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Hey all, I've been thinking a lot about what I want for the future. All my hopes and dreams. Then I wondered what others might have in mind.
What's your dream job? Or jobs if you want more than one. Working with youth? Owning and operating your own farm? Being a therapist, EMT, doctor, artist? Let's talk about it!
My dream for the future is to one day own and operate my very own youth center. Where youth can come after school to participate in a variety of activities and have a meal. This way they can be kids, get help with homework, learn new hobbies and be themselves. All in an environment where they feel safe and can thrive, grown and learn!
I'd also love to have my own summer camp for at risk youth from group and foster homes. They can learn to be kids, overcome trauma and regain trust for others. All while hiking, canoeing, swimming, etc in the great outdoors!