Finally figured out what Faust should look like thanks to the Bird of Prey set. Took awhile... At first I thought I'd do something like a character that can magically change his hairstyle, but that just seemed like a blatant excuse from someone who didn't know exactly what hairstyle to use their character. (which actually it was) So yeah, I've done it now. He finally has an actual look. I know I've been running around in this avatar so this is kind of late. Hu...
Other things I have done entails getting a hangout set up (well my characters' hangout), still procrastinating on buying Viceroy some pants, and creating more Voltra themed characters. (there is going to be a mob soon. <_<)
And the number of Volts I own is an evil number! *screams* I don't want to be cursed!
Anyone else going to see Ready Player One today?