
Violet coughs weakly, her body rattling from the action as she whispers, "Don't... Be mad at them... it's my fault..." Her eyes slowly open, the magic lent to her by Dowan allowing her to regain a faint consciousness, "I-I didn't tell them... They didn't know..."

Voltie — She/It Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 18:45:44 )
@Virgil: Is there any way we can help her recover? I give my greatest apologies, as I wasn't aware of her circumstances.

Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 19:18:17 )

Oh no oh no! ;-; Shoot! Virgil! What do we do?! There has to be a way to help her, right? We care about her deeply, or we wouldn't all be this worried. If we would have known this would have happened, we wouldn't have even tried! But on the other hand..if we weren't here, would she have done it anyway? It could have been much worse, but she collected some of our power, too.So...*whines* She'll be okay, right? Surely, we can fix this.


Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/31 20:00:49 )

Oh no Violet!!! What do we do :O

Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.

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