Allen smiled as she spoke, truly enjoying the sound of her voice. They really were, weren't they? He lifted his head some when she asked another question, and a charming smile painted his face. This smile was different than his usual smiles, this one had a hint of serenity to it as he thought about it. "Seeing snow fall.. That has to be the most beautiful and spectra thing, and the last thing, I ever saw." He answered calmly. It was too, that was no lie. Granted, it was around the time he lost his sight , but he still remembered the blanket of whiteness he saw that day.
Slowly, he rose from the chair and went over to where she was sitting, and lightly placed a hand on the back of her chair. "Come now miss Kaneko, let's see you home before dawn." He chuckled lightly as he teased her. They probably could stay up all night talking, but he knew eventually she would need sleep. Unless..She wanted to stay here. He wouldn't object to that at all.
Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses
Snow. He thought snow was beautiful and seeing the smile on his face and hearing the tone in his voice, it made her truly happy. She enjoyed seeing others happy, it just really made her day or in this case, her night. "Snow is rather beautiful isn't it?" She agreed. Her voice was soft, as if she were afraid to wake anyone who might be sleeping even though it was only the two of them. Maybe it was her body's way of saying it was time for bed. "I've seen it a few times growing up. I always loved the way it felt. So...soft. And so cold. Oh I know, if it ever snows again, we can build a snowman and then I'll get us some coffee or perhaps hot chocolate to keep warm." Kaneko offered. She wasn't sure if it would snow again but it was pretty chilly so it was a possibility. It was rather sad though, to hear that snow was the last thing he had seen.
Her head turned slightly, watching him as he got up and approached where she sat, his hand resting on the back of her chair. Listening to him, she chuckled. "Kicking me out?" She teased and gathered her things. "Well..alright then. I enjoyed our chat though. It was a lot of fun and I hope I was good enough company and didn't offend you with any of my questions. I know I probably asked more than I should have but well, I would like to learn as much about you as I can and I enjoy listening to you." She admitted shyly. It was true after all, she had no reason to lie. If they continued talking, chances were she wouldn't go home and if she didn't go home, her father would be furious and she didn't want Allen to have to deal with her angry father.
Her head turned slightly, watching him as he got up and approached where she sat, his hand resting on the back of her chair. Listening to him, she chuckled. "Kicking me out?" She teased and gathered her things. "Well..alright then. I enjoyed our chat though. It was a lot of fun and I hope I was good enough company and didn't offend you with any of my questions. I know I probably asked more than I should have but well, I would like to learn as much about you as I can and I enjoy listening to you." She admitted shyly. It was true after all, she had no reason to lie. If they continued talking, chances were she wouldn't go home and if she didn't go home, her father would be furious and she didn't want Allen to have to deal with her angry father.
Allen frowned some as if acting like he was pouting, a smile broke through as she spoke about their evening together. "And I, you, miss Kaneko. Thank you for dinner." He said quietly, gently kissing her forehead without thinking. Allen soon realized what he done, and took a step back, his ivory cheeks heating. He really couldn't deny fancying her a little more with every moment they spent together. Really, he was kind of acting like a young boy having his first crush. "I um.. Don't know what overcame me. I do hope I didn't make you too uncomfortable.." He breathed, as an attempt to calm down. Maybe it was his hunger? No, this was different.
Allen turned and went to start towards the door to open it for the two of them.
Allen turned and went to start towards the door to open it for the two of them.
Kaneko couldn't help but chuckle lightly seeing the pout on his face. It was adorable. She really was enjoying spending time with him. "It was my pleasure, I'm happy that you enjoyed it. Perhaps next time I shall surprise you with dessert." She hinted. His lips on her forehead caused her cheeks to go bright red. He had just kissed her forehead! Her heart fluttered in her chest, the butterflies emerged in her stomach and that warm fuzzy feeling was back. She was giving him a shy smile now, not that he could see it. She was nervous, what did that mean? Did he like her? Even though he didn't know what she looked like? "'s alright Allen." She shook her head quickly. She couldn't deny that she didn't mind it at all. "You didn't make me uncomfortable. I can't lie though, it was surprising was a nice surprise."
