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Forums Feedback May Crate Items Feedback Thread

Npc — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/1 19:31:15 )

Hey Volties!

Your feedback about last months crates was really helpful! Reading what you think could be done better really gives us a good perspective from your point of view. It helps us rethink the sets in ways we might have not considered in the beginning. We can't wait to hear what you guys have to say about this months crates.

Now we know that sometimes perhaps a set is not your cup of tea or doesn't fit your particular style, so try to look for things that we could use constructively. Like for example: If this pose was made this way and you could equip it like this then I would find use for that set more in my outfits. Or another example would be: This particular mod or pose is being repeated, I'd like to see x and y being offered as well.


In order to create a standard rating we will be doing a five star rating review. So for each set your reviewing do a 1/5 ; 2/5 ; 3/5 ; 4/5 ; 5/5 to let us know how much you like the overall set.

We are looking for feedback regarding the way the sets layer, originality, variety in poses, etc. But don't restrict yourself to these categories, those are just some suggestions for the direction you can take your feedback in.

We do ask that you try to keep your feedback constructive and don't just say "It looks bad, I don't like it." As it's not very useful to us.

Here is a template to start off your review:

Pond Sailing

Spring Showers


Thank you for taking your time to write this feedback, you are being very helpful!


Donator — He Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/1 20:42:58 )
Pond Sailing
My clear favourite of the batch
Everything about this set is amazing, especially the pipe & the shirt
It could go with lots of stuff

What would i change?
The hat is awesome, but a bit plain.. Maybe it would be better if there is a tiny anchor logo somewhere on the hat?

Spring Showers
Not really a big fan of this one tbh xD
What i like about this item: the backgrounds are super amazing

I dont know how to explain this, but the bend on the leg mod are a bit weird, could be because they are to bulky?
The umbrella are nice, but covers the face area way to much..
If only they are raised a bit more..

Also I feel like this set lacking an extra pose?
The bloomers seems to be just part of the leg mod already xD

This set is amazing imo
Best part : the reef + tails

I think this one is perfect, i dont really have any critique for this set xD
Just maybe kinda wish it comes in another colour

Voltie — sewer rat Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/1 21:57:39 )
!!! i have the same rating as Raxton.
1. pondboi
i think this is the most unique/interesting. the play on perspective is dope. the idea that the avatar is on water is also cool
2. merlantis
mermaid theme has been done before on other sites, but i gotta say the skill and details here are love. this set is eyecandy
3. springgirl
not my tastes but it's still a nice set. if i had this item, the background would be used the most! the umbrella is defo a statement piece. i could see myself using it creatively for baseless avatars.

sayonara cheesecakes ( 0 ڡ≦)ゞ✩◄-gallery-►

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/2 00:28:13 )
Pond Sailing
Not really my vibe so take this with a pinch of salt.
It's cute and seems quite versatile, the individual poses can be used with other sets. Nice masculine poses as well.
I agree with Raxton about the hat thing. Without any detailing it looks kinda like a floppy chef hat???

Spring Showers
My favourite from this set. Super cute, love the tiny detailing. I agree with pp that the umbrella is way wonky and covers too much of the face, idk if I could use that pose as is.
Also re the top: those weird petal things on the bottom are way too stiff looking, I think it would look better without them.

Very nice, although mermaids aren't my thing, I can tell people will love this set because it's so versatile again. The background is lovely and I think this whole set uses colours really well, it's so vibrant. The scales on the tail are really well done.

currently: new novel who dis?

q u e s t i n g :
beanie doll! thank u cookie

Voltie — Baby Yoda Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/3 19:26:38 )

Pond Sailing
I think this set is just so creative and fun! Plus I love the quality of the art. I can see myself using a few of these poses often. I would have loved to have a pose without the large boat. I feel the background and water are just so beautiful. Woulda been neat to stand maybe ankle-deep in the water?

Spring Showers
Cute set and I love how it's draw. I just find the umbrella a bit much. Plus I don't see myself really able to work with those items for a male avatar.

Absolutely gorgeous! I'm not a fan of mermaid items, but seriously this is just so beautiful. I love the little fishies. This set is just so detailed, creative, and playful. Great, great job!


Donator — Anything Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/4 20:44:20 )

Normally I go into great depth and detail everything (Also, normally am on my mule: White Rabbit) but I just don't have the time to today. But I still want to give some kind of feedback so here goes.

Pond Sailing
I'll be honest, I don't see myself using this item very much but I do really like it as an item in general. I think it was overall very well done.

Likes: I like the options of shoes with or without the stockings. Nice touch.
I love how the cuffs on the shorts and the shirt are a bit reminiscent of paper boats that kids make to race down street gutters on rainy days. It was a subtle touch that I think was very cute.
All the details in the Background pose really make it and I love how the water was treated and the leaves on the tree and the grain of the bark. Really, just lots of great detail in it. Everything was really well shaded.
That water, I mean really, it's great. The ripples, the subtle illustrations of motion via waves. Just great. Of all the poses, it's easily my favorite and I might have to find a way to work it into an avatar just because it was so well done.

