So, there I am, coding away, got a good flow goin', got my beats on, when suddenly...idk, something appeared, and I went to go dismiss it... and I ACCIDENTALLY closed the WINDOW i was WORking IN and OMG I LosT so MUCH PROGRESS UHGHGHGHGHG Q-Q
this is what I get for a) turning off the "close multiple tabs?" notification and b) NOT SAVING EARLY AND OFTEN ENOUGH
Oh well. At least I had a really solid plan going, and am certain I can replicate the design.. just, ugh, all this lost time. q-q
this is what I get for a) turning off the "close multiple tabs?" notification and b) NOT SAVING EARLY AND OFTEN ENOUGH
Oh well. At least I had a really solid plan going, and am certain I can replicate the design.. just, ugh, all this lost time. q-q