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Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 04:27:34 )
Allen sat on the bench when he was sure he was in the park. He couldn't pick up any other scent, which meant he was alone, which was good. He didn't have to worry too much about people. The adrenaline from that morning had faded and he was reminded that he hadn't even made a batch of his remedy, when his eyes began to bother him. Well, he wasn't about to turn around and go home after just getting here. It was bearable. He sat there and enjoyed the peaceful sounds of the park.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 05:09:46 )
His daughter would never understand, so he wouldn't even try to reason with her. He'd take care of the problem himself while she was still at work. Now then, finding Allen was the hard part. He didn't think that Allen would be out in the open. No, and it wasn't exactly dark yet. The sun was going to set, so if Allen was anywhere, it would be wherever he stayed in the day. Only at the darkest hour would he finally be able to see him. For now, Kaneko's father formulated a plan and hurried off home to get a weapon. Maybe last time a better weapon was needed. Maybe that's why he had only damaged the monster's eyes.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 05:36:15 )
Allen stayed where he was and simply enjoyed being at the park. The longer he sat there, the more relaxed he began to feel. But the more his eyes started to bother him. Was there a possibility of his eyes healing? Probably not.. But they weren't really hurting, it was more like an itch from being wrapped up for so long or something. He sighed quietly and leaned his head back. He missed the sky..

It wasn't long before he started thinking about Kaneko, and he wanted to tell her so much. But he afraid, as would anyone in his shoes.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 05:46:54 )
Kaneko's father grabbed his weapon, made sure he wasn't forgetting anything and locked the door behind him on his way out of the house. The air was chilly out, winter was probably around the corner which meant it would get much colder in later days. He thought of his daughter and frowned, she was all he had. His wife left their lives when Kaneko was young. She didn't like his job, and just because of that his daughter had to suffer. He had done everything he could to keep her safe and happy, he just hoped she understood that. The older man made his way through the town, keeping his eyes open for his target knowing it wouldn't be too hard to spot the vampire. One never forgets their first victim.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 05:58:19 )
As the chilled air cooled his already cold skin, he decided it was time to go home before he froze, or fell asleep. Allen slowly stood and inhaled the air, and whatever scents lingered around him. He paused, picking up a faint scent. A familiar scent, even if was distant. He knew that scent. Now he really needed to get home. The last thing he wanted was to face a hunter. Up he stood and off he walked at a quickened pace, hoping to at least make it to the woods where he had cover.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 06:26:22 )
If he was a vampire, where would he be? The man panicked thinking that maybe the vampire knew where his daughter worked even though he was blind. Maybe he had followed her. He was quick to send his daughter a message to ask how she was doing so far. Kaneko had responded back saying she was fine, just tired but still had many hours left before she could go home. It was perfect, he thought so anyway. The man looked around, people were starting to head back home, the noise started to diminish and soon he would be the only one out here. He still wasn't even near the park, wasn't that where Kaneko had fist met Allen? He couldn't remember, but if it was then maybe Allen was still there. He knew where to go now, and so he started to make his way towards the park hoping to find the monster before it could get away.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 20:34:37 )
A chill went down his spine, and he paused. Maybe.. Just maybe, he should wait here for the man and lead him into the woods. He was afraid, but the more he thought about it, he remembered the fortune cookie. As simple as it seemed, it meant something to him. Why was he running? Allen slowly turned around and began walking back towards the park. A hunter would stop at nothing.. Even if a noble was different than an average vampire, they were still vampires. He'd allow the man to find him, and then lead him away. No one else needed to get hurt.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/22 00:45:25 )
The closer and closer he got to the park, the colder it seemed to get. Or maybe that was all in his head. Maybe he was actually nervous and he just didn't want to admit it to himself. Would he be able to get rid of him finally? What about Kaneko? She would probably mention not having seen Allen in a while. That is, if she's been hanging around him lately. She said she was at work, but she didn't mention Allen being there which had calmed the older man a bit. At least his daughter was safe for the moment. Reaching the park, he didn't see anyone at first until Allen came into view. Wait, he was actually here? What a surprise. He didn't think he'd be.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/22 21:05:57 )

Allen waited. He waited until he could smell the man within reach. "If you want me, you'll have to catch me." He called to him, making sure he heard him, before turning and quickly made for the woods. Without running mind you, that wouldn't be fair. He was just doped walking. He really hoped Kaneko was at work..

