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Forums Role Playing Love of the Gods (Kimmi and Boss Rimi)

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/20 22:32:00 )
You can die anytime...

Sapphira smiled,"Its been pretty good, " she said as they ate,"I did a little housework to keep busy and to help the servant out a bit. It had been piling up lately and I figured helping would get things moving faster. Other than that I spent done time working on some sketches I've been toying with in my mind. Then I came out here to get dinner ready and...well that's it really."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 00:22:44 )
"It seems that we've all been pretty busy today." Eros admired how Sapphira always wanted to help people when she could even though it wasn't required. He wished more people were like her and they probably were, he just didn't notice them they way he did her. "Some sketches? What have you been sketching lately?" He asked, taking a bite of his food.

Once dinner was ready, Aphrodite put the heat on very low and smoothed out her dress then fixed her hair. She always had to look her best for her husband and for whoever else was watching. Her husband would be arriving soon, he would probably be tired. Hopefully hewasn't angry. He wasn't always the most patient with the mortals but he was trying which was what mattered.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 00:33:48 )
You can die anytime...

Sapphira smiled,"I went to the temple of Aphrodite this afternoon," She said,"Shortly before I came back to start dinner, and I noticed they had these really intricate statues there of her. I decided to try to sketch how she would look if she was to appear before someone. I could show you after dinner if you'd like. I'm not the best at sketches yet but I thought it came out really well all things considered. I thought about sending it as an offering to her but I'm afraid to because i don't want it to seem disrespectful."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 01:30:37 )
If Eros weren't so polite, he would have spit out the food he was chewing when he heard where she had gone and what she had done. "You sketched out Aphrodite?" he asked her. That was impressive, he wondered if his mother would like it. She was so...well his mother was a nice lady but so...full of herself? His uncles and aunts have all boosted her ego by saying she was the most beautiful woman in all the world. Even Hades agreed and would drag anyone who didn't believe it, down to the underworld with him. "I'd love to see it. I'm sure it's lovely and who wouldn't like getting art?" He said with a chuckle, taking another few bites of the food.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 01:37:59 )
You can die anytime...

Sapphira smiled and nodded,"Alright. I can show you after dinner." She said. She chatted with her dad about things like work and things like that. When dinner was finished she served the guys dessert and went to clean up the dishes she had made from cooking dinner.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 02:23:42 )
Eros nodded and continued to enjoy his dinner while Sapphira and her father talked, not wanting to interrupt. When he had finished, he was not expecting the dessert but smiled. Still, he had wanted to help Sapphira and stood up then walked to where she stood. "May I help?" He asked her. "It's the least I could do. You made me dinner, and even made me some lunch this morning. Let me at least help with the dishes." He said to her, giving her a warm smile. His mother saw this and frowned. "Oh dear, warm smiles don't work anymore. Where's that charming smile you got from me!" Aphrodite whined then vanished and appeared at her house just as her husband was walking in. "My love!" She ran into his arms and kissed him softly before taking his things from him and setting them off to the side. "How was work today?" She asked, serving him some dinner and then some for herself. "These mortals are idiots." Ares grumbled.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 02:38:58 )
You can die anytime...

Sapphira smiled,"Thanks." She said, having him help dry dishes for her and then together they put them away. She then grabbed her sketchbook and showed him the sketches she had done of Aphrodite. She wasn't sure about them but they were actually really good. "I hope they would be acceptable." She said, not wanting to have an angry goddess after her. She looked over at Eros,"What do you think of them? Anything I should improve on?" She asked him.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 05:06:52 )
Even in a simple sketch, his mother's beauty was unmatched. "Beautiful." Eros said softly. "I, I know that she will love it. You are very talented." He told her. As for improvements, he wasn't sure what to say. The sketched seemed perfect. "Personally I love it as is. I'm certain she will as well. You captured her beauty very well." Eros commented with a smile. His mother was going to love it. "You should certainly offer it to her at her temple. Who knows, you might even see her."

