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Forums Role Playing [IC]Potter And Malfoy Descendants - KimmiC89

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/3 16:14:31 )
You can die anytime...

Julia giggled and shook her head, climbing down from the carriage after him,"I've got it, thanks." She said as she leaned in to grab her pet carrier before moving so he could get his owl,"And yup, I will meet you in the library after dinnertime." She smiled as they got nearer to the school, seeing a group of her friends chatting with each other. She looked over at him,"See you later." She said, seeing some of his friends coming into view. She headed over to her friends to chat with them for a little bit before the feast started.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/3 16:50:31 )

Jason grabbed Birch's cage. (Did I let Birch fly to the owlery already. i can't remember. xD If not he's doing that now.) He smiled and watched Julia walk over to her friends. With a sigh he shook himself and entered the front steps and walked into the great hall. It was decked out extravagantly as usual for the start of term feast. Banners for all four of the houses waving to welcome students back to Hogwarts. He ignored them and strode to the Slytherin table, trying hard to resist sliding his muggle headphones back on his head.
"Jason, over here!" He turned his head and looked to the source of the voice and saw his friend Alex waving at him. He grinned and sat down on the bench next to him.
Max clapped him on the back cheerfully. "Wasn't sure if you were coming back this year now that the muggles know about us. Figured your parents kept you at home when I didn't see you on the train."
"Oh i uh, just found a quiet place to sit and enjoy the ride and my music." He quickly tried to shove his headset into his bag out of suspicions way.
"i can't believe you like that stuff." Max rolled his eyes. "Your folks have any plans to stop this from turning into a muggle run school?"
"Yeah... kind of. They want me to be Minister of Magic. "
Max choked on his drink he'd taken a sip of and snorted. "You? Minister of Magic? You're so unsure of yourself I don't know how you're a Slytherin with the rest of yourself. You as Minister of Magic would be a laugh." He wiped tears of laughter away as he set his drink down. "Glad you're a Slytherin though man. It's the best house and i get to hang out with you."
Jason looked down at his plate embarrassed. "Gee, thanks Max."

A glass being tapped rang through the great hall indicating they should be quiet. The first years were about to arrive to be sorted.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/7 23:52:18 )
You can die anytime...

A few months had gone by and Julia was back into the swing of classes and homework. She would see Jason round while they went through the days and she would smile and wave at him, at the very least to be nice. She knew his other friends didn't seem to care for it much and they gave her dirty looks each time. She didn't mind it though, as her friends would do it back to them. Her friends didn't mind the friendship she had started having with Jason and she didn't care what his friends thought.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/20 05:11:14 )

(death in the family I'm sorry)
Jason sat in the library for one of his study sessions. His friends had teased him terribly for awhile and he'd finally fended them off. He enjoyed spending time with Julia and considered her a true friend. He liked his friends but they could be so cllingy and single minded he was starting enjoy spending time away from them. He brushed his quill across his cheek looking at an exceptionally difficult essay for potions.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/20 20:31:40 )
You can die anytime...

(Oh my god! Are you alright? If you need a break just let me know... My thoughts are with you, my friend)

Julia headed off to the library to do some studying, wanting to rewrite her potions essay. She thought it was alright but also planned to try to add a little more to it. She saw Jason and smiled,"Hey," She said to him in a soft voice as not to startle him,"How are you?" She noticed he was working on the same essay she was planning to tweak herself,"Need a little help with the potions essay? I'm working on tweaking mine a bit."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/2 17:10:26 )

(keeping as positive as I can.)
Jason jumped anyways hearing someone so close, he had been concentrating so hard he hadn't heard the soft footsteps. He set his quill down and looked up to see Julia standing next to him, his startled face turned into a smile. "Hey your self. I would love some help. This essay is impossible." He leaned back in the chair in defeat. "I get that moonstones are used in potions but it's a rock. It's solid, potions are liquid. How are you supposed to get anything out of it." He grumbled and leaned forward on his elbows rubbing his hands through his hair in frustration. "Sorry, I'm sorry. I'm okay I guess. My parents are getting really annoying in their letters. My grades aren't top of the class and they want me to do better so I can be ... " He froze, he was pretty sure he hadn't told her what they actually wanted.
He didn't want to share that with her, or to worry about it. Or think that he was trying to live up to their expectations at all. "It's nothing." He said quickly. "How's your essay going?"

