(Congratulations! Cheshire Cat is now available in Joyful Jamboree! Reminder, you will be granted a free EI for participating in this event)
After that harrowing experience, you take the left path which was at one point a straight option. It seems normal at first and time for a good breather, but the hairs on the back of your neck stand up at the return of a piercing chill. Is this a bad idea? Is another monster waiting at the end of this path too?!
Nope! You find a colossal treasure chest at the end of this path, but sadly it's just painted onto the hedge. Who would do such a thing? You're about to leave when you notice a tiny box on the ground beneath the picture.
Now that's a treasure chest, and you work with Static to get it open. The loot's all yours.
Turning around, you walk back to where you entered this path and you're met with a choice.
Which way?