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/23 03:07:18 )
The man listened to what Allen had said, a chase? Really? Well it was fine, the farther they were from town the better. He didn't need his daughter accidentally seeing them. He didn't want her to know, she didn't need to know. He followed Allen out of the park and towards the woods, a place he hadn't set foot in in years. Was this where Allen had been hiding all this time? Did Kaneko know he stayed here? Had Allen brought his daughter here before? Kaneko had never mentioned it though if it did happen.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/23 03:53:16 )
Into the woods he went, knowing the man would follow him. What hunter didn't like a good chase? He paused once he had gone a little ways into the woods, and acted as if looking around. He could smell the guy, but he didn't exactly know how close he was. "I hope I've haunted you, like you've haunted me.. You took everything from me! I didn't ask to be like this old man!" Allen called through the woods, really just hoping to trigger a reaction. He wanted to hear him, not just smell him. To fight, he'd need all of senses, to make up for not having sight.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/23 04:32:02 )
The older man narrowed his eyes, he stood a few feet from the vampire. The woods were quiet and he was sure that they were alone. "Haunted me? No, you haven't. I thought you were dead. That is, until I see you in my house, and with my daughter no less!" The man hissed. "You will leave my daughter alone, do you understand? I will do whatever I have to, to make sure you never hurt her like your kind always enjoys doing. You should be dead, and yet here you are. I'm surprised and impressed that you are. But that will change now. This time you won't be so lucky, you should have never come out of hiding."

Kaneko yawned softly, as she wiped down another table. The bell rang softly as the door opened once more and other costumers walked inside talking about whatever it was they had done that day. She gave them a polite smile and showed them to a table then handed them their menus and asked them what they would like to drink to start them off, being as polite as ever despite how tired she was.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/23 04:52:33 )
Allen smirked as the man voiced his distaste for him, now he knew where he was. Did he think he was protecting her, by shutting her in and neglecting her? "Funny.. You'd be doing me a favor." He mused quietly. "I wouldn't hurt her. I don't go after humans, and certainly don't have any intentions of being someone else who abandoned her!" Allen hissed , allowing his shortened gangs to be seen by him. Enough talk. Allen readied himself for an attack, or to defend himself.

He couldn't bring himself to attack first..

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/23 05:17:25 )
"Someone else? What is that supposed to mean?" The man prepared his weapon, he wasn't going to confront this beast empty handed. However, he wasn't going to use it just yet. Not the lethal one anyway but he had put on brass knuckles hoping they alone would do the trick. "I have never abandoned my daughter. I have always been there for her, the only person who's abandoned her is her mother!" He yelled, getting angrier by the second. Had Kaneko told Allen she felt abandoned by her father? He was going to have to speak with her seriously after all this. That is, if he managed to accomplish the task he had given himself. The vampire's fangs were out now, telling the older man that he was angry. 'Good' he thought to himself with a smirk and ran towards Allen, preparing to throw the first punch.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/24 22:13:05 )
Allen tilted his head some. When had he said he did? He must have a guilty conscious. "I wonder.." He murmured quietly as he began to focus on his surroundings . It had been awhile since he had to fight, and fighting blind would be tricky. Maybe he could keep the guy talking just so he'd know where to expect an attack.. "Why do you all day such things? First, you lump the good harmless vampires in with those who kill for blood mercilessly- and then you neglect your family and claim to only want the best for them! I don't know which sickens me more." He hissed, unable to bite his tongue any longer. "I may be blind, but I can clearly see your daughters loneliness."

