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Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/29 21:07:45 )
Allen seemingly came to his senses when the man starting going on about keeping him away from his daughter, and getting rid of him. As much as he wanted the suffering to end, he once again thought of Kaneko. He swore to himself that of what he told her father. He wouldn't be another to abandon that girl. That girl he grew so fond of, that he would sacrifice himself to keep her safe.

That was about the time the gun went off and Allen hissed in pain, clutching the spot on to his arm where the bullet struck. He paused and slowly lifted his head when a scent sent caught him. "Kaneko.." He murmured quietly. "Our fight must end, unless you want to risk endangering your daughter. " Allen said to him.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/30 00:39:18 )
"Come on, keep running!" Kaneko was tired already. She had worked a very long shift, she wanted to get home and get some much needed sleep. Food didn't even interest her right now. Her foot buckled and she had to hold out her hands in front of her to keep herself from falling.

The old man laughed softly. "You want to end the fight? Really? So soon? Oh Allen come now, you're the one who asked me to kill you. Trust me, I'll be doing everyone a favor when there is one less of you running around loose." He said, readying the gun again and aiming at the vampire's cold chest. Right through the heart, that should kill him. He thought so anyway. "Kaneko is at work. Even if she were out, she would be on her way home, she's not coming down here. She knows better."

Kaneko's lungs burned, begging for her to stop and take a few breaths but she couldn't and wouldn't. She ran and ran until she spotted her father pointing a gun at something. "D-dad?" She said, sounding confused. Her running slowed to a walk and coming closer, she saw Allen holding on to his arm. "Allen!?" Her eyes widened and she looked at her father. " shot him?!" She felt herself start to grow angry. Her father only looked at her, he looked surprised to see her there. "You should be at home, now go." he ordered, ignoring her completely and focusing on his target instead; Allen.

Kaneko couldn't believe it, her father had shot Allen, why? "N-no! No...if I go you'll hurt Allen and I'm not going to let you!" She replied seriously. "Leave Allen alone!" She warned, getting in between her father and Allen, her face held a serious and hurt expression. Why was her father doing this? Why wasn't he at work? Her father looked at her again and narrowed his eyes again. "I told you to go home. This has nothing to do with you Kaneko." He warned. Again, Kaneko only shook her head and remained where she was. "I am not going anywhere and there is nothing you can do or say that will make me change my mind. I will not let you hurt him!" Kaneko replied seriously. Her father, now angered by her defiance, raised his hand to hurt her but Kaneko only braced herself and closed her eyes.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/30 01:52:10 )
Allen gripped his arm tightly as it throbbed. He could feel a warm liquid slowly run own his arm as it bled. "Ignorant fool, I smell her!" He shouted as the man took aim at him once more. Allen took a step back and prepared himself, but the second shot never fired. He lifted his head when he heard Kaneko's voice. It was too late. She was here.

He was slightly confused by her stubbornness, since he hadn't seen..or heard this side of her. She was taking his side, over her father? "Kaneko.. Please.." He murmured lightly, almost pleading for her to go. She was in danger, and he could feel it. Before everything got quiet, he readied himself. Allen tackled her father to the ground before he could hurt her.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/30 02:17:47 )
The beating never came, slowly she opened her eyes to see that her father was now on the ground, Allen looming over him. It scared her because even though she was mad at her father, he was till her father. The only family she had left and she didn't want to hurt him either. He was never able to hit her as he had planned to, the stupid vampire had intervened. It brought an interesting idea to the man's mind. The vampire fancied his daughter. How idiotic. his daughter would never be allowed to see him even if he had to lock her up himself. She didn't need a job either so if she was fired, he wouldn't care. The man's gun fell out of his hand when he hit the ground and he frantically reached for it. "D-dad! D-dad don't!" She screamed but it was too late. Her father took hold of the gun tightly in his hand and aimed it once again at the vampire's chest before pulling the trigger, quickly readying the gun again and aiming again. "Dad no!" She cried now. Rushing over to Allen's side and looking around for something to stop the bleeding. She couldn't find anything but her purse! Quickly, with trembling hands Kaneko reached into her purse and pulled out some napkins. nothing fancy but hopefully it would help with the bleeding on both his arm and chest.

