— They/Them
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 05:34:54 )
Gods and goddesses were strange. Faith was important. You didn't have faith, you didn't get what you wanted. Simple as that. Eros hoped that she would leave the sketch as an offering for his mother. It would really make her happy, he knew it. The two chatted for quiet sometime before they realized the time. "R-right. I really should. I umm, I'll talk to you tomorrow though. Well, if I see you again that is." he said and gave her a hug. "By, and thanks again for dinner." He told her and said goodbye to her father, saying he'd be at work again in the morning like always then he left for home. When he arrived home, he realized his mother was cleaning the dishes and his father was helping her. Perfect.
"Hey, I'm home." He said and watched the two before continuing. "Umm..dad could I ask you something?" He asked his father. Most people would be too scared to ask Ares anything. His father nodded, setting the cleaned dishes on the rack to dry. "Is this war truly going to happen?" He asked suddenly. His father looked surprised and ran a hand through his dark hair. "I guess you've heard the rumors." Ares began. His son nodded and the three of them moved to sit on the couch. "The rumors are true, war is coming and it's close. Very, very close. The people here, are not prepared." he said. Eros panicked, "B-but dad, you can help right? You can end it all!" Ares sighed and pat his son's shoulder before getting up. It was late and he was tired. "I only help those who pray Eros. If they don't believe, they don't get my help. It's late, let's all get some sleep. We can talk about this sometime tomorrow again if you'd like. Come love." He said and took his wife's hand after kissing the top of his son's head.
Aphrodite kissed her son's cheek and wished him a goodnight before she and her husband vanished to their room. Eros sighed and looked around the lonely house. His father was right, he couldn't help those who were not faithful to him. Yawning softly, Eros left to his room and crawled into bed to sleep.