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 05:16:41 )
You can die anytime...

Sapphira smiled,"That would be incredible if so." She said, putting her sketches away,"I dont see her appearing to me though. But it would be incredible if it were to ever happen." She sat and chatted with him for a little while before realizing the time,"Oh dear. I should let you get home so your parents wont worry." She said

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 05:34:54 )
Gods and goddesses were strange. Faith was important. You didn't have faith, you didn't get what you wanted. Simple as that. Eros hoped that she would leave the sketch as an offering for his mother. It would really make her happy, he knew it. The two chatted for quiet sometime before they realized the time. "R-right. I really should. I umm, I'll talk to you tomorrow though. Well, if I see you again that is." he said and gave her a hug. "By, and thanks again for dinner." He told her and said goodbye to her father, saying he'd be at work again in the morning like always then he left for home. When he arrived home, he realized his mother was cleaning the dishes and his father was helping her. Perfect.

"Hey, I'm home." He said and watched the two before continuing. " could I ask you something?" He asked his father. Most people would be too scared to ask Ares anything. His father nodded, setting the cleaned dishes on the rack to dry. "Is this war truly going to happen?" He asked suddenly. His father looked surprised and ran a hand through his dark hair. "I guess you've heard the rumors." Ares began. His son nodded and the three of them moved to sit on the couch. "The rumors are true, war is coming and it's close. Very, very close. The people here, are not prepared." he said. Eros panicked, "B-but dad, you can help right? You can end it all!" Ares sighed and pat his son's shoulder before getting up. It was late and he was tired. "I only help those who pray Eros. If they don't believe, they don't get my help. It's late, let's all get some sleep. We can talk about this sometime tomorrow again if you'd like. Come love." He said and took his wife's hand after kissing the top of his son's head.

Aphrodite kissed her son's cheek and wished him a goodnight before she and her husband vanished to their room. Eros sighed and looked around the lonely house. His father was right, he couldn't help those who were not faithful to him. Yawning softly, Eros left to his room and crawled into bed to sleep.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 06:04:06 )
You can die anytime...

That next morning, Sapphira woke early. She wanted to go to the temples of Ares and Aphrodite to say a few prayers. First she went to the temple of Ares and made a small offering,"Please watch over those who go into battle." She prayed softly,"Please guide them to victory and to have them all come home safely." She finished her prayers and then made her trip to the temple of Aphrodite. She made an offering of her artwork,"Please accept my offering of a sketch of you I drew. I hope it is something you will like."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 06:22:26 )
The following morning right after breakfast, Ares headed out the door but instead of heading to work, he appeared at his temple just as the girl had finished and walked away. This mortal girl wanted to save them all, it was admirable. Aphrodite appeared beside her husband and smiled, "Now will you protect the people?" She asked him. Ares looked up at the statue of him in the temple, it was enormous. "Of course I will." He said and shook his head when his wife walked up to his statue and tried hugging its ankle. "You seem more fascinated with the statue then the real thing." He joked and walked over to her, kissing her forehead. "I should be going now." He said. Aphrodite gasped and motioned for him to follow her. The two appeared at her temple and watched as the girl set down a sheet of paper. "A sketch?" Aphrodite repeated and looked at her husband who motioned for her to go get it. Aphrodite normally didn't appear before mortals, and motioned for Ares to go with her. He was reluctant, but went with her as she reached the sketch and carefully picked it up. The two now appearing before her. "What do you think?" Aphrodite asked her husband.

Eros had eaten breakfast but his parents were quick to leave after. He worked on making himself some lunch this time and after heading to his room to get dressed in his white toga and golden sandals, he walked out of the house ready to help Sapphira's father if he needed it.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 06:32:24 )
You can die anytime...

