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Forums Serious Talk What are your views on religion?

Donator — nyan? Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/21 23:31:34 )
Hi, Volties! I want to know your stance on religion, or lack there of.

Please keep your discussions civil, even if you disagree or believe differently from other people in this thread.

I'm personally Christian. I believe in God, it's how I was raised. However I don't fit the 'shove it down your throat, hate all gays' stereotype. I don't think it's my place to judge others on how they live their life, and I also don't think being homosexual is nearly as bad of a sin as murder or rape.

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Donator — Puzzling Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/21 23:55:38 )
I don't know what you would call me on this lol. I WANT to believe there is God, heaven and all of that. I really do. But, I also am a "see with your eyes" kind of person. (Yes, I realize can't see the wind, but you feel it so bare with me lol). I want proof of things so its very hard for me to just believe it.
BUT I never ever judge anyone for what they believe or don't believe in.

Voltie — Moody Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/22 01:03:22 )
I come from a family of Jehovah Witnesses.
For me, as long as you do not guilt or pressure for someone to join, I have no issues with it.
My dad loves to guilt and pressure me into it and for the wrong reasons is how he goes about it.

My grandmother however, does bible studies with me and wants to be more knowledgeable to make my choice
as she says you can't say yes or no if you don't know much about something. With her I am not afraid to ask or disagree
on something. She encourages me to speak up. While my dad does NOT like it if I disagree with something.
My grandmother doesn't want me to follow in a religion if I don't agree with it because she says that wouldn't make Jehovah happy.

She also posts stuff on FB like how she doesn't hate atheists or anything. I believe I am an atheist.
But my dad assumes atheists are Satan worshipers. My grandma mostly nods her head or agrees with my dad do they won't get into a fight or anything. She does the same with my grandad.

Basically I am saying, as long as you do not pressure, guilt a person into your religion, then I have no problem with it.
I know my dad's religion has made him happy. Especially all my family has been through.
I however, don't think I will say yes or no to this religion when I have not experienced life itself.
It's a very big decision to me.

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Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/22 03:43:11 )
@fuuchan: I loved your answer to this. I'm finding as an adult I am finally able to be my own person and form my own thoughts and opinions on things, especially regarding religion and politics- even if they differ from some of my family members.

I consider myself to be a Christian, as I was raised. But there's so many different types of Christian and differing beliefs, it's hard to put a label on myself anymore because of it. If I'm being honest religion is probably something I'm struggling with a bit right now... *To expand a little: I used to think people were silly for giving the argument "This terrible thing happened how could God let that happen?!" But I actually found myself thinking almost this exact thing the other day when something traumatic happened to a family member of mine.

Donator — she, her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/22 07:23:43 )
I was raised in a Catholic household, and at an early age found that though I do believe in a higher power, I do not fit into this category of religion. I have always been spiritual, but I never found myself welcome at church or in the church community. Growing up I have borrowed and pieced together bits of other religions and sewed them into something I can stand behind and follow.

I have no issue with others who practice other religions, but I have found most of the time they have something to say about me, including my own mother.

I live very simple, be kind to others, for you don't know what battle they are fighting.
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Donator — pancake Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/22 16:03:59 )
I'm so happy that you made this thread. I was kind of curious about everyone's views.

I'm athiest. If there was something more unbelieving in anything I would be that. I find that most people that claim to be athiest still believe in things, like ghosts and spirits and junk. But I don't see how those things can exist without an afterlife.
I was raised very religious. Constant reminders everywhere that my doubting my faith from the age of five wasn't okay. When I was a teenager I tried to voice my doubt to my mom and it was met with harshness and a lack of support. So I went back in the closet-much like I did with my sexuality, around the same age... The only person I'm related to that knows the truth is my sister-who is Christian.

Voltie — He/They Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/23 02:17:23 )
I was raised in a family that didn't really participate in religion, but celebrated Christian holidays none the less, since it's just kind of what everyone does. I never felt close to Christianity, but I felt very spiritual, so I was kind of lost.

