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Forums Hangouts Comfortable is sexy: obviously a hangout

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/26 19:58:30 )
@Aesir: I am socially awkward too, so I know we will mesh well together, or it'll be a disaster. Or both.
You really don't know with awkward people.

@Bone King Xanunun: Are you running my hangout now? And running it as it if were the tavern in the campaign now?
Really, you're gonna sneakily imply that I should make a june-july mule now?

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/27 04:10:10 )
Aw, bummer! But, if I remember right, you got... another bag of tricks? I got a little sour in that session because I just wanted so badly to ask a quick question but there was no break in speech.

Pff, yeah. Nooo! We didn't meet Layla because we all suddenly decided to dedicate some time to personal training, she never had a chance to show up. I think this was still when we had the plot of land but no money to start building the tavern. Pretty sure Spaghetta reeeeally wanted to plant a bunch of flowers just because, but Ben wouldn't let her because "you don't shit about gardening, fuck you"
Layla grew up on a farm, so she's a strong girl with a bit of expertise in this and that. Maybe that encompasses gardening, WHO KNOWS. I don't.

PFFFFFF, how great!
"Fffollow meee!" walkwalkwalk "OW, FUCK, BEAR TRAPwhere'dthatcomefrom." Stands up to continue walking with new bear trap footwear.

WELL, I MEAN... I did post an official Strahddy's, so sort of but not really? And also yes. June-July it up in here.

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/28 03:51:48 )
@Bone King Xanunun: I was PMSing really hard last game too. lmao YAY ANGER

Idea: hire Layla to be our gardener. You can't see her but you can be sure our topiary is in tip top shape.

Oh and our dm was also kind of an asshole. :P laid a tonna traps and made us confirm crits and everything. i mean, he got fed up with us and gave up eventually, we really don't need his help to do a shitty job of adventuring. It gets really hilarious.

YOU DID WHAT. ok now i gotta.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 00:26:50 )
I didn't notice, what was going on?!

I don't think that'll work out. Layla is currently training with some master, whether on and off or for a while. Or maybe she's back for a bit.

Wow, dude sounds like a butt. Confirm crits? How does that work?


Donator — - Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 02:20:02 )
Hello. Again.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/29 18:18:32 )

@Bone King Xanunun: Oh okay. Thanks ^^ Eheh.. yeah, I think I won't mind that. ^^''

@Eruca: Haha that is very true, we are a unpredictable kind, aren't we? For better or worse. ^^'' But I really hope we mesh well, rather than end in some disastrous scenario. Although a disastrous mesh sounds sort of interesting. x)
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Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/30 00:22:38 )
@Bone King Xanunun: LOL Do I usually come off angry? xD I felt myself being irritable and consciously held back talking because I'd just be angry a lot. Also. Angry chip eating. lol. That's why I muted myself. And Ben was like "OMGURD COMEBACK". but I was just chewing with my mouth open. :D

Oh well, Layla can have her own career then. Let her carve her own success.

He was a butt. He like... is the textbook definition of a troll. Which is a whole lotta fun when he doesn't happen to you. xD Confirming crits is basically whenever you roll a 20 on a d20, you have to roll another 20 for it to be a real crit. And believe it or not, it actually happened once or twice. xD

@Shamrock Shamus: Welcome back, Sherlock Shamus. How's it going?

@Aesir: I guess we'll find out. lmao. What's the worst that could happen? /asking the wrong question

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/30 00:24:45 )
@Bone King Xanunun: And one more thing about that DM... I've known that guy a long time. Well, thru the internet, whatever that's worth, and I don't pry. But I'm still not sure he has feelings. lmao

Donator — - Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/30 02:13:38 )
Alright. My girlfriend had surgery today, so I have been waiting on her hand and foot, while doing all the house work (which that part is normal tbh) as well as taking care of my small army of children.
She got in an accident the day before Halloween that almost killed her. She had to have screws put in her leg. We thought that a screw was popping out. You could see it push up against her skin and I could feel it when I was running my hands up and down her legs. It was causing her pain. So she went to get it taken out. Turns out that the bone grew over the screw and it was her bone that I was rubbing...which is gross yet intriguing.


Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/1 20:24:34 )
@Shamrock Shamus: Wow that is a very graphic detail I wasn't ready for. Are they able to take the screw out? Is she faring well?
I'm alright. Nothing special to report.

Voltie — She/It Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/1 20:27:57 )
Howdy! Smaller rooms like this make me feel at ease so I'll be joining in. Also the idea of that 'fishing for compliments' game is pretty fun~
Now if only there were a cow to go along with the sheepy emoji. I love cows. I see a moose though.
I also see a bee. Please hide me.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/1 21:20:04 )
I wouldn't say that you seem angry most of the time, I can't really detect anger in forms that aren't "god you're a piece of shit."
Pffff, that was silly. "GOD DAMN IT, I'M EEEEATING."

Layla might become a character in another game one day. As long as it's a text-based game and not voice, because Layla's going to sound like Dr. Girlfriend.

