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Your favorite Idol is back and have I got some dirt.. I mean NEWS for you!
Daily Chance Update
We all know our beloved Valentina is a *cough* hoarder *cough* magnificent collector of just about EVERYTHING!
I heard that Bernard found yet another stash of dusty ol’ items Valentina never uses taking up valuable space on the airship.
They remind me of the scenery and wild animals you’d see visiting - *whispers to the side* those not as snazzy as Voltra - other realms.

Now available from the Daily Chance Airship: Wilds of the Realms! The set includes a total of 8 new items.

I snooped as much as I could, but I haven’t heard of their expiration date yet - I’ll update you with more than enough time in advance on when Bernard runs out! (Same goes for those pesky plushies. Val just loves those things!)
Inventory Updates
I never thought I’d see the day where my wardrobe was so organized! I mean, have you seen the new Events tab? Right now you can find all the new EIs in this tab, with future updates you’ll find all past, current, and future EIs too.
Did you all notice the update to the Items tab?
probably not because I’m the reporter here
Well the details are it’s been renamed to Misc
You know, for Miscellaneous junk!
This is where you can now find your Milestone Items, Daily Chance, and any oddballs.
Well that’s a wrap! I’ll see everyone on May 15th for the Common Surge ~ Can’t wait to dish out those goodies!