Sapphira wa about to head home, she gasped, seeing the very God and goddess she had been praying to appear before her. She couldn't help but jump in shock, not expecting this whatsoever. She didnt know how to say, she couldn't even make herself speak. She just hoped she hadn't angered them somwhow.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 23:00:24 )
Ares stared at the sketch and was quiet for a moment. "It's impressive. I'll give it an A for effort. I still prefer the real thing though." He said, placing a kiss on her forehead. It was then that he noticed Sapphira just standing there. Ares looked at his wife and motioned towards Sapphira. "Seems we have been spotted." He said quietly to her. Aphrodite followed his gaze and noticed the girl was still there. "Do you think she is alright?" she asked him. "Shocked I believe." Ares answered quietly.

When Eros reached Sapphira's home, he knocked on the door and wondered if her father had already left or hadn't. Maybe it would be better to just check if he was already at work.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 23:35:36 )
You can die anytime...

Sapphira finally managed to speak,"I...I'm alright..." she managed to get out,"Just...very surprised." She finally managed to calm down a bit before speaking again, "Oh dear, I forgot to leave a note for Eros!" She turned to face them,"Please excuse me. I must go."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/21 23:43:02 )
"Strange, I expected more enthusiasm. She's quick to leave instead." Ares commented quietly to his wife who frowned and nodded. "She is in such a rush to see Eros instead. Well I've never been so insulted." Aphrodite frowned. Ares wasn't too happy about this, "A note?" Ares repeated. "Go on love, you need to go to work, I'll take this home and we should let her go. Come on now, let's go." With that, she vanished, she would check in on her son later. Ares looked at the girl from a distance and slammed the end of his spear on the floor before vanishing as well. His wife was right, he needed to work.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/22 03:00:57 )
You can die anytime...

Sapphira hurried to the house and found Eros there,"Hey..." She panted, getting to the house,"I went to the temples of Ares and Aphroditie today to pray and offer my art...." She just fully realized what had happened,"Oh my god...." She looked at Eros,"They actually appeared before me." She covered her face,"And like an idiot, I didn't say anything and ran back here because I meant to leave you a note about Dad." She groaned in frustration with herself for just running like that.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/22 04:07:00 )
Eros looked back at Sapphira who looked winded, "H-hey. Are you okay? You look as if you've seen a ghost." He didn't think he'd ever seen her this way before. "You did? Well good for you. I'm sure they appreciate the visit." He smiled. He would have to talk to his parents about this to see what they thought. However, she didn't look too happy after what she said next. "They did?!" he gasped and grinned, "That's wonderful though...r-right?" Ohh....that's why she didn't look happy. She ran away. "O-oh...I see. W-well I'm sure they d-don't hate you or anything." He reached out and pat her shoulder. "If you're so worried about it, just visit again and apologize."

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/22 15:11:23 )
You can die anytime...

"I could. I probably will later. Maybe I'll cook something to offer them as an apology. " she leaned against a column nearby,"I feel so awful. I didn't even know what to say. And now I made myself look like a total idiot." She sighed and looked at Eros,"Dad should be out soon." She said to him,"He felt bad he made you feel like you were late yestersay."

At that moment her dad came out and smiled,"Morning, you two." He said

but living takes true courage.

Pixel Art by the talented Neko~ Thank you so much, Neko! <3
Both a just adorable~ :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart:

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/23 03:22:07 )
Eros gave her an apologetic smile. He would speak to his parents later, were they really mad at her? His mother? He didn't think so. His father? That was more believable. "Hey, it's okay. What matters is that you're trying to fix this situation. Don't be so hard on yourself okay? It happens to everyone. E-even me. Sometimes I anger the gods I'm sure and well all I do is apologize profoundly and make some offerings and then I wait. You will know when they forgive you, trust me." Eros laughed softly and shook his head. "Oh, no it's okay really I don't mind. I mean if he wanted to leave earlier it's okay." He wasn't upset but he said nothing further on that topic. When her father stepped out, Eros smiled at him and waved. "Good morning sir. I hope you had a great sleep, ready for work?" He asked him.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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Just tell me who you are when you message me there.

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