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Forums Hangouts The Reaper's Pub (Character Chat/Hangout)

Donator — he/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/7 04:01:50 )
Locked due to 6+months of inactivity in the thread. If you would like this thread unlocked, please PM a mod.

A strange whimsical place where the fourth wall is broken and you can chat with some of my characters.

Characters Currently Available for Chatting

Faust Sheep
Viceroy Light

Temporary Characters (characters that will only be here for a short period of time):

More coming soon!

Faust is a reaper with an interest in men. He has the appearance of a 26 year old male. Two piercings adorn his left eyebrow. He appears to be secretive about his family. Calm and cool on the outside, not always the case on the inside. He can have a raging temper. Competitive and does not like to lose. Viceroy's employer and owner of The Reaper, a pub in the shady parts of Voltra. Viceroy Light is an assassin. Bisexual with high expectations. He wound up permanently employed to Faust when he lost a bet. Don't make bets you can't win with reapers. He is 25. Knows a lot about Faust from living with him and Faust being uncharacteristically open with him. Has a 'tude. Too snarky for his own good. Faust teases him often. Tries to tease Faust, but usually fails. Quick to boredom. Hotheaded and makes mistakes easily due to some arrogance. Does not know Faust's real age. His tattoo on his cheek can actually be scanned by a barcode scanner, but the item that shows up changes implying that the tattoo could be enchanted. Neither of them are human. That part is obvious though.

Welcome to The Reaper

You have been walking for quite some time and appear to be going farther and farther into the shadier parts of Voltra. You begin to feel nervous and glance around your surroundings expecting to be mugged or worse. You hope that you will reach your destination soon. You begin to smell something delicious and see a lit sign in the distance. As you draw closer you see what the sign says. "The Reaper: Pub Fare and Drinks". You check the address and it appears this is the place you were looking for.
You walk in and look around. There is a staircase to the left that you assume leads to the living quarters. You see some couches and booths in the back for lounging and privacy. There are tables and chairs up front. You scan the tables a bit and notice a blue haired man lying on one looking bored. You make a face at him and shake your head deciding to look around at the rest of the pub. Your eyes roam over to the bar area. You see another man sitting by the bar that appears to be sharpening a... scythe. He looks up from his work and when he notices you he does a double take.
"Hey, Viceroy, why are there people here?"
The blue haired man, who you now know is named Viceroy, sits up quickly.
"Oh, yeah, I actually opened up shop for once."
The dark haired man raises an eyebrow. "And you didn't think to tell me?"
Viceroy just shrugs and hops down from the table.
"Wait, are you even wearing pants?"
Viceroy looks around a bit. "Nope."
"Go put some pants on."
Viceroy harumphs and wanders off somewhere you assume to put some pants on.
The other man sighs and shakes his head. You watch the scythe vanish into thin air. He walks behind the bar and begins polishing a glass. He turns to you, "Can I get you anything? My name is Faust by the way."

(And I think we're open?)

Donator — he/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/8 01:53:00 )
The Pub Rules
☞Follow the site rules
☞Be respectful to others and the characters
☞Chat about whatever you want as long as it is PG-13, but keep in mind I'll be replying as my characters
☞This is an LGBTQIA+ safe zone. No hate is tolerated.
☞Enjoy yourselves and relax

Donator — he/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/8 02:57:11 )
What This is and How it Works

This is a character chat/hangout. You can talk to each other, talk to all the characters, or talk to one character specifically and blatantly ignore all the others even though they are right there watching. Ask them questions about their life, what they think of Voltra, and what they think of the NPCs. Everyone is welcome. (even certain lovely NPCs)

Contest Time

I have 148 and you might have a chance to win some. I'm looking for banners for this hangout. Think you can make one better than mine (which most certainly you can)? Then let's see what you can come up with. There are certain requirements though:
⁍Two are required. One larger one to be displayed here in the hangout and a little one that will go in signatures.
⁍Appearance should have similar elements to the one I made. (at night, cityscape)
⁍Sign must be visible and say "The Reaper: Pub Fare and Drinks" or just "The Reaper"
⁍The more vintage the better (colors and building style for the pub)
⁍Designs must be your own original work, art theft will not be tolerated
Everything and anything else is up to you.