"Allen! Allen l-look at me. D-don't worry you are going to be f- H--hey!" Her father was on his feet now and had cute her off by grabbing her arm and pulling her up with him. "We are going home now." He hissed seriously, pulling her along even though she resisted. "L-let me go! You're hurting me!" She exclaimed, looking at her father who only waved the gun in her face. "You should know better than to raise your voice at me." He hinted. Kaneko instinctively shrunk back and looked at Allen with a hurt expression on her face. She couldn't just leave him there, so she fought and yelled until she managed to pull herself free and ran towards Allen then pulled out her cellphone and glared at her father. "You get close and I will call the police." She warned, taking the napkins and pressing them to Allen's wounds. Her father laughed, "You would actually turn in your own father? Are you not loyal to your own family?" He asked. "I'm not loyal to people who hurt others for no reason." She spat back at him, angry.

"Oh, so you don't know? He didn't tell you?" Her father started. "Just a moment ago Allen was begging me to kill him. Weren't you Allen?" The man said with a sick smile on his face. It was pitch dark outside, everyone was probably asleep and if not, someone was bound to have called the police if they heard the gunshots. Kaneko looked scared at this answer and she looked down at Allen. "Y-you were?" She asked. "I...b-but why? Why do you want to hurt him so much? W-what are you talking about?" She asked her father. "D-didn't tell me what?" This wasn't the right time to ask such questions though, she needed to make sure that Allen would be okay. She needed to get the bleeding to stop.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/30 03:07:53 )
Allen wasn't thinking about the gun when he tackled the man. He wasn't planning on hurting him, he just just want him to hurt Kaneko. He heard the gun click, and staggered back as the bullet pierced his chest. It wouldn't kill him though, unless he bled continuously. Maybe. His ears were ringing from the gunshot so he could only vaugly hear anything, despite how close she was was. He felt his back touch the ground as gravity pulled him down.

Allen attempted to slow his breathing so he didn't go into shock. It was incredibly difficult with Kaneko 's screaming and her father. He wanted to rip the man apart, as an instinct to stay alive, and other reasons. Allen grit his teeth, hiding his fangs, when Kaneko pressed the napkins on the wounds. "Thats.. Only half of it.." He murmured quietly. "Kaneko.." He breathed. "You're father was the one who attacked me.." Allen voiced sharply. "I'm sorry.. I didn't want you to be afraid..." He murmured quietly, slowly lifting his free hand and felt for her hand, before lightly holding her hand. Was he going to die here, like this? If he did.. "I don't deserve you're friendship. Only a human deserves your kindness, not me.. But- I fell in love... I'd never hurt you. Never." He murmured quietly and his voice grew into a whisper as desperation leaked through.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/30 03:39:18 )
Kaneko busied herself placing the napkins on his wounds until she ran out then she fumbled around for her cellphone, she needed an ambulance. "Dad, I suggest you leave now or else I will have you arrested." She hissed. Her hands were trembling, she was shaking from the fear. Her ears were ringing from the sound of the gun going off and she was sure she would never forget what had just happened in front of her. Allen was dying and her father was just standing there, watching. He had done his part. The man smirked, the vampire would die and he would drag his daughter back to their house. He would tell her the truth, and he would make sure she quit her job.

Kaneko's free hand gently squeezed Allen's in reassurance. It would be okay. He would be fine. He had to be. She couldn't believe her father was just standing there, he was going to watch Allen die. Why did he hate him so much? What had Allen done to him to deserve this anyway? Kaneko looked down at Allen, her cellphone in her other hand just ready to dial the number for help. Her father attacked him, but why? There had to be a reason why he would do such a thing. "Afraid? Afraid of what?" She asked, her voice just barely above a whisper. She didn't trust her actual regular voice right now. The more Allen said, the more confused she grew. "But...y-you're a human too." She let out a weak chuckle. Kaneko couldn't even bring herself to chuckle properly. His last comment made her heart skip a few beats in her chest. He...fell in love?

"Oh please, he's incapable of loving anyone Kaneko. He's a killer. He will only hurt you. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but one day the killer in him will take over and before you know it he'll kill you for no other reason than to feed himself." Her father interjected, finding what Allen was saying repulsive. "He is right though, he doesn't deserve you. You deserve much better. Someone that I know you will be safe around. Allen here, is a vampire. I'm sure he must have told you right?" He asked, knowing already full well the answer.

