Scene Three
[User Siron's action has been decided upon. Tale altered.]
As Static stares ahead, his vision begins to cloud and he sees red for a moment. Shaking his head clears his perspective, however, and he darts over to the cage instead of paying the Duchess much mind. "Frizz, don't worry. I'll get you out right away!" He tries destroying the chains that lock the gate with his magic, but what he conjures up seems to fizzle out as it connects with the bars.
"It's protected?" He glances around quickly and finds a zweihander in one statue's hand. It's a very large two-handed sword. Ripping it out of the unmoving hands, he's just about to cut the chains when he hears heavy breathing behind him.
The Duchess' voice bellows out: "Such a naughty child. First you try to take my precious baby, and now you're STEALING? The punishment for these crimes is DEATH!" She swings her cleaver downwards, and Static uses the zweihander to parry. Sparks fly as the blades connect, but the Duchess' strength is vast, and the cleaver is winning.
Seeing his chance, Static guides the cleaver with his own weapon and pretends to lose his footing so that it falls, with force, into the chains securing the gate of the cage. The chains snap under the pressure, the bars bend, and Frizz leaps out! She squeals wildly and with a snort, slams her butt into the Duchess' leg as small payback before joining Static by his side.
"Frizz, let's get out of here!" Relieved, Static swoops her up in his arms and flies up to the only window in the room. He cradles her to his chest and generates a field of energy around him that shatters the glass when he flies through. She's squealing, happily this time, with a smile on her snout though he can't see it.
Floating down to the murky ground, he examines their surroundings for a moment. It appears to be a swamp of some sort with a few large mushroom stems jutting up to an unknown end. There are many tall willow trees and several thicker trunked trees. Static is around knee-high in sludge and it's impossible to see the bottom.
"You think you can get away from me, boy?" Her voice bellowed from inside before a giant hand grabbed onto the windowsill to hoist her up. "Nobody has escaped Mommy, and why would they want to? Her cottage is the only place, the only home they should want to be!" She squeezed through the window and ungracefully fell into the sludge. "Mommy isn't as young as she used to be," she grunted out while still clutching the cleaver in her other hand. "But you kids are more rowdy than ever! Why can't you just BEHAVE?"
Static hovered away from her slowly. He wasn't the best talker of the Guardians, but maybe he could calm her? Then again, he didn't want any other child put into this predicament. "I know you're lonely, Duchess, but that doesn't mean you can hold people here. They need freedom, too." Frizz snorted her agreement.
The Duchess furrowed her gaze, seemingly thinking about it?
What Should I do?
Seize this opportunity. Attack the human!

Run and try to hide. Maybe her eyesight's bad.

None yet. Write your own and convince users it should be here!