Allen bit his tongue and focused on keeping track of the man.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/25 04:04:23 )
The man was thrown off by what Allen had said first, causing him to stumble as he abruptly came to a halt. Why DID they do that? "All of you are the same. You're all killers. Even if you don't want to believe it yourselves. Deep down, you know I'm right." He was calm, or at least he thought he was. He wasn't going to let Allen get under his skin, because he knew that's what the vampire wanted. To throw him off his game, to have the upper hand. However, when Allen mentioned Kaneko again, his eyes widened when he heard what Allen had said just then. Loneliness? She was not, she had everything she could ever want. "Shut up! She isn't lonely. You're just saying that to get in my head. I know my daughter and she is perfectly fine. She doesn't need anything or anyone so I suggest you shut your mouth before you make me really mad." He hissed. His hands balling up into fists. Great, he had let Allen get under his skin and when he had struck for a punch, he had missed, punching a tree trunk instead. Perhaps it was just another foolish warning.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/25 05:55:33 )
Allen remained silent a moment as the man fumed. He couldn't believe his ears. We're all humans this ignorant? Allen felt the punch pass him, and faintly heard metal class with a tree. He just stood there, facing the direction of her father. "You let me inside your head the second you brought Kaneko into this debate. She's a human being!" Allen stated rather calmly. He side-stepped behind him quickly. "Humans need interaction, not just pretty things." Allen stepped back and waited for him to make his next move.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/25 06:33:18 )
"Kaneko has interaction. I talk with her daily. Perhaps not always face to face but we talk. You're one to talk about what people need, last time I checked you have no one. You're all alone, remember?" The man taunted, a sickening grin on his face. "She has the best of both. She gets anything her heart desires. Perhaps I spoil her too much, it's true." He shrugged his shoulders, unaware that Kaneko's shift was just about ending. She was just helping clean up the place before she could leave and head off towards the park. Maybe if she was lucky she would see Allen there. Maybe.

"I wouldn't speak about her if I were you Allen, come on. I thought you were smarter than this. Maybe losing your eyes has made you dumber. Or maybe it you put it, losing everything. But, did you really have anything to begin with?" He asked, his eyes focused on the vampire who moved rather quickly so even if he had wanted to swing at him again he would have missed and fallen forward.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/25 06:58:55 )
Allen bared his shortened fangs slightly as the man spoke. "I'm not human, remember?" He voiced, technically voiding out his taunt. Vampires did better alone, usually. They didn't need company as much as humans did. Unless they were a coven or a group. Allen had that though, before he lost his eyes. He hissed at the man and instinctively lunged forward to strike him. "I've been robbed twice in my lifetime, how would you know what that's like? I had a life, even if I was dying.. That life was taken from me! I don't need to tell me what I had or didn't have!" Allen hissed, dark red liquid started to leak from under his bandages. He was crying, technically.

Allen slowly approached him, holding his arms up as if surrendering. He was lost in the moment of despair, not thinking about anything else. "Kill me! End my suffering old man, go ahead!"

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/26 02:51:21 )
"I'm glad you realize it. And you must understand why I have to keep you away from my daughter and the only way to do so is to get rid of you. I will take care of her, she doesn't need you or anyone else." The man started. Kaneko had him, that's all she would ever need. That's what he believed anyway. He staggered backwards when the vampire suddenly lunged at him, fangs bared. He tripped over a root of a tree that had breached the surface of the soil and fell onto his back but surprisingly enough, Allen stopped. As if he had somehow come to his senses about what it was he was about to do. The blood, there was blood on his face! This honestly terrified him, why was he bleeding? He hadn't even touched the beast. Not yet anyway.

No, this couldn't be this easy could it? There was no way he would just let him kill him. Still, not waiting to take any chances, he stumbled back onto his feet with his weapon in his hand. A revolver. "Oh it would be my pleasure to get rid of you Allen once and for all. I should have killed you that day I first met you years ago. You got lucky then, but you won't be so lucky this time." He readied the revolver, aimed it at Allen and prepared to pull the trigger.

Kaneko shivered slightly, at the wind but she continued walking in silence towards the park. She knew she should have gone home first but she wanted to just make sure Allen was okay and decided maybe it would be best to send her father a text. 'Hey dad, I'm heading out of work now. I'll be home in a bit. I just need to run some last minute errands.' She texted and sent the message then resumed walking.

The man heard his phone go off and narrowed his eyes, it was probably nothing but it could also be something serious. Had something bad happened to his daughter at work? No, he wouldn't be distracted, not when he was so close. Pulling the trigger, the sound was pretty loud and the bullet struck Allen's arm.

Hearing the loud sound, Kaneko stopped dead in her tracks. That sound had sounded as if it were somewhere in the woods and immediately she thought of Allen. Had someone hurt him? "Allen!" she gasped and began to run as quickly as she could towards the woods. It was a stupid idea, she had no way of defending herself but maybe it was just a hunter going after a rabbit or something. Yes, that's what she would tell herself.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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Just tell me who you are when you message me there.

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