His daughter looked at him, her eyes wide, tears on the verge of spilling over her cheeks. A vampire? "I...they don't exist." She whispered, shaking her head and shutting her eyes tightly. "They do Kaneko, and Allen is one of them. You mean, he didn't tell you this?" Kaneko didn't say anything. How was she supposed to respond to this? The only thing she could do now was going to be difficult to do, but she had to. She called the ambulance first, explaining the situation and then, while trying not to cry and scream, she reported her own father as the shooter. Even if he did go into hiding, they would know it was him. She was the sole witness. When she had hung up, her father gave her a disappointed look. "Really Kaneko? You're going to throw your own father in prison? After all I've done for you?" Kaneko couldn't speak. She hadn't wanted to, but it was the only way she could protect herself and Allen. "You wanted to k-kill him." She said after a while, her throat burned now and after a moment, sirens were heard in the distance. "Run, I know you will." She whispered, dropping her phone in her purse and looking at the gun as the sirens got louder making her head hurt. "I'm sorry, but you gave me no choice dad."


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/30 04:21:20 )
Allen hissed in pain as more napkins were applied. He mostly laid there and listened to the two of them go back and forth, and fought to keep breathing. "You're wrong.. I'd give my life, to save hers.. Not all vampires need.. I don't need.." He murmured quietly as his body started to become numb. The pain was slowly fading away with his consciousness . The sirens were drowned out by the two, and the constant ringing in his ears. "Kaneko.. I swear it on the freshly fallen snow on a winter's day.. Even if I die here.. My love never will..." He murmured softly before he could no longer keep himself conscious.

Slowly, his breathing became stiff and uneven before ceasing. He wasn't dead, yet, but he would be if he was left alone for too much longer. His body was shutting down, kind of putting him in a state of comatose.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/30 04:38:35 )
It wasn't like he could really run. They would clearly see him. But looking at Allen, he was happy, the monster had died. He had finally killed him. Finally. Kaneko broke down in tears, she was hysterical when the police and ambulance arrived. Her hands held both of Allen's and she cried even more when they pulled her away from him. The paramedics quickly got to work on trying to stabilize him and moved him into the back of the ambulance. She was truly alone right now. Her father was going to be behind bars for who knew how long. Allen...he was probably dead. She would continue to work hard though in order not to lose her house. The bills needed to be payed after all. He had said he loved her, the back of her hand wiped away her tears from her face. The officers handed her some tissues and the paramedic had to stabilize her as well. "I...want to g-go with him." She spoke, a tired look on her face as she pointed at the ambulance.

"H-he's my friend!" She explained, hoping they would allow her to join Allen. The paramedics said it would be no trouble but when they asked her questions about what happened and for information on Allen, she only answered what she could but she told them nothing about who he was. She didn't think Allen would want people to know the truth. Was he really a vampire? Those didn't exist. Her father had told her that they didn't. Had he been lying to her all that time? Allen's pulse was faint, but it was there. They removed the napkins, tossing them in a plastic bag and got to work on stopping the blood. The napkins had helped...a bit.

Kaneko did her best to keep her eyes open, her hand reaching out and holding on to Allen's hand gently. "You're not die." She whispered. Mostly as self reassurance. He would be fine, she had to believe it. They had said he wasn't dead so that had made her only a tiny bit hopeful that he would make it to the hospital.

When they arrived, Allen was taken to have the bullet in his chest extracted. The wound in his arm was small since the bullet had only grazed it thankfully. While she waited, she was seen as well. Doctors wondering if she truly was stable after what had happened. If she would need therapy of sorts, is she had a safe place to stay. Of course she did, she still had her house. She was old enough to stay there and she did have a job so it wasn't like she was totally at a loss. After analyzing her, she was told to wait in the waiting room until Allen was brought to his room; then she would be able to see him again. He would be fine.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/30 20:40:01 )
It wasn't until he was taken to the hospital and everything that he began to wake, or rather started to regain consciousness. The bullet had been removed, and he was stable. Physically anyway. Of course, they had removed the bandages from around his eyes, just to see if they were post-shooting or not. He was in his way to his room when he actually woke. He was groggy, and disoriented by the sounds and smells that clashed together. He was..alive..? Hadn't he died? Then he thought of Kaneko and her well being. Where was she? Allen murmured name a couple times as the morphine made it hard to think. Among other factors.