Bonus Points

⁍Bonus points if they have a fancy border
⁍Bonus points if something is animated
Note that these do not determine the winner. Designs will still be judged based on niceness and appearance not by how many doohickies are added to it.

Prize Time

⁍First place gets 100 , certificate that will be hung up in the pub, something named after them (either a food or a drink) that will appear on the menu that will be added here at a later date, and their banners will be used here
⁍Second place gets 40 and something named after them
⁍Third place gets 8
There may be a possible surprise prize.

Please post entries under a spoiler.

(Edited because I forgot something pretty important.)

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/18 10:48:59 )
"Curiouser and curiouser....I think I might stay and explore a while...That is, if I can come here too," Luc looked around. "Not at the moment, thank you. Faust....that's an interesting name.... You can call me...Luke, I suppose, heh."

He glanced momentarily at where he first saw Faust, sharpening the scythe, then back to where Faust was now. "That scythe... It needed sharpening?"

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/18 18:34:13 )
Nala hesitated outside the door for a breath before finally opening it up. Typically she wasn't one to go alone, but the urge for something new was too heavy to deny. Curious by nature, once her brown eyes had landed on this place there was no going back. She put on a smile and walked in through the door.

"Luke?!" She gasped, smile broad on her face now. Not wanting to be impolite, she turned her gaze to the man behind the bar and did a small bow. "Hello there, sir. Nice to meet you." The smile never wavered.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/18 18:41:27 )
Luc groaned internally and a scowl creeped onto his face as he heard the peppy voice behind him. He didn't even have to turn to know it was Nala behind him...ever-cheerful, excitable Nala...who pestered him constantly along with another friend of hers.

Voltie — Obnoxious Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/18 18:42:41 )
*chases a stray cat into the thread* Hello everyone!!
*notices nala and luc* Yay my victims... Friends are here! ^^

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/18 18:46:45 )
Nala hooked onto his arm with glee before turning her eyes to Jazz. Should she warn the man behind the bar to not serve him alcohol? He was probably a smart man, he could figure it out she was sure.
"I've missed you, Luke!" She paused before waving her hand dismissively at Jazz. "You too, I guess." She giggled and let go of Luke's arm to find a seat.

Voltie — Obnoxious Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/18 18:50:34 )
*grabs nala's mid wave and kisses the top of it* How do you do madam?!

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/18 18:52:12 )
Luc groaned as the circus arrived in full and turned back to Faust. "Actually, a drink sounds pretty good round about now..."

Donator — he/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/20 02:40:52 )
"Yes, of course it needed sharpening. It can never be too sharp..." Faust said only glancing up slightly from his work. He wasn't really wanting to be around people, but Viceroy had decided to actually be responsible for once.
Faust nodded a hello towards Nala and gave a pretty convincing smile, but faking was one of his specialties. He just hoped Viceroy would come back dressed decently.
Faust makes a face at Jazz's PDA then turns to Luc.
"Sure, but since I am a responsible pub owner I'd need to see some ID," he said with a smirk.

Viceroy plods back down the stairs, this time with pants, when he notices people have actually come into the pub.

"Oh, so we have customers already."

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/20 16:23:50 )
A floating skull in a cheap blond wig enters and walks over to the bar. One can tell she has a distinctly female shape despite her being just a floating skull. The clothes help. "Hey Faust! Business doing well, I see," she announced. "I'll have my usual."
Upon seeing Viceroy drop down from the heavens, she winks at him with her sunken voids for eyes. It's hard to say what about the twin dark abysses indicates that they're open or closed, but it's obvious even to the casual observer. Making sure sure only the person taking her order can hear, she adds "by the way, my usual is a bit of cranberry juice with a hint of lemon zest and a pinch of powdered newt tongue. On ice, of course. In tea." She takes out a small draw-string pouch with some black tea leaves inside. "Here, use these."

(I saw you asking about where to make this thread on the help&support forum and thought "my, what an absolutely fun idea!" so here I am! What a lovely place!
And your signature -- Cutest. Gif. Evar. David Tennant is my favorite person who also happens to be an actor.
It feels as though by acknowledging that we're all (alleged) human beings typing on keyboards, it breaks the RP somehow, so I'm not sure how this conversation will continue. But there it is.)
Ping me

Donator — he/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 05:03:08 )
Viceroy stands there staring stupidly. He wasn't entirely sure, but did the skull just wink at him? He wondered if she was flirting.