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/3 16:52:07 )
You can die anytime...

Julia frowned, listening to him as he explained his frustrstions,"All I can say to that is as long as your passing, they should be happy. I know they want the Malfoy name to be as perfect as they think it is, but your happiness and mental well being are much more important than that, even if they don't see it." When he mentioned the essay she smiled,"I already finished mine." she said,"I'm just the to rewrite it neater and to add a few things. That's why I asked if you would like a bit of help."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/3 18:38:33 )

He nodded thinking 'if only...' He knew they would worry more about the families well being that just a specific individuals. But he put a smile on his face. "Sure I could probably use a few pointers. " He pushed his essay over to the spot next to him and invited her to sit down. There were bits and pieces about how a moonstone has the inert magical abilities to create new beginnings for those who know how to use them properly when making potions. It helps to bring out your inner self and help someone grow into who they are meant to be.
Heaven knows Jason needed the help figuring out who he was. But he couldn't find any passages of how to actually use the stone in the potions. Just what potions they were potentially good for.
Other parts of his essay touched on some of the health benefits the stone possessed, and the emotional turmoil that it helps soothe. Basically it all amounted to the fact that he really wanted to ace this essay and use what he'd learned to make a potion for himself so that he wasn't so stressed out all the time.

As Julia looked it over he nibbled on the end of his quill, a bad habit when there was actually ink in it, but he'd been staring at the essay clueless where to go for so long it was all dried up. A few books lay open on the table surrounding him as he tried to search for the answer. What was he suppossed to do, use the rocks as part of the fire? Drop them directly into the potion? Smash them into powder? What was the answer?!

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/10 16:01:16 )
You can die anytime...

As Julia read his essay, she nodded,"I see you were struggling a bit with the moonstone information." She said to him gently,"It looks like you forgot to mention another way to reap the benefits of them in potions is if you boil them in water and then add that water to the potion. Or you could boil them in the potions themselves, depending on what the directions say." She looked over and handed his essay back to him,"Other than that, I think you've gotten pretty much everything that was asked for. It's close to what mine says, just worded differently." She smiled,"I just wanna rewrite mine so it's not too sloppy. You can look over mine if you want in case there something else you might need to add."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/11 00:00:18 )

Jason smacked himself in the forehead lightly so he wouldn't disturb the other students in the library. "Boil it i get the properties into the water. Of course! Why didn't I realize that!" He scribbled furiously for a couple minutes and than looked the essay over realizing he'd focused in on it. "Err... No I'm good. I really want to not get any exact ideas from yours. I'm determined to get my work done myself. That's why I've been spending so much time in the library lately away from my housemates." He traced an 8 on the table with his finger absentmindedly. That and he felt further and further away from the rest of them. His ambitions were somewhere else than theirs.
"I'm sure your essay is perfect though and doesn't need my silly self looking it over. " He sputtered, wondering nervously if she had wanted him to look it over just to check for mistakes like she'd just done with his. He'd have to clean up his essay now as well with all its cross outs and scribbled note corrections. Grammar wasn't exactly his strong suit.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/11 17:52:00 )
You can die anytime...

Julia smiled and nodded, pulling out clean parchment and a quill,"Understandable." She said, as she started to copy her essay neatly,"And you might be a bit silly,"She added,"But that doesn't mean your not a smart person." She was silent for a few moments, writing things from her essay down,"And it's also understandable you might not have realized that. I had to find that in a really old book here in the library. I don't remember it being mentioned before in class, unless I happened to miss that day due to being sick."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/8 21:57:44 )

"Thanks" He murmured embarrassed. "It figures that I couldn't find it. I haven't exactly gotten around to browsing all the old books here, it is amazing how heavy our work load is this year. I thought it would be easier in fifth year." He pulled out another parchment and started transferring his essay over to it so that it would actually be legible and include all the changes. "This helps so much. Thanks Julia."

(is there a thanksgiving feast. i can't remember. cause we'd been in late november in story now right? And i'm sorry this took so long to reply>.<)


Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/8 22:00:56 )
You can die anytime...

"Easier?" Julia giggled, working on her essay,"I had expected these things to be a bit harder. But not this hard. And I'm sure next year will be harder. All we can do is keep working hard and try to learn as much as we can to make next year easier." She looked over at him when he thanked her,"No problem." She smiled, glad she was able to help him.