Once he was in his room, the nurse went to fetch the girl that had arrived with him.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/1 02:40:39 )
Kaneko was exhausted and dozing off on the chair in which she sat. The tranquilizer given to her only added to her drowsiness. However, her head kept jerking up once it got too low. No, she couldn't sleep even though she wanted nothing more than to curl up on the chair and sleep. Allen was still under though, no news of him had reached her ears. Maybe they didn't want to tell her flat out he was dead. Maybe they wanted to figure out a nice way to break the news to her. A way that wouldn't be cruel. Maybe he was fine, maybe he had magically survived. Just thinking back to how fast it had all happened, Kaneko started to cry silently in her seat. Her face buried in her hands, her body trembling as she cried.

Passerbys just stared in sympathy. They assumed she had just been given some heart breaking news but they didn't know anything. They didn't know how tired she was, how emotionally drained she was; how guilty she felt. This was all her fault. Who's else could it have been? Her father's? No. She shouldn't have brought Allen home that night, her father never liked her bringing anyone home and she had to go and break the rule and look at what happened because of it. She felt like an idiot.

A hand rested on her shoulder and a puffy red rimmed eyed, red nosed face with slight bags under her eyes looked up at the visitor. Her crying halted momentarily. The nurse explained how the procedure had gone and invited Kaneko to Allen's room so she could see him. He was fine? "H-he's alive?" Kaneko asked, her voice sounded strained. After the nurse nodded, she started to lead Kaneko to Allen's room. The halls were populated by doctors and nurses passing by quickly. Gurneys were being wheeled back and forth. Elevators were being called. People stood impatiently while they waited, shifting from one foot to the other.

Finally, they arrived and the nurse opened the door for Kaneko to walk inside. Kaneko did and when she saw that Allen was indeed alive, she wasted no time in going to his side and taking his hand in both of hers. Fresh tears threatened to fall but she held them back. She noticed that his bandages had been removed and she wondered if that bothered him. Maybe she could find new bandages here and put them on him to replace the old ones. "A-allen..thank goodness you're alright. I..I was so worried." Her voice squeaked at the end there but she had to hold herself together.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/1 03:11:05 )
Allen lay in the bed, alone in his room for the moment. He was thirsty.. But more confused and very unstable, mentally. He had no idea where he was, or how he got here. His face felt light, so he assumed his bandages were off. He didn't know that his blank, silvery-white eyes were open. How could he? He was blind. Further more, the morphine bothered him. He would've preferred a more natural remedy. Allen slowly sat up, feeling around for the needle in his arm before pulling it out, hissing in pain as he did so.

He leaned back in the bed. As much as he hated it, he knew he wouldn't be going anywhere until the morphine wears off. Allen then picked up on a sweet scent. Not like the others.. He knew this scent. His pale eyes moved in the direction of her voice, and no sooner than he felt her hands around his own, he brought his other hand slowly up to her wet cheek. She had been crying? "Kaneko.." He murmured quietly , as he gently ran his thumb over her cheek. "You saved my life..."

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/1 03:32:58 )
The IV lay limply on the side of his bed. He had removed it? That couldn't be good. The monitors beeped calmly, telling anyone who entered that he was stable. They were alone though and she was glad for that. Kaneko shook her head slowly, sniffling. "T-this was my fault Allen. I am so sorry for what my father did. I wish there was something I could do to make it all better." She did save his life though, even if at the moment she didn't think she did. "I put your life in danger the moment my father saw you..But...we won't speak of him. He's gone, you're safe now. H-he isn't going to hurt you anymore." She promised, kissing the back of his hand lightly. A weak smile on her face. Weak, and tired.