Dislikes: The color choices are a little odd, but I appreciate variety. Honestly, not much to critique on this item, I think. I'm not in love with the hat but I think that's more personal style preference rather than any technical flaws in the item.

Spring Showers
Again, another item I don't think I'll use much because it just doesn't fit most of the themes I go for. But not a bad item exactly.

Likes: The boots! I like the pose for the most part (though the bent leg does looks a little unnatural. Maybe if it was positioned closer to the first leg...) and the item is interesting at the very least. The legs look kind of thicker than usual which I appreciate. Dat thigh gap! Although as much as I like the pose, the right leg of the avatar does look a little...weird. Like, the heel of the boot. It kind of looks like the sole is missing on the heel.
Having separate bloomer option is also nice! Thank you!
I like how the top has that little flower motif going on. Helps drive the idea of spring.
The umbrella looks like a weird mushroom flower and I kind of dig it.

Dislikes: That background. *Sigh* I was hopeful after the Sailing one but this one seems to fall flat. Literally, it looks too flat and 2D for me to make any use of.
The color choices are pretty weird no matter which one you choose and the water in all of them doesn't really look like rain water, which is odd considering how the item is named Spring Showers. While the second color option for the background gets the closest to being likable, the puddle is pink. Not clear, pink.
The hedge, though wonderfully detailed with all those leaves, has no depth to make you really feel like it's a hedge and not just a painting of a hedge on a wall.
The gate suffers the same two dimensional-ism, despite wonderful detailing on the wood planks.
The birdhouse honestly feels random to me. And again it offers no depth.

I really, really want to give this five stars. I really do. I love ocean and merpeople themed items, so I wanted to love this item. And I do love some things about it. But I also dislike a lot of things.

Likes: The tail! I love the graceful curve of it, the dimensions in terms of where it narrows out and the fanning of the fins.
I love the colors you picked for it, I think they were excellent choices.
I don't love the little flappies on the side but I'll give them a pass based on how great the pose is otherwise.
Beautiful shading and the scales. Omg. I can't imagine how long that took but it just looks so great. I was really impressed with the tail pose, really.
Also the trident (Call it what it is, come on) is pretty cool. I don't know why there is a chain on the end but I like the item well enough to not care so much. Really appreciated the addition of the darker red and black trident for those who want to go a more sinister route with their avatars. I appreciate you guys listening to that feedback. The scallop shell on there was a nice accenting touch.
The Right/Left options for the Fish were great, I really liked that. It would have been nice if they didn't exactly mirror each other but that brings up the complaint of not being able to use the same pose on either side, so I didn't dock on that. I think they were pretty well done, though different types of fish would have been nice. The ocean is abundant in diverse sea life and it would have been nice to see that reflected in the Fish pose.

Dislikes: The gills. Oh god, the gills. They look soooo awkward and they don't really even make sense. I know I've seen merpeople face fins before but these just...they look unnatural and honestly, they don't resemble gills at all.
The Shells...honestly, the shells looked super awkward. They are mostly obscured by the avatar and weirdly clustered. They don't look good with the background, they don't look good without the background. I feel like they were just thrown on last minute and not really organized to work with the rest of the items or stand alone on their own. They are just....there. The placement of them is super weird so I don't see myself using this pose at all.
And finally...*sigh*...The Background.
If you take one side of this background, it looks great. But it looks like the artist literally did that....and copy pasted it...and flipped it to make the other side and.....that just looks lazy. And it defies logic. A reef wouldn't look identically symmetrical like that and kelp would not wave in opposite directions into each other like that. The plant in the back is literally growing into itself, I mean come on. It honestly looks like the artist did a really great job with one half of the reef and copped out in the end. And that's disappointing as all get out. There was so much potential with this pose and it just falls flat. Also, I don't know who did the Wonderland item but don't think I didn't notice the same treatment on that. You can get away with it in Wonderland because shit be crazy there but I'm gonna call you out on this one. Don't get lazy guys. Plan out your items, manage your time, and give it the effort it deserves, because copy pasting something like this just makes it look like you care more about getting something out rather than getting something worth spending money on out. And if you don't care about producing a good product, what's the point?

Post edited for better formatting and readability.


Donator — ILOVEPUGS Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 00:55:01 )
Pond Sailing
I really like this item! sailor items are cute and I adore the background pose <3 Sorry I don't have much else to say on it :vanora_sweat:

Spring Showers

This is mostly what I wanted to comment on. I don't really care for any of the leg mods on here they don't look natural. If the avatar is supposed to be skipping or walking or something the legs don't go that far out to the side. If they're supposed to be posing then the left hand should go on the hip or something, imo people don't pose like that with their arms just casually resting at their side. XD It was the same with blackout rare CI. Were they supposed to be jumping? Running away from a scene? cos again the legs go out to the side in a very unnatural bend. Maybe cos they don't want the leg hidden to show off the item design but idk, I just know I would LOVE those boots and have more use for the item if they were their own pose. Although I will say I do LOVE the leg mods for cheshire cat
and static in wonderland! The background is cute and I like the umbrella.

