— he/she
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/10 02:29:46 )
I've been asked where I am from a number of times. A woman walked up to me once, looked me in the eye, and with a straight face demanded, "What are you?"
And then she laughed and shrugged and walked away. Looking back, I think she meant what race but it was such a disarming way of asking. Neverminding how rude it is to ask such a thing of someone you don't know.
Donator — She/Crazy
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/10 02:33:29 )
Sounds like a good answer to give her then. ^_^
I just explain to everyone "I was born in Pennsylvania, am part German, but grew up in South Carolina most of my life. So my accent is probably a mix of all of that."
Donator — She/Crazy
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/10 02:39:08 )
I know my voice sounds really odd when I hear it on a voicemail, especially when I hear myself differently in my own head.
I think everyone does have an accent, though if everyone around you has the same area accent, it might be hard to tell yours from theirs.
However, if you go to a different part of the world, people there would sound different and you sound different from them. ^_^
— he/she
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/10 03:38:46 )
Well yes, of course. But I do refer of course to people from the same localization as me. And yet they seem to think that I have an accent (or otherwise speak differently from them) when I do not believe the same, you see?
Donator — SENPAI
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/11 00:11:58 )
Ahhhh. Finished my observation, but got sucked into the Maplestory beta.
I'll be here for a bit to post a little, but otherwise I'll be going to sleep. q vq
Donator — SENPAI
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/11 00:30:49 )
PC! They just came out with Maplestory 2 beta! * A* It's only available for a few days, so I'm trying to get as much time out of it as I can. Ahhhh. It's super cute!
Oh no! D: I have about 20 myself (need to pack lunch before I go to sleep) so I know the feeling. q ___ q
Donator — SENPAI
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/11 00:35:24 )
Yeah, I know! I was going to play maplestory up until I went to bed, but I figured I shouldn't fall too behind in posting. q vq
I don't think it will be enough to catch up though!
Gosh, why did I need to mess up and buy two of the items?