((I dont think there is but we can make one anyway if you like ^^ ANd that's okay. I understand ^^)

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/1 17:04:04 )

He sat nibbling on the end of his quill in between sentences of re-writing his essay out neatly. He was nervous. Now that she was here in the library with him, his thoughts drifted to what he'd been thinking about the past couple of weeks when the new Thanksgiving day ball had been announced during the Halloween Feast. This year they had some exchange students from Ilvermorny from North America and the headmaster had decided throwing another feast in their honor by following one of their holidays so they would feel welcome in Hogwarts would be a brilliant way to do so. Of course, it had somehow turned into a ball as well.
Jason wasn't sure that he could dance, he wasn't sure if Julia wanted to go, or if she even liked dancing. Most of his housemates thought that it was a silly idea in general. Though they appreciated the excuse to get more food. "Listen Julia.. I ... I ... uh." He looked at her smiling at him and his heart pounded. "I know we've been really great friends and I was thinking that... you know.. with the ball coming up. Maybe you would like to go? That Thanksgiving American thing that's getting thrown next weekend." He felt heat crawling up the back of his neck as he stumbled on. "I mean, if you want to go with me to the ball?"


Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/2 16:31:01 )
You can die anytime...

Julia had just finished up with her essay when she heard Jason speak. She looked over to listening to what he was saying and blushed lightly as he did so. Was he asking her to the dance? Like as a date? Or just as friends? She smiled at him, blushing lightly,"Sure I'll go with you. That acually sounds like it could be fun." She said,"I'll have to see if I remembered to pack my dress robes. If not, I can always buy another set."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/2 21:39:05 )

He exhaled releaved, that had gone so much smoother than he had expected. He half expected to get shot down. "Great!" He looked away letting his face cool down and coughed clearing his throat. "Sorry. That was to loud. I'll meet you in the Entrance Hall before the dance than? Does that sound good?" He nervously twined his hands together after setting down his quill. He couldn't concentrate on his essay anymore. He'd actually asked her. His parents would be livid, his Slytherin friends would be shocked. But she was his best friend, and he really liked her.


Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/2 21:46:07 )
You can die anytime...

Julia smiled and nodded,"Sure thing." She said, starting to put her things away since she had finished,"I think I'm going to head to the common room to make sure I have something presentable to wear." She smiled at him,"See you later?"

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/2 22:11:24 )

"Absolutely. Have a great night Julia." He waved as she left, a smile pulling at the corner of his always so serious lips. The ball was only next weekend. He'd gotten the nerve to ask her. Maybe that arithmancy stuff from over the summer wasn't as wrong as he thought it was. Maybe he could have dreams. He stayed in the library to finish transferring his essay over to the new parchment until the librarian said it was time for students to start heading back to their dorms.

He hardly noticed as he walked through the halls and down the stairs into the basement . Before he knew it he was sitting in the common room sitting in front of the fire with a huge smile on his face.


Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/4 14:15:51 )
You can die anytime...

Julia smiled and headed back to her common room, thankful all lessons were finished for today. She put her schoolwork away and enjoyed some time with her friends before wishing them goodnight. She went up to her dorm room and crawled into bed, a wave of exhaustion taking over her. Within moments, she fell asleep.

but living takes true courage.

Pixel Art by the talented Neko~ Thank you so much, Neko! <3
Both a just adorable~ :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart:

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/9 01:14:56 )

Max plopped into the seat next to Jason and clapped him on the back, breaking him from his daydream. "Hey man, why you back so late, and what's with the stupid grin?"
"I. Oh... what? Nothing. I was just in the library working on my essay. That's all."
Max rolled his eyes, "Homework certainly doesn't make me that stupid happy. What's got you all aglow? Come on spit it out."
Jason frantically looked around the room for any excuse and saw Alex slide into one of the big comfy armchairs like a sly cat, eyes locked on Jason's."Oh hey Alex! What's going on?" He asked desperately, hoping for a chance of subject.
"You know..." Alex began, pausing as his eyes twinkled with mischief, "I do believe the ball is next week. You've got the glow of having a date. Who is she?"
Jason's mouth dropped open. "You know.. I uhhh, I've just realized that I need to finish transfering my essay the rest of the way. The library closed before I could finish. See you guys in the dorm room later!" And he jumped out of his seat like it was on fire and ran up the steps into their shared dorm room.

Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.

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