Recently I decided to get in touch with my roots to find answers. My grandmother was Jewish, but she was raised Christian to avoid getting hatred. I started looking into Reform Judiasm and realized that it is indeed the religion for me! For the most part it's full of peace and understanding, the community is very accepting (even conservative Jews have been known to have trans rabbis!), and they're open to change.
Gender Fluid (He/they) | Asexual | Married | Jewish
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Donator — sheep Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/23 07:04:29 )
I was raised in a super Christian family. Church every Sunday morning, Youth Group at night, pray before you eat kind of thing. The rest of my family goes to church still and participates in all of their functions (my sister is a Youth Group leader and Sunday School teacher), but they don't force me to go anymore. I'm an Atheist. I don't believe in any sort of higher power. My family knows this and they're super chill about it. They aren't the kind of Christians who will attack a person for not sharing their beliefs.

Just because I'm an Atheist and I don't believe in God doesn't mean I don't respect religions however. I think it's perfectly fine for people to have their own set of beliefs, or lack-there-of. I actually find some of them fascinating, like Wicca. My ex-best friend was Wiccan and I used to read some of her books to learn about it because I found it such a nice, peaceful religion. I have friends now who practice Celtic religions (though I don't really know much about it) and I think it's cool how they express their spirituality.

So overall, as long as you're not shoving religion down my throat or being disrespectful if I ask questions about your religion, or being generally a hateful, intolerant person because of your religion it's fine with me. As long as you're a good person, I don't care what faith you choose to devote your life to.

@ me to get my attention or I probably won't respond

Donator — He Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/23 16:33:40 )
I dont really believe in religion
but i do believe in something greater than us
but just not sure on who / what are they xD

but in my country, we are kinda forced to pick a religion out of the eligible 6 religion
and which is kinda sad..

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/23 23:23:22 )
I used to want to be a Christian; my primary school was next to a church and we sang hymns and prayed during assembly. I remember asking my Mum if we could go to church and she must have said No because we never did go.

I have a live and let live kind of feeling towards religion now. I'm an atheist and you might be a Christian or a Muslim but it doesn't mean we can't be awesome friends. As far as I'm concerned we're all entitled to believe in whatever we want to without judgement from others.

Voltie — Alien Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/30 12:31:44 )
I consider myself an atheist, but some of the things I believe in are pretty fantastical. I do not believe in dieties and believe that we are all gods, as humanity crafts its own reality and defines its dimension. Whether or not we realize we're capable of it. I believe that was are all part of one living, consciousness being, the universe. Furthermore, that there are many universes and planets and people more than we could ever hope to count. We are the universe experiencing himself and life, in its essence, repeats itself over and over, drivin by the pure energy of everything. I feel the religion, especially organized religion is toxic to humanity. It promotes closed minded thinking and halting of medical and scientific development, hindering society and inspiring war and bloodshed. My pretending to know what we can't possibly comprehend, we cut ourselves off from a lot of the possibilities and often the facts of reality. Like Christians say, "hate the sin, not the sinner", I hate the belief, not the believer. I can get along with religious people, I just prefer a more logical set of rules. :vanora_heart:

Voltie — Cat Queen Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/08/31 13:51:11 )
I'm not one for religion as i've seen more people try to use it to get their way either politically or personally over other peoples lives. We get it, you have a religion that dictates to every aspect of your life, but that doesn't mean you should put it on other people, type of religion. Can't stand it :0( or should i say, the people -- cant stand the people who do that.

I believe in a goddess and a god. I believe that different gods and goddesses help different aspects of life from weather to fertility, life and death. I also believe that there is magic in our world but we just don't know how to properly live with it, yet.

I know im strange. :0)

Donator — A.I. Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/1 20:37:45 )
Ah, religion. One of the touchiest subjects known to mankind...

I personally identify as Christian, and contrary to popular belief, true Christianity is not an organised religion but rather a relationship with God. (When I say true Christianity, I mean actually living by the teachings of Christ, not just going to church on Sundays and following some "rules"). I'm not the best, I still make mistakes, I judge people out of habit and I lose my temper or other things like that. But I believe in Jesus Christ and I believe that he is here with me when I need him.

