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Forums Wonderland Force Me To Draw (And Earn Shrooms..)

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/10 04:58:13 )

I can read a lot of type and things like the capital letters don't bother me.
I'm pretty adaptable in all types of situations.
For some reason, I seem to capitalize foods a lot.


Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/10 05:02:12 )
Food specifically? That's kind of random. lol. I tend to not capitalize anything. maybe that's why I have trouble with capitalized stuff. lol

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/10 05:03:46 )

Yeah, if I am just chatting and mention food I had for dinner, I'll be like Bread, Cheese, and Turkey slices blah, blah blah.


Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/10 05:37:08 )
@Lady Luna: If I Draw Traditionally And Wanna Ink It But Dont Wanna Risk The Sketch, I Just
Trace The Sketch On A New Paper And Go From There. I Should Really Draw Traditional More Often.
Fun Tidbit Of Info: Last Time I Drew Traditional And Made A Mistake I Instinctively Went For Ctrl-Z

@Cookie: Aaaaa That Would Be Completely Alright! (And Shall I Assume I Add You To My
Slowly Growing List Of To-Doodle? :> ) Also, Hello!!

@Eruca: Sadly sibling duties also include 'suddenly driving places without having been told ahead of time'
I do in fact click shift every time I begin a new word. Honestly its like second nature to me since my pinkie
finger was already kinda just hovering over it since I dont type 'correctly' Also, I didnt know that smartphones
used to have that option? This is the first im hearing of that omg.
Honestly I first discovered homestuck when it had only a few pages and i was looking to see if there were
tools to use on microsoft paint. I had nooo idea what was going on. So when my ex showed me homestuck,
I was like 'Holy shit i saw this ages ago. Its a comic??' Theres so much to read in there, I have no idea what
on earth even went on half the time. Im gonna do myself a disservice and try to read the whole thing again.


Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/10 05:40:12 )

@Godawful: Lmfao
Undo should be EVERYWHERE.
and yeah, I know what oyu mean.
I use a lightsource and a solid thing like a piece of glass to put it on another page =)


Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/10 05:54:00 )
@Godawful: Hello, how are you doing today?

Donator — Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/10 05:54:09 )
@Godawful: Wow, now I feel partially responsible for your doing yourself a disservice...
Guess that's why the comic's called homestuck. You're stuck on your computer chair (a metaphoric home) until you're done reading.

How do you type? like, wasd directional control? That's like the only time my pinky hovers over shift.
I have this habit of always using the right shift and then using my left hand to reach over to whatever other key in the combo. Then one day I was using remote connection to connect to a mac from a windows PC, the mac somehow recognized the right shift as the letter a. You can probably imagine my annoyance.
I appreciate you giving up the capital thing for me. I hope it's not a huge hassle. I'd feel bad if I were making you go out of your way.
Ping me

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/10 06:16:04 )
@Lady Luna: It Should. I Stared At The Paper For A Few Seconds With My Sister Watching
Me Before I Snapped And Reached For A Fricken Eraser. Embarrassing As High Hell I Tell You

@Unicorn: Im Doing Well Today! Pretty Tired And Still Gotta Take A Shower Before I Try To
Sleep, But Good Otherwise! :>

@Eruca: I'd actually decided on 4-13 to re-read it. (I mean, how can I not choose that specific day? lol)
Stuck at home. Reading homestuck. My my, what an exciting life I live lmao
Lets see, when I type, my thumbs usually stay hovering above or around the spacebar, my left pinky stays
around tab and caps lock, and my right pinkie around enter and right shift. Then when I actually type, the
finger closest to the letter is the one that presses the key. Eugh. Its probably a weird way to type but its the
easiest way for me tbh. I honestly have not seen a Mac since elementary soooo. Rip. But I can probably imagine.
Nah its not a huge hassle. I just take a little longer to type. And youre not the first person ive stopped the quirk for
so no worries! :>


Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/10 06:23:18 )

@Godawful: lmfao.
Beeeen there. XD

My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/10 06:54:50 )
@Godawful: glad to hear that you are doing pretty good,
sorry to hear that you are tired, but hopefully you can take your shower

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/10 07:41:30 )
@Cookie: Ill Definitely End Up Doodling You Then. Stickin' To My Guns, Drawin' Everyone.
Also, Oh My God Thats Fricken Amazing I Love It So Much *A* Oh My Gosh Thank You!!!! QAQ

@Unicorn: Just Got Through With MY Shower Awww Yis. Just Gotta Dry Of My Hair A Bit
Then Maybe I Can Go To Bed And Get Some Much Needed Sleeeeeep Lol


Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/10 08:22:05 )
@Godawful: I hope that you can sleep well, I probably wont be doimg much sleeping
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/10 09:54:27 )

@Godawful: yes please, cause I like this one better than my last


Voltie — Nayu Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/10 13:33:54 )
@Godawful: well.. I forgot both the iPad and the pen. So there’s that... paper doodles it is! LOL
Ping me for attention. I tend to wander.

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/10 14:51:20 )

@Artemis: Rip. Have Fun With Your Actual Physical Paper Lmao


Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/10 15:14:33 )

Hello ^-^


Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/10 15:16:22 )

BLENHUIOTIWNYIHJO I JUST REALIZED U DREW ME! tysm!!! If you pinged me I totally didn't get it >.<


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/10 15:16:44 )

Undo really should be everywhere.
I really want Ctrl F to find things in real life.


Donator — he/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/10 20:16:55 )
Apparently I have self esteem issues because someone was an ass to me and doesn’t want to admit he was an ass so he told me I had self esteem issues. Lol. Well if there was any confusion if he was an ass or not there isn’t now. Just putting it in spoilers so the butt head doesn’t see.

@Godawful: What did you say about pixies? Are they really here? Huh? What? This isn’t a hallucination?

Hey, can I put the pic of Viceroy you drew into my hangout? I always give credit.

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/10 22:20:36 )
@RainbowPanda: Hmmm It Could Be Either You Didnt Get the Ping, Or I Just Forgot To Ping.
Could Have Been Either. Anyways, Youre Welcome! I Hope You Liked It ;w; Also Hello! Lol

Dragoness- That I Know Of, I Believe Ive Tried Ctrl-z, And Since The Bind For Eraser On Gimp Is E,
I Believe M Hand Has Automatically Made The Motion To Go For 'E' While I Was Drawing. Thats
Probably When I Truly Realized I Do Not Draw Traditionally Nearly As Much As I Probably Should

@Faust Sheep:
What On Earth? Why Would Someone Be An Ass To You? You Are Just A Precious
Little Fausty. Tut Tut. And To Accuse Self Esteem Problems To Avoid Admittance Of Rudeness/Assness?
What A Shame! One Should Admit To It And Grow From It! Not Hide And Make Excuses! Tch!

I Said Nothing Of Pixies And You Heard Nothing Of Pixies And If You Say You Did Well You Are Wrong!
There Are No Pixies, There Have Never Been Pixies, And Mentions Of Them Living In My Restaurant Are
As Valid As Vampires Being Vegan! I Swear I Am Telling The Truth! Fingers Are Crossed Behind Their Back...

And Sure! You Can Do Whatever You Want With It. Use It Wherever You Please. :>


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