Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/3 16:02:06 )
it def is cheap to drive around. Im so glad <3
Me too man *A* i love orange!
of course! thanks for the tips! I've got my helm straps down, its just undoing them that can take me a while lmao
@Faust Sheep:
Yeah I've never driven a motorized bike of any form before. So it was weird the first try, my arms felt wobbly and the speeds seem to change pretty quickly. I can bolt to 20 mph almost immediately, but I can also stop super quickly, so when I see a stop sign coming up I keep stopping too soon sometimes cause I naturally want to treat it like a car and slow to a stop. xD bike takes much less time to do that.
Sharp turns can also be a bit wonky. I feel like I'll tip over if I take them, and I end up turning a little too wide. But just gotta practice. lmao
but yeah, they're much much cheaper than a car. My state doesn't require them to be plated, so that cuts the initial cost a bit too. My insurance is about 12$ per month with personal injury protection and liability covered. So if you didn't care about PIP, it'd be even cheaper >> butidontadvisethat
My dad wouldn't let me pay for the first gas fill, so for that I dont know yet how much it'll be. But I know its SIGNIFICANTLY less than a car's average gas cost.