He was clearly flustered by what he had done. She could understand, he probably was afraid of ruining the friendship they had. Kaneko quietly followed after him, making sure she hadn't forgotten anything. Stepping out the front door she waited for him. "I may not be able to visit tomorrow. I work that day and I do not know what time I will be out. H-however, I promise to visit you whenever I have a day off. A-and we could always meet up at the park sometimes too. I mean, if you wish to." She would have asked him to visit her at work sometime but he didn't even know where she worked or how to even get there.
And she didn't want him to get lost. Besides, he probably wouldn't feel comfortable in there. They were similar after all, they both enjoyed some peace and quiet. Her workplace was the opposite. People were always chatting away. You were lucky if you didn't get a headache.
He was clearly flustered by what he had done. She could understand, he probably was afraid of ruining the friendship they had. Kaneko quietly followed after him, making sure she hadn't forgotten anything. Stepping out the front door she waited for him. "I may not be able to visit tomorrow. I work that day and I do not know what time I will be out. H-however, I promise to visit you whenever I have a day off. A-and we could always meet up at the park sometimes too. I mean, if you wish to." She would have asked him to visit her at work sometime but he didn't even know where she worked or how to even get there.
And she didn't want him to get lost. Besides, he probably wouldn't feel comfortable in there. They were similar after all, they both enjoyed some peace and quiet. Her workplace was the opposite. People were always chatting away. You were lucky if you didn't get a headache.
Allen paused when she spoke, and his own shy smile appeared. A nice surprise.. Did that mean she liked i t? He felt a feeling he hadn't felt in a long while, not so very being turned. He honestly did fancy her, and their times together. He let the door close behind them before following her. Allen shook his head lightly and smirked some. She had a life, he understood that. "No need to worry, I know you'll come back when you have time. You promised." He said casually, poking at her a little.
"And we can sometimes meet in the park." He agreed quietly, smiling some as he walked with her. Who knows, maybe he'll follow that lovely scent of hers to her work and pay her a visit. But that would mean risking getting lost out during the day again, and it certainly wasn't any fun the first time. Though.. Kaneko was worth it.
"And we can sometimes meet in the park." He agreed quietly, smiling some as he walked with her. Who knows, maybe he'll follow that lovely scent of hers to her work and pay her a visit. But that would mean risking getting lost out during the day again, and it certainly wasn't any fun the first time. Though.. Kaneko was worth it.
((Sorry for the accidental trade. D: Also, I might start working on Friday so replies will be slower. Sorry!))
Kaneko smiled, a soft giggle could be heard. "That's very true, I did promise and I like to keep my promises." She answered. Of course she'd be back, she enjoyed being able to talk to him about pretty much anything. Looking at him, he seemed to be feeling better, she was glad that the remedy had worked but for how long? How long did the effects of the remedy last? Another question for another day maybe.
He agreed that they could meet at the part at times and she was happy to hear that. It would be nice to meet up from time to time and just talk. It was interesting to think back to how they came to talk. Normally she wouldn't have said anything to him but she didn't want to be rude and she had found what he had said nice. Well, he just seemed like a good person. He didn't give her bad vibes that he might be a creep. "It would be nice and it can be fun. I can make us some lunch and we can have a small picnic. I always wanted to have one of those." She admitted. It was a silly thing, picnics weren't even that big a deal anymore. Actually, she didn't think she had seen anyone having a picnic around where she lived but that's probably because she never really looks out for that sort of thing.
Kaneko smiled, a soft giggle could be heard. "That's very true, I did promise and I like to keep my promises." She answered. Of course she'd be back, she enjoyed being able to talk to him about pretty much anything. Looking at him, he seemed to be feeling better, she was glad that the remedy had worked but for how long? How long did the effects of the remedy last? Another question for another day maybe.
He agreed that they could meet at the part at times and she was happy to hear that. It would be nice to meet up from time to time and just talk. It was interesting to think back to how they came to talk. Normally she wouldn't have said anything to him but she didn't want to be rude and she had found what he had said nice. Well, he just seemed like a good person. He didn't give her bad vibes that he might be a creep. "It would be nice and it can be fun. I can make us some lunch and we can have a small picnic. I always wanted to have one of those." She admitted. It was a silly thing, picnics weren't even that big a deal anymore. Actually, she didn't think she had seen anyone having a picnic around where she lived but that's probably because she never really looks out for that sort of thing.
