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Donator — A.I. Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 16:20:50 )

@sunny: Opening night at the Oriental Theatre. Box seats $1000. x3
Mantis shrimp are cool! I'm jelly of their visual abilities.

@RainbowPanda: They there DW! ... er, RP! xD c': gosh I miss Saph

@rheostatic: Yeeaaaahhh I should probably make that a little more specific xD I forget that not everyone can read my mind c':
Also plushies are 1000% welcome

@Tuijp: OML everyone is so hung up on the llama rule i just


just don't come crying to me when there's spit flying everywhere >:C


Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 16:20:52 )
@Vii: I just read the synopsis of the movie, it sounds cool. I think I'm going to watch that tomorrow, do you know if it's on Netflix?

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 16:22:44 )

@Vii: haha yeah I'm RP now, my name stands for roleplay XD
Aw I do too, but I'm not sure if I'll be returning when it opens up again.
@Elithiya: Hello, how's it goin


Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 16:24:27 )

@Vii: *takes llama in*
Poor guy would get lonely and sad otherwise


Donator — A.I. Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 16:24:52 )

@Vesta Rose: Gosh, I'm not sure. It might be, and I want to say I saw it on there before. If they don't have it for streaming, I'm sure they have it available to order online. c:

@Elithiya: A multi-purpose phrase which works as a term of endearment as well as it does for calling someone a dingus. xD Typically what I call my dogs c':

@RainbowPanda: Awwww, dude it'd suck if you didn't come back :C you were always like a fixture of Sapherna. xD

@Tuijp: We certainly don't want any lonely or sad animus around here :C


Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 16:25:56 )

@Vii: Lol I don't know about that. I just don't like starting over, so we will see. Depends on how much has changed ig


Voltie — he | him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 16:27:33 )
@Vii: I honestly just thought it was a funny talking point ^^;

GOOD. I'm glad cause he's a good plushie * u *

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 16:30:49 )
@Vii: I could just pirate it, but I'll try checking Netflix first. :vanora_xd:

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 16:30:50 )

@Vii: no we don't. Think about it, him being outside, all by himself. That would be horrible.


Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 16:46:12 )
@Vii: "dont be a butt nugget" I'm going to start using that

Donator — A.I. Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 16:47:44 )

@RainbowPanda: Tru, I can understand having invested so much time / energy into something and then having to essentially start over (for real tho, can't count how many times I've accidentally lost code, or died in a game and had to go way back cause I forgot to save LOL) but I don't think that much will change.

But, we will see! Voltra is a lovely place, though, so I might make it my new home.

@rheostatic: Does he like pork chops? xD Napoleon Dynamite reference

@Vesta Rose: That too xD gotta love the good ol' Bay. I'm sure you could even find it on YouTube, cut into segments.

@Tuijp: Ohana means family gdi

@Elithiya: and @nyreen: omg please do xD That's awesome c':


Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 16:51:30 )
@Vii: The problem with movie piracy is that downloading takes too much time because it's usually uploaded on crappy servers. Plus the quality is usually horrible especially with old movies like this.

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 16:52:09 )
@Vii: just going to call all of the kids that I work with butt nuggets. I already call them little turds and buttheads
call me grem

Donator — A.I. Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 17:01:05 )

@Vesta Rose: SO true, I once downloaded Terminator: Salvation only to realise it was MPEG, so it's all pixellated / blocky looking on screen, and has a weird aspect ratio. Kids these days will never know the true pain of having to download movies and music. xD

@nyreen: "You have officially graduated from turds to butt nuggets!" xD Wish I could see their faces when they hear that one for the first time! c':


Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 17:03:34 )
@Vii: LOL, you think that's worse? I once downloaded a movie for hours then it turned out to be an entirely different movie! I was so angry and wanted to bang my head on the wall repeatedly xD

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 17:04:00 )

@Elithiya: Today is pretty nice and not too hot,so all's good.
Just listening to music and just finished eating lunch which is why I poofed


Voltie — he | him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 17:05:52 )
@Vii: !!!! I'm sure he does

//i live under several rocks so that WHOOOSHED over my head.
call me rheo
(please don't capitalise it)

sail with me into the dark

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 17:05:53 )

@Vii: Yeah it sucks, I posted a bunch on there and sapherna took up most of my time. I would stray away from my schoolwork just to check the site. I've learned my lesson tho.
Voltra is already my new home, and I hope it's forever. I'm never leaving here no matter what (unless something bad happens and I end up dying xD)


Donator — A.I. Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 17:13:30 )

@Vesta Rose: Omg so true, I honestly didn't have that happen personally (thankfully) with films, but it happened A LOT with songs. Doesn't help that I was always into really obscure music, though. LimeWire was always like "wtf is this?"

@rheostatic: OMG NOOO! Basically at one point in the pointless film, Napoleon is feeding the family llama (which I believe are herbivores, but I could be wrong?) and he's trying to feed her pork chops and she's just staring at him like "o uo?" so he says "TINA YOU FAT LARD COME EAT YOUR DINNER"
A stupid movie, but an entertaining one nonetheless. c':
Llamas are cool tho

@RainbowPanda: Sometimes we have to learn lessons the hard way c': I've definitely been in that boat before. The internet addiction was real.
And omg nooo god forbid anything happens. D: !!

[ often multitasking unsuccessfully ] | [ I may take a while to respond, but haven't forgotten you! ♥ ]
qu'est-ce que tu vas chercher?

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 17:15:35 )

@Vii: Yeah lol good thing I knew how to balance my schoolwork with games somewhat ha
Mmm I'm addicted to Voltra now haha
You never know!!


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