In truth, I think most religions are inspired by the same thing and hold the same kind of validity. If Islam/Judaism/Christianity all spawned from the same God, who's to say the others didn't either? But truthfully it's absolutely detestable that people use their religion as an excuse to justify horrendous things, like The Crusades and The Holocaust. In that regard it's one of man's worst creations.

Also, for those of you who are on the fence, or are not sure whether or not you believe in God, the term for that is agnostic. c:
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Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/2 18:13:24 )
While religion is a controversial issue, I do find it fascinating to incorporate such elements into stories, or just discuss different ideologies in a civilized manner. I used to think I identified as an atheist, but that was way back - back when I thought you had to attend church or follow certain guidelines to achieve a religious viewpoint.

Now I know I believe in something, but I'm not sure if that something is God or a god, or another being altogether. On the subject of deities, I love older religions... or at least mythological figures in general. Sometimes I wish Old Norse gods and goddesses really existed, or that the people who worshiped them were still around so that more discussion regarding them could be had.

I find modern religions to be a safety net for some people, and that's fine. In the end, your beliefs and how true you stay to yourself is what's important. We are all human, after all, and religion is just another way of coping with that fact.

Voltie — She, her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/3 01:45:59 )
I'm Christian. Not your bible thumping, hate all gays, and anyone that doesn't believe like me "Christian". I'm more of the tries not to judge cause it isn't my place to. I some times fall short of this and have to take a step back of course. I believe there is a God and that Jesus walked the earth and was resurrected. Since, as Spring pointed out there is too much evidence to state otherwise. But, not only that. I've had some awesome miracles happen in my life that shouldn't. My kids, not to mention my own survival of things.

I believe that in some way all religions are connected. Since, there are parts in other text that have or mention Jesus. And, no. I do not fault anyone believing differently than me. I accept it and respect it.

Voltie — Obnoxious Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 20:27:55 )
I'm atheist but tend to lead more towards the agnostic side.
I want to believe but I don't, but I sooo wish I did believe in a god. Especially when it comes to loss. But that's me being greedy lol
But also see why others do though and not just for the reason I mentioned. Rather it be for belief/faith or anything else, If it helps you be nice and moral then who cares?
but with anything, It's always the radicals that will lay the foundations for stereotypes.

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 21:50:57 )
For a long time I would say I would say I was Agnostic. My family was mostly Christian except for one of my grandfathers, who was Atheist. My mom mostly raised me Christian but also taught me to be open, accepting, and knowledgeable of other religions. I considered myself spiritual but didn't have a set belief system, though I was always jealous of people who had strong faith, jo matter their religion.

Earlier this year something happened that made me go in search of something to grasp onto and God was who grabbed me back. I'm not entirely sure I would call myself a Christian in the most basic sense. I have a relationship with God and Jesus, I believe in them and I feel peace when I pray or read scripture. But there are also parts of this religion that I struggle with, ideas that I have that I can't just change.
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My mind wanders so that ensures I come back.

Donator — - Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 23:14:19 )
I believe in a lot of Buddhist teachings and meditate every day. However, do I define myself as "religious"? Not really. I feel like Buddhism is more of a way of life (or, at least how I practice it) because I feel like "religious" means you believe in a deity, however, Buddhism is non-theistic, meaning there is no god/goddess/deity. Buddha wasn't a god and he never claimed to be. He was a teacher who figured out peaceful ways of life and how to achieve such a life.

Donator — - Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 23:40:53 )
I didn't mean to enter that just yet.

I don't care if people believe or what they believe as long as they don't shove their beliefs down my throat (ie. trying to convert me, telling me I'm going to hell for not believing, etc). And as long as they don't condemn others and use their beliefs as a "justification" for their prejudice and hatred towards another human being. Before we are any label, we are all human and all deserve to be treated with kindness and respect. I feel like if your god tells you that you need to hate someone, you need to do some soul searching and find something else to believe in (obviously, I realize not everyone who is religious is like this.)

Donator — He/Him Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 23:53:10 )
They're all bull*** cults. No evidence for any gods.

But I'm not gonna be a big ol jerk to anyone who is religious. Unless they're a jerk to me first. lol

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