@Boss Rimi: it's alright ^~^
And no biggie, thanks for telling me. Good luck!
Allen smiled when he heard her giggle, even if it was quiet. He still heard it, and her words meant something to him. He knew she'd stay to her word. His eyes weren't bothering him, but he took the remedy early that morning. He'd have to take it again at some point between tonight and early tomorrow morning, just to keep a schedule if nothing else.
Her next set of words made him curious. She wanted a picnic? He couldn't remember ever having one of those.. Maybe neither of them had experienced one. Allen never lost his smile, and he nodded to her. "It does sound fun, we should plan one soon." He suggested casually as they continued .
And no biggie, thanks for telling me. Good luck!
Allen smiled when he heard her giggle, even if it was quiet. He still heard it, and her words meant something to him. He knew she'd stay to her word. His eyes weren't bothering him, but he took the remedy early that morning. He'd have to take it again at some point between tonight and early tomorrow morning, just to keep a schedule if nothing else.
Her next set of words made him curious. She wanted a picnic? He couldn't remember ever having one of those.. Maybe neither of them had experienced one. Allen never lost his smile, and he nodded to her. "It does sound fun, we should plan one soon." He suggested casually as they continued .
@xnovax: Thanks, I'll totally need it. Ha!
The pair continued to walk through the woods in silence, listening to the leaves crunch underneath their feet. When they neared the attacked tree, Kaneko stopped and looked at it again. It must have been a bear. She didn't say anything about it, it was late and she didn't want to arrive at her house and find her father waiting up for her.
Resuming to walk with Allen, she grinned. "R-really?" She asked him. It was just an idea, she didn't think that Allen would actually want to do that. Soon, yes. Whenever she had a day off, maybe they could have one. "D-do you really want to?" Kaneko thought it would be fun, and maybe they would learn more about each other. Maybe not. Either way, it would be a nice change.
The pair continued to walk through the woods in silence, listening to the leaves crunch underneath their feet. When they neared the attacked tree, Kaneko stopped and looked at it again. It must have been a bear. She didn't say anything about it, it was late and she didn't want to arrive at her house and find her father waiting up for her.
Resuming to walk with Allen, she grinned. "R-really?" She asked him. It was just an idea, she didn't think that Allen would actually want to do that. Soon, yes. Whenever she had a day off, maybe they could have one. "D-do you really want to?" Kaneko thought it would be fun, and maybe they would learn more about each other. Maybe not. Either way, it would be a nice change.
@Boss Rimi: (No problem! Also, just a heads up, I haven't been feeling to great recently so if I manage a reply, it might not be great xD)
Allen paused briefly when he felt the ruined bark of a tree, and left his hand on the marks for a moment. He could smell his own scent, since he made the mark, but also another. He wasn't too concerned since the scent was weak, but he still ended up gently taking hold of Kaneko's hand without really thinking. It made him feel a bit more secure, and he hoped she could understand that. He was blind after all, but he also wanted to keep her close to him.
Allen nodded to her question. "I certainly do, miss Kaneko." He answered honestly, and he really was looking forward to having a picnic with her.
Allen paused briefly when he felt the ruined bark of a tree, and left his hand on the marks for a moment. He could smell his own scent, since he made the mark, but also another. He wasn't too concerned since the scent was weak, but he still ended up gently taking hold of Kaneko's hand without really thinking. It made him feel a bit more secure, and he hoped she could understand that. He was blind after all, but he also wanted to keep her close to him.
Allen nodded to her question. "I certainly do, miss Kaneko." He answered honestly, and he really was looking forward to having a picnic with her.
@xnovax: Oh dear! I hope you feel better soon. I'm pretty sick too so it's okay.