"I'm j-just glad you're alive." She sniffled again and sat down on the chair next to his bed provided there for visitors. "How are you feeling?" She asked, looking at the IV on his bed. "Not a fan of needles e-either?" She asked, trying to lighten the mood. The air felt so tense, but maybe it was just her. He seemed fine. Looking at his eyes, she loved the color. They looked almost milky, they were really pretty; she was glad she had been able to see them even though they'd probably be covered up again soon. "I-is there anything I can get you? Are you feeling any pain? W-would you like something to eat?" Maybe she could get a nurse to bring him some food even though hospital food wasn't the best.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/1 21:15:13 )
Allen grunted some as he sat up. How could she blame herself? Her father would've found out sooner or later..wouldn't he have? Either him, or some other hunter. "Kaneko, please.. I already knew the risks.. I had a target on my head every time I left the manor.. But even still, I couldn't leave you alone.. I put you in more danger than you ever could.." He spoke in a raspy voice, and swallowed hard. Allen smirked a little when she mentioned her father. It wouldn't last long, he'd get out and come after him again once he knew he had gotten away a second time. He'd leave it be though, for now..

Allen slowly shifted in the bed and tried standing, with the help of the edge of the bed. "Most man-made medicines are poison.." He murmured quietly. Needles he didn't like either, really. He pulled at the wires connecting him to the monitors. Allen took a moment to compose himself, in the pain he was feeling. What hadn't been numbed. "I just want to go home.. I don't know where I am.. They don't know what I am.." He was straining himself a little, but he'd be healed in a few days anyway. He didn't even think about the stitches.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/2 02:55:05 )
Kaneko's tired eyes widened a bit when Allen sat up. Sure it wasn't anything out of the ordinary but she didn't want him to hurt himself. She sank down in her chair, listening to him talk to her. Listening to him explaining to her that he had been aware of the dangers but that he didn't care. He cared more about being with her than his own safety. "B-but you didn't do anything Allen. You didn't put me in danger. I was the one who put myself in danger. M-maybe because I was sure he wouldn't hurt me. Although, I guess he almost did."

Kaneko was silent for a moment, her lips in a hard line as she thought about how it all had transpired. Was there any other way she could have possibly approached this? Maybe, but she was too tired to properly think. Would she visit her father in prison? Maybe, unless she was too busy. Maybe he didn't even want to see her. Maybe he hated her for what she had done. She chuckled softly, hearing what Allen had to say about modern medicine. "Well..yes...I suppose they are. I-in large quantities they can be deadly. But..they only give you the morphine to help with the pain." Kaneko quickly stood, seeing what he was doing. She knew what he was planning. He wanted out of here. As did everyone else who was ever in a hospital. "H-Hey..! Hey, relax Allen... P-please." She whispered, her hands on his shoulders. "You need to relax. Rest here. Don't pull on anything. You have stitches, you need to let them heal. Any sudden movements can cause them to tear open again and that would be more painful and more time you'd have to stay here."

"I know you want to go home, can't. Not yet anyway. Allen you're in the hospital, and you don't have to worry about them. I won't tell them anything and you don't have to tell them anything you don't want to. They can't force you to talk. You just focus on getting plenty of rest. I will be right here, I am not going anywhere. Not unless you want me to." Kaneko just wanted to curl up and sleep, and keep him company. Keep him safe, brush away his fears. She was only one girl though, she probably coudln't do everything but she was going to try. She wasn't going to abandon him like the others had. She was here to stay as long as he allowed her to. "You need water, I'll have a nurse bring you a cup of water okay? You just relax, keep these wires on, take it easy. I...I really like your eyes by the way." She said, a soft smile on her face as she fought the urge to rest her head on his shoulder.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/2 03:49:42 )
Allen paused, feeling her warm hands on his shoulders. Her words were little comfort to his instincts, telling him to get out. Hospitals were somewhere he didn't like to be.. He called down though, as her voice reached his ears. Slowly, he brought his arms around her as to hold her, with no effort of course. She could easily slip away from him if she wanted. He didn't need to say anything, a smile blood test would tell them he wasn't.. human..

"Alright, alright.. If you insist." Allen voiced quietly with a light smile. Yes, he was teasing her a bit. He relaxed his arms some and sank down to the stiff bed, so he was at least sitting now, but he was still holding her. Loosely. He was far too tired do much of anything else any way. Actually, he felt like his iron was lacking. How much blood had he lost? Had they tried to replace it? He nodded lightly to the mention of water. "Okay.." He murmured quietly .