TBH I would have given this a 5/5 before I read Alice's feedback and noticed what she said about the background being copy/pasted, now I can't unsee it. ;;;>_> Other than that though it is lovely and definitely got me to open more crates than I normally would. The tail is beautiful and I love thew color choices. Also LOVE the way the fish poses engulf the avatar. <333

eeee ee eeee smoke weed everyday
(legitimately googled if this was pg-13 appropriate because I try to be a respectful stoner. So like you're welcome teenagers)
Working on a new signature.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/6 03:17:59 )
Pond Sailing
This one is my favorite of the CI's this time. I like the blue/white color scheme the most, the others are kind of eh, not really something I'd ever use. I enjoy the background, even though I'm not one to use background items. The hat, I think, is the main thing I enjoy, most definitely. It would have been cool to have the boat separate from the background as well.

Spring Showers
Peepee puddle. Broken leg.

Not the worst. Not that great. The mermaid item fell flat for me. Nothing really set this item apart from anything I've seen before. It's pretty basic. The necklace is way too bulky for my tastes. The tail is okay, I think a bit more detail on the scales could have put it over the top.


Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/6 04:15:18 )
I am loving my avi, thank you!!!!

Voltie — they/them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/9 14:50:45 )
Pond Sailing
This item is great. Every pose looks good, but the hat is especially adorable, and I am a sucker for pipes. I could see myself using this item a lot.

The only thing I could possibly critique is the color choices. The cobalt/beige is wonderful, but I'm not sure about the others. Plum/grape doesn't seem to suit the theme at all, and while I do like the bark, I wouldn't have paired it with crocodile. Another brown like khaki would have been a logical pairing, but I think a red such as cherry would have been nice as well. (Speaking of colors, I think this month's items overall have less appealing color schemes than last month's. When I saw Bird of Prey, I didn't know which colors to try out first because they were all so cool. But maybe that's just a side effect of having only 3 colors on an item versus 5+; if you don't want to repeat colors, then your options are pretty limited.)

Spring Showers
The pink/yellow color scheme is very eye-catching and overall pretty. The chunky rain boots are really cute, and I think the lifted leg pose would look good if I found the right arm pose to pair it with. The theme was executed well, and I think the hedge with the little door and the birdhouse were nice touches.

The umbrella bothers me though. When I hold the handle over my shoulder like that, the umbrella should be tilted toward the back of my head, not the front. It just seems so off, it's really awkward to look at. The puddle is also confusing. I'm sure all the colors were chosen in an effort to create a balance with the other poses. But even when I look at the poses together, the color of the water is still a bit off-putting.

Amazing detail. The tail looks great, and the background elements are all gorgeous. I enjoy all three color schemes too.

It is a bit disappointing that the background is just mirrored on the other side. But to be honest, it still looks great to me with the rest of the set. When you have enough going on in the foreground (the fishes, the mermaid tail, the trident), it's very difficult to notice the perfect symmetry. I'm sure it will look nice with other foreground items too.
Sean, 25, they/them
avatar art by godawful

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/9 15:01:44 )

Pond Sailing
While I absolutely love the execution of this item, and think it's absolutely gorgeous, the theme honestly just doesn't strike me very much.

Spring Showers
I absolutely adore this item. The pose is absolutely fantastic, and I love all of the small and individual details in the set.

Oh my god that background. This set is flawless, honestly.


Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/12 21:23:24 )

Pond Sailing
This is not my favorite one out of the bunch this month, BUT I think it's gorgeous. I think it's beautiful, especially the scenery.

Spring Showers
Honestly, this is extremely cute. Between the pose, the color scheme, and the overall theme to it, I think it's perfect, especially since the area I'm in it's been raining non-stop. LOL

This is my favorite one, and I'm sure it's other people's favorite as well. It is beautifully designed, the tail floats perfectly, and those face fins are absolutely adorable. Honestly, crossing my fingers to get this one. VERY creative!


I'm randomly active bc of anxiety!

Donator — The Devil Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/16 11:39:47 )
Atlantis the gills are pretty cute I like them, would have been neat with some floaty hair wig

Pond sailing isn't to my taste but that background is great

Spring Showers I enjoy the bottoms, and the arm mods

they don't jump out as amazing however, so they all get a...
★★★✩✩ and a half

Donator — The Devil Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/16 12:10:11 )
@Ghost: why thanks so much! today is my first day so i know nothing, I better update my review
"Death becomes Him"

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