A strange whimsical place where the fourth wall is broken and you can chat with some of my characters.
Characters Currently Available for Chatting
Faust Sheep

Viceroy Light

Temporary Characters (characters that will only be here for a short period of time):

More coming soon!
Faust is a reaper with an interest in men. He has the appearance of a 26 year old male. Two piercings adorn his left eyebrow. He appears to be secretive about his family. Calm and cool on the outside, not always the case on the inside. He can have a raging temper. Competitive and does not like to lose. Viceroy's employer and owner of The Reaper, a pub in the shady parts of Voltra. Viceroy Light is an assassin. Bisexual with high expectations. He wound up permanently employed to Faust when he lost a bet. Don't make bets you can't win with reapers. He is 25. Knows a lot about Faust from living with him and Faust being uncharacteristically open with him. Has a 'tude. Too snarky for his own good. Faust teases him often. Tries to tease Faust, but usually fails. Quick to boredom. Hotheaded and makes mistakes easily due to some arrogance. Does not know Faust's real age. His tattoo on his cheek can actually be scanned by a barcode scanner, but the item that shows up changes implying that the tattoo could be enchanted. Neither of them are human. That part is obvious though.
Welcome to The Reaper
You have been walking for quite some time and appear to be going farther and farther into the shadier parts of Voltra. You begin to feel nervous and glance around your surroundings expecting to be mugged or worse. You hope that you will reach your destination soon. You begin to smell something delicious and see a lit sign in the distance. As you draw closer you see what the sign says. "The Reaper: Pub Fare and Drinks". You check the address and it appears this is the place you were looking for.
You walk in and look around. There is a staircase to the left that you assume leads to the living quarters. You see some couches and booths in the back for lounging and privacy. There are tables and chairs up front. You scan the tables a bit and notice a blue haired man lying on one looking bored. You make a face at him and shake your head deciding to look around at the rest of the pub. Your eyes roam over to the bar area. You see another man sitting by the bar that appears to be sharpening a... scythe. He looks up from his work and when he notices you he does a double take.
"Hey, Viceroy, why are there people here?"
The blue haired man, who you now know is named Viceroy, sits up quickly.
"Oh, yeah, I actually opened up shop for once."
The dark haired man raises an eyebrow. "And you didn't think to tell me?"
Viceroy just shrugs and hops down from the table.
"Wait, are you even wearing pants?"
Viceroy looks around a bit. "Nope."
"Go put some pants on."
Viceroy harumphs and wanders off somewhere you assume to put some pants on.
The other man sighs and shakes his head. You watch the scythe vanish into thin air. He walks behind the bar and begins polishing a glass. He turns to you, "Can I get you anything? My name is Faust by the way."
(And I think we're open?)