He paused again when she commented his eyes. She liked his eyes? No one had said that before, no one that had actually seen them. "Thank you.. It happened shortly after I started making my remedy." He explained simply, smiling.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/2 04:28:08 )
It was slightly cold in the room, hospitals always were but at least he had been given a blanket. She checked to make sure the cables were still plugged in properly and for a moment she was mesmerized by the lifelines on the monitor. Different ones in different colors to represent different things. It was confusing but she thought she understood it...sorta. Kaneko smiled softly, feeling him wrap his arms around her. He had to be careful but with the IV no longer in his arm, it was fine to do this. He seemed just as worn out as her, she was going to have to ask for a blood transfusion for him as well. Maybe in their rush to get the bullet out, they had forgotten. Or maybe they were trying to find a match.

Kaneko laughed softly, "Good, thank-you. I promise you will be out of here before you know it. Let these people help you. At the end of the day, that's all they want to" Course, some of the staff here was rather douchey but for the most part they were kind and understanding. Her finger pressed the button with the red cross on it, calling for a nurse to show up. Kaneko was quiet, waiting for the nurse to show up. She smiled, hearing him thank her for her comment. "You're welcome. So...the remedy caused it?" She asked. Strange. Strange but very interesting as well.

It would take some time before a nurse walked in, asking if she was interrupting something after seeing Kaneko in Allen's weak embrace and if they needed anything. "I...w-well actually I was wondering if he could get some water to drink. And if it isn't too much trouble, could you get a blood transfusion going for him?" Kaneko asked the nurse who looked unsure. "Ah yes I can but I'll need to know what his blood type is first. You see, I can't get just any blood. It has to work with his blood type or else he'll just get sick if I give him the wrong one." The nurse explained politely. This was something Kaneko had already guessed. What she didn't guess though, was Allen's blood type, would he even remember his blood type? Would she need to take a blood sample?

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/2 22:00:32 )
Allen nodded lightly, his silvery-white eyes moving down to her voice. "You'll stay here with me.. ?" He asked quietly, kind of sounding like a child. Of course he was uncomfortable, and maybe she understood that. Allen wasn't sure how to answer her question. He didn't know if the remedy had caused it or not, actually. If the nurse hadn't have walked in, he would've answered. Now, he'd wait until they left. But it didn't stop him from holding her.

Allen did tense a little when blood work was brought up, and he shook his head. "My blood type is O.." That was one thing he made sure to remember. If they need needed a sample, he'd deny them and forget about the transfusion.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/3 02:08:32 )
Kaneko nodded, "I'll stay right here with you. I promise." Of course she'd stay, did he really think she would just walk away? No, not after all that's happened. Not after the history between the two of them. Sure it wasn't much, but the two had gotten rather close in the days after their first meeting. Feeling him tense up, Kaneko ran her fingers through his hair gently, hoping to help him relax. The nurse nodded then. "Alright, I'll be back with your water and your blood. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting." She apologized and quietly left the room, making sure the door closed behind her. Hopefully she wouldn't take too long to get what they requested.

"So your bloodtype is O huh?" Kaneko asked with a smile. "Mine is A+." She informed. It was something she hadn't known until she was a little older. Since then, she had made sure never to forget it. Although she was lucky since she never needed a blood transfusion before and she hoped she never would.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/3 02:08:49 )
((Ooops, double post. Sorry))

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
Chat with me on Discord if you wanna! My username is: thebossrimi
Just tell me who you are when you message me there.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/3 02:31:46 )
(S'ok :3 )

Allen actually did relax a little when he felt her fingers run through his hair. It was rather soothing.. That and knowing for sure that she'd stay there with him. Once the nurse had felt, he lowered his arms from around her and sat back in the bed carefully so he could lay down. He lightly took her hand and tugged at it a little, not trying to pull her or anything, he just wanted her to know he was glad she was there. "There is a chance, my body will reject the transfusion.." He voiced quietly.

Allen smirked lightly when she shared her own blood type. "You sure you should be telling me?" He teased lightly, hoping she knew he meant no harm by it. He would never hurt her.

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