Kaneko looked down at his hand which was now holding on to hers. She smiled wide, a soft blush dusted her pale cheeks. 'We're just friends...or are we?' She thought to herself. Her hand lightly squeezed his in a reassuring manner. Maybe he too was afraid of the woods at nighttime. Hearing him answer with such certainty, she would be sure to plan it properly. "It makes me happy to hear you say that." She was being honest. Farther and farther they walked until the end of the woods started coming into view which meant their walk was coming to an end. "I want to thank you for walking me this far sir Allen, it was very noble of you to do so." She said sweetly.
Kaneko looked down at his hand which was now holding on to hers. She smiled wide, a soft blush dusted her pale cheeks. 'We're just friends...or are we?' She thought to herself. Her hand lightly squeezed his in a reassuring manner. Maybe he too was afraid of the woods at nighttime. Hearing him answer with such certainty, she would be sure to plan it properly. "It makes me happy to hear you say that." She was being honest. Farther and farther they walked until the end of the woods started coming into view which meant their walk was coming to an end. "I want to thank you for walking me this far sir Allen, it was very noble of you to do so." She said sweetly.
Allen smiled some when he felt her hand squeeze his. It meant she was okay with it, right? He was also glad she was happy with his answer to her picnic question. Now he really had something to look forward to, having a picnic with the human girl he fancied much too much for being a vampire. As they walked he kept his ears open.
Allen smirked lightly at her words and nodded lightly. "You're quite welcome, miss Kaneko. It was my pleasure." He said to her.
Allen smirked lightly at her words and nodded lightly. "You're quite welcome, miss Kaneko. It was my pleasure." He said to her.
Kaneko stood at the edge of the woods and looked at Allen nervously. She squeezed his hand again gently and chuckled. "It was my pleasure as well." She started and was silent for a moment before speaking again as the wind picked up for a moment then calmed again. "I..I should p-probably go now. I don't want my father to worry. Will you be alright getting home?" She asked and bit her tongue. "W-well I mean, I know you are capable of getting home. I just...well..just be careful. The woods are a scary place at night." Kaneko explained, hesitantly releasing his hand from her hold.
"I uh...I guess I'll see you again soon." Kaneko now had a picnic to plan and she only hoped that he would really like it. She herself was really looking forward to it.
"I uh...I guess I'll see you again soon." Kaneko now had a picnic to plan and she only hoped that he would really like it. She herself was really looking forward to it.
Allen slowly moved his free hand to lightly caress her cheek with his thumb. "Relax, I'll be careful. I've been living out here for quite some time remember." He spoke calmly as a way to ease her worry. Once she had released his hand, he lowered his hands and nodded to her. It was time to part ways, and say goodnight. "Good night, miss Kaneko. You be careful as well." He said calmly. Allen planned on waiting for her to trail off before he himself would go anywhere .
Kaneko's heart skipped a beat once his thumb grazed across her cheek, she felt her face get warm and she knew she had to be blushing now. "I..I know Allen. I just..I worry is all. I would be very upset if you were to get hurt and I wasn't able to help prevent it." She said softly. She was worrying too much, he was perfectly capable of taking care of himself. He was not a child. "Good night to you as well Allen. I promise to be safe and I look forward to s-spending more time with you." She was fidgeting with her fingers now. A habit of hers she displayed when nervous. She turned to leave but stopped and walked to where he stood; quickly she kissed his cheek and walked away. A wide smile on her face and blush dusting her cheeks.
Allen nodded lightly as she spoke, indicating that he understood her concern. Again, it was nice to have someone worry over him, a nice feeling. It meant someone cared. He tilted his head slightly as his noticed the nervousness in her voice, even if only slight. When he suddenly felt her soft lips against his cheek briefly, his own pale cheeks darkened to the tips of his ears.A shy smile spread across his thin lips as her footsteps became distant. He turned and headed back down the trail, towards his old mansion.
Half way down the trail, he felt a change in his body temperature as it all to quickly heated. He wasn't much for feeding but once every two or three days, but the first thing he noticed was his sudden craving. He took a moment to lean against a tree, which just so happened to be the very same tree he had torn into, and forced his body to calm down. Why was this happening now? He already knew the risks of getting too close to a human, but this- this wasn't one of the things he worried about. He continued home and locked his door before going up to his room and laying down to immediately fall asleep.