Faust snorts at Viceroy's expression. He composes himself enough to discreetly take the tea pouch and begins prepping the drink.
"Eh, business has been okay. Viceroy forgets to open up shop most of the time or just chooses not to. There's also our other jobs...," he says trailing off.

Viceroy perches himself on a bar stool and watches Faust work.
He leans in and says under his breath to Faust, "Nice, now hopefully no one asks what our other jobs are."
Faust raises an eyebrow saying quietly, "Something tells me they already know."

( Thanks. I'm still working on banners and the aesthetics though.
I found the gif someplace a few years ago. David Tennant is adorable. Ten also happens to be my favorite doctor.
I don't mind. I'll probably be doing a bunch of OOC snippets when I make updates or people begin joining the contest. People can come as themselves or be in character. Doesn't matter. Just as long as they're enjoying themselves.)

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 19:24:38 )
Nala couldn't contain the small giggle at the display that Jazz had put on but rolled her eyes none the less. Subconsciously, her hand reached up and pulled one side of the beanie down just a small bit. There was nothing under there but hair, still, it was a small habit of hers to fiddle with something when feeling anxious. The pub was slowly getting more people, something she wasn't very accustomed to. Though, despite her uneasiness, she couldn't help but show some mild interest with the talking skull head. Maybe she just needed a drink to relax.

"What do you recommend to sip on to just relax?" She questioned Faust, smile still in place, eyeing the other male with slight confusion.

Voltie — Obnoxious Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 19:29:25 )
*looks at nala and interjects* I got something you can sip on nala chan just depends how pg you want it.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 19:36:01 )
Some ID.. Luc felt his stomach sink a little. He hadn't thought it was important to get one while among all these humans because he hadn't needed one yet after all these years, but.... When did this idea of having an ID to identify oneself come into fashion in human society anyway? He couldn't quite recall. He had never been particularly interested in the affairs of humans while there were other much more interesting and a lot less irritating beings to observe. Like squirrels. Squirrels were cute.

Shaking his head, Luc massaged his temples, "Just any drink, I don't care if it's orange juice or tea or what." He groaned and plonked himself down on a stool at the bar, trying unsuccessfully to ignore everything going on around him, feeling a slight ache start up in his temples already.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 19:40:42 )
Nala whipped her head around, mouth agape at what had just left Jazz's mouth. She was at a loss for words. After a few seconds, she finally mustered up a glare and flicked him off. Not without a small smile threatening to reveal itself before quickly turning away so that he wouldn't see it. 'Jerk.' She thought, snickering to herself.

"Didn't Gabe remind you to bring your ID?" She questioned Luc while waiting for a response from Fraust.

Voltie — Obnoxious Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 19:47:42 )
*giggles and plucks the back of Nala's head and sits next to her* What would you like to drink then, Knowing your maturity... A glass of milk?

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 19:50:06 )
"Gabe? Ha," Luc snorted. "Can you imagine him wanting me near humans at all, let alone a place which requires ID? In fact....can you even see us queuing for one for ages? Ha. We don't have all those silly human documents one needs to have one anyway. Birth certificates? Heh, those didn't exist at all when I was born."

He sighed and stretched out a little, "All I know is that my birthday was on the last night of a specific time... I guess in human time I'd say the last day of the year I guess, but years isn't what they were back then. I don't know how to explain time to you."

Donator — he/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 23:43:59 )
Viceroy notices Nala staring at him and gives her a hard stare.

Faust was half tempted to throw Jazz out of the pub for that suggestive remark.
"I have chamomile tea and other assorted relaxation teas," Faust says to Nala.
He looks a little sympathetically at Luc.
"Viceroy and I aren't human, but as a business owner, and one that owns a pub, I have to follow certain human law that dictates I can't serve alcohol to people who don't have IDs. And I'd rather not lose this place because I served a few people without ID alcohol and I don't want people to think I'm getting minors drunk. Plus my family has owned this building for generations..." Faust says," I have some herbal teas that might help if your head is bothering you."

Viceroy chimes in, "I have an ID..."
"That's because you're young. I actually received one too..." Faust replies.
"...Is it fake?"
Faust flicks Viceroy in the forehead causing him to nearly fall off the bar stool.
"Viceroy, shut up and come help make these orders."

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