— Sha/female
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/2 00:56:33 )
My only requirement for making food for people is "put up with my kids. put up with my disaster of a self and how i can sometimes not keep the house as clean as i want to and come to me!"
if people can handle those three things i'm like. here's a place to sleep. Here's some food! Want to play games with me? Let's go dance!
Wait wait wait... Are we offering up babysitting services for our children?
HERE'S MY 2 YEAR OLD. His favorite words today are circle, science, and sorry.
— Sha/female
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/2 01:13:49 )
I love get togethers. and that's why i want a big clean house that i have storage space to hide my crap xD ... i like organizing things and i hate apartments for the lack of ability to do that.