Half way down the trail, he felt a change in his body temperature as it all to quickly heated. He wasn't much for feeding but once every two or three days, but the first thing he noticed was his sudden craving. He took a moment to lean against a tree, which just so happened to be the very same tree he had torn into, and forced his body to calm down. Why was this happening now? He already knew the risks of getting too close to a human, but this- this wasn't one of the things he worried about. He continued home and locked his door before going up to his room and laying down to immediately fall asleep.
"Where have you been? I was about to go looking for you myself." Kaneko's father wasn't too happy at how late his daughter was getting home and when he noticed the food, it only confused him more. "I was out for a walk. I went to get food. I ate, but I brought you some food back and even the cookie. I'll heat it up for you." She said but her father wasn't having it, saying that he didn't want her staying out so late again. It was taking all of her self control not to explode on him. She was never allowed to have any fun. He didn't want her to have a job. He didn't want her to have friends, he didn't want her out late. It seemed he didn't want her to have a life of her own and it was starting to get to Kaneko.
She remained silent and heated up the left over food foe him, serving it on some plates for him and setting them on the table with a glass of water. "Enjoy." She said simply and threw out the trash then left to take a shower and got dressed for bed. Tomorrow would be a better day. She hoped. Laying in bed that night after having washed the dishes, she heard her father snoring in his room and thought about today's events. A smile on her face. Maybe kissing Allen's cheek wasn't a good idea. What if it made him uncomfortable? Would he bring it up next time they talked? Would there be a next time? Kaneko pulled the warm blanket up to her chin and got comfortable in bed before closing her eyes and quickly falling to sleep.
She remained silent and heated up the left over food foe him, serving it on some plates for him and setting them on the table with a glass of water. "Enjoy." She said simply and threw out the trash then left to take a shower and got dressed for bed. Tomorrow would be a better day. She hoped. Laying in bed that night after having washed the dishes, she heard her father snoring in his room and thought about today's events. A smile on her face. Maybe kissing Allen's cheek wasn't a good idea. What if it made him uncomfortable? Would he bring it up next time they talked? Would there be a next time? Kaneko pulled the warm blanket up to her chin and got comfortable in bed before closing her eyes and quickly falling to sleep.
Allen slept soundly for the most part, until his dreams once again turned into a nightmare that woke him. It was the same as before only he wasn't attacking his friend, but her father. Quite brutally, and it scared him more that he enjoyed it. What was happening to him? He laid in bed for some time, trying to calm down, and that's when he noticed the dampness to his blankets. So, he slowly got up and ripped the sheet off his bed and shuffled around for a clean, dry one, and made his bed. He actually started to miss the old nightmares.. At least in those he wasn't attacking anyone. Maybe he'd stay in the for the day? At least until a part of the day that wasn't so buzzing with people.
Breakfast went as it normally went, and after washing the dishes Kaneko was out of the house and at work. Her father had left before she had as usual and when she arrived at work she made sure to send him a message saying she would be working late again today. Once her father got this, he smiled. It was time he finished what he had started years ago. Locating Allen though wasn't going to be easy, he would have to wait until dark. Until then, he figured he could at least prepare and hopefully this time he would finish Allen. Something he should have done long ago.
Earlier that evening Allen still felt like sinking his teeth into something, or someone. He hadn't even thought about his remedy, or his eyes not that matter, as he cleaned up and headed out. He thought maybe some fresh air or getting out of the house would help. He hoped it helped. So he left the manor and headed to the park.
Kaneko worked hard that day despite there not being many people. If she wasn't serving anyone, she was clearing tables and taking dishes to the kitchen to be washed. When she wasn't doing that, she was moping the floor. In the meantime, her father was planning how he was going to confront this vampire that had somehow escaped death by his hand before. "How is it he is still alive anyway?" He said to himself. It just didn't make sense. He had thought that he had killed him, but now he was back and apparently knew his daughter which only made things worse. He needed to protect his daughter from this bloodsucking monster at all costs.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
Chat with me on Discord if you wanna! My username is: thebossrimi
Just tell me who you are when you message me there.
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