Wow, that dude SOUNDS like a butt! COnfirming crits sounds like major bullshit. Should be x4 damage if you have to do that shit.
He sounds like the kind of guy that I would have blocked real quick. Unless he's decent outside of D&D.

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/2 01:21:43 )
@Juneberry: 'Eyyy, good to see a pal playin' the game! Welcome welcome!
You seem like really smart person! Evidently, my great hall can't contain the largeness that is your head, so I figure you must have a giant brain in there too. Unless... you don't. :vanora_worried:

that was the most contrived backhanded compliment ever.
But yeah this is a pretty laid-back, low-effort place. Make yourself at home!

@Bone King Xanunun: You're right, I'm not an angry person. But I will note down "lacks comprehension for subtlety" on your page anyway.
Idk why I keep insulting you. I'm sorry. I mean I could just delete it but isn't that joke funny?

Who's Dr. Girlfriend?
OMG. I have watched Rupaul's Drag Race and related stuff so much lately that a woman talking with a man's voice is normal to me.

I think crits were supposed to do double damage plus bonus? pathfinder rules are a little different from D&D 5e.
He's alright. Mixed reviews, I would say. Actually for a while, he'd get kicked out of the channel by a mod every time he logged in. /snickers

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/2 04:11:09 )
You're lucky, buster, that I'm not too easily offended. I'm gonna forget about it if I threaten to do something to you in-game next session, so there's no point in making the threat!

Dr. Girlfriend is from The Venture Bros. (think Johnny Quest-style but with adult/vulgar humor).
There's a butterfly/moth-themed villain that's incompetent, I think, and he has Dr. Girlfriend at his side. She's extremely beautiful and stylish but she sounds like a male fat New Yorker with a few decades of smoking under his belt.
Now that I think about it, I don't think it's ever addressed in the show.

Yeah! I'm just saying if you're gonna be forced to reroll your fucking crit and still succeed, you should DOUBLE CRIT that enemy into oblivion!
I always did want to learn Pathfinder, but my first experience with D&D (this game) stabbed 5e in me and I like it. How do you feel about it in comparison?

Pfffff. It'd be funny if someone wrote a bot that auto-kicked him every first log-in of the day. Sign in, SLAMS THE DOOR IN HIS FACE. You don't even get to come inside first.

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/2 05:25:20 )
@Bone King Xanunun: :D

I didn't watch either of those shows so youtubed it. LOL. She's great.

I feel like they're meant to be pretty similar, but 5e had some significant changes in mechanic compared to previous version to make everything more intuitive for players and pathfinder 3e was somewhere between old dnd and 5e. I didn't play a wizard (I think?) in pathfinder so I found the experience pretty different. I don't really think I can compare them. Artemis might know better cuz she played stealth roles in both games. My impression about that is dnd 5e has a more intuitive way to combo hits as assassin, because she never used them much in pathfinder. But then again, rogue and assassin are two different classes.

lol. that'd be pretty great. I think it was done manually whenever the mod noticed. So he'd get kicked off randomly. Not sure how that was resolved tbh. xD but then people had automatic rejoins so it was just a minor inconvenience. Looking back people were doing a lot of pointless things. lol

Voltie — She/It Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/3 02:04:51 )
@Eruca: Thanks! That was a pretty interesting one~ Though I'm not sure my head has a brain in it. Pretty sure mine was taken out when I arrived on earth and put in area 52. What you just described was the boulder they replaced it with I bet. And yes, I did just straight out admit to being an alien. Then again I never hide it. xD

It looks nice and easy to hang out here, yep~ I like it already. Looks both in depth and just relaxing and laid back. I like the less overwhelmingly fast threads usually. And just helps there's nice people in most of 'em all~ like you~

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/3 05:13:00 )
@Juneberry: :vanora_sweat:
I'm just gonna overlook the fact that you admitted to being an alien and pretend I never heard that tidbit. It's what keeps one alive in a lovecraftian horror.

Aw shucks! That compliment wasn't back handed at all~

Donator — - Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/4 05:24:17 )
@Eruca: Ahaha. Sorry. I tend to be insanely straight forward and lack a filter.

She's doing better. They were able to take the screw out after some work. She was up and walking around again by the day after. It really just hurts her now when she has to reposition her leg in bed. She is not a baby with pain but the way it makes her whimper makes me sad.

I had screws in my ankle after an injury I got playing ice hockey as a kid and I had to have them removed as well because it was causing me a lot of problems. So, I am able to sympathize with her.

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/4 05:27:59 )

Heyooo RP in the HOUSE


Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/4 17:45:41 )
@Shamrock Shamus: Well, I'm glad they got it out. ._. You don't have ankle pain anymore do you? Hopefully that's the case for her too.

Man. My fear of physical injury is like, almost irrational. So I only hope y'all recover real good.

@RainbowPanda: Hey RP in the HOUSE! xD How's it going?
Suuuuper cute avatar. Looksl ike marshmallows. And a parrot. I could just eat it. The marshmallows, not the parrot.
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