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Forums Mini Shops »»» [R][QtBean] Art request (1k vo/2,5k oh)

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 18:36:14 )
@blinkini: baw, only one way to change that then 8D Ehehe
@Q t e a p o n: nah you give me so much so I wanna do the sameee <3 :vanora_heart:
@Vig: Oh hey, thats me! :D
@Tuijp: oh i believe you. How are you today?

Donator — Winchester Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 18:40:55 )
@Bean: Happy, because I just managed to score a new cat travelling basket for 3.75€ (while they're normally 50€+). How are you?

Voltie — What? Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 18:54:43 )
@Bean: hey how are you?

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 19:13:41 )
@Tuijp: damn thats a good deal! What kind of cat do you have? * o*
and im good, a bit tired and hungry but yeah =v= Ill live
@Vig: I'm good thanks! want to go back to bed but i already slept in and i have so much to do xD
how about you?

who were you on ernya btw (assuming i drew you when i went by taurus xD)? o:

Voltie — What? Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 19:16:30 )
@Bean: yes! And I was also on Syn.

Ah, yeah you should probably get started on stuff lol, or else you go back to sleep and 3 hours just pass like that

Donator — Winchester Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 19:17:21 )
@Bean: And a needed deal, since Ozzy, the cat, ruined the other one.
Ozzy is a half British, half European short hair:

Donator — pancake Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 01:42:24 )
@Q t e a p o n: I'm really honored that you like my style. It takes a lot of time to finish, though. I'm sorry, but 50 ohms is a little lower than I'm willing to accept for the amount of time put in to them. D;

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 03:47:55 )
@Vig: I seee, i wonder who you were xD since Vig doesnt ring any bells haha
unlesssssss my guess is right and then id feel bad for letting you hanging about an art order on syn xD
@Tuijp: oh my god what a cutie ; _; I love black catssss
eee //pets him ;;

Voltie — What? Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 04:11:12 )
@Bean: I was vigilante, but it's cool, tbh I ended up forgetting to log on cause of life and just... couldn't remember anything from my last log ins :b hope you've been doing well! I can't believe I remember a lot of folks from years back

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 04:28:36 )
@Vig: i logged into syn today and saw your pm and i was like oh no :( I feel so bad tho
but a lot of stuff happened around that time so it just slipped my mind asdfghj

Yeah, its been ok. Stuff happened and such but now im here =v0
How about you??

And yeah, right? So many people i havent heard from seem to gather here xD
have you met many other old people yet?

Voltie — What? Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 04:34:39 )
@Bean: It's ok! Like tbh you can just not worry about that message. I wanna guess it's been half a year probably when I thought things might pick up, but I still have some lovely art I commissioned you from when Ernya is still up, so I have one masterpiece of yours (;

Yeah, I am surprised that a lot of synners have found this place and came! I have met at least 10 users I recognize from way back. Feel free to also come by my hangout if you decide to chat there

Voltie — What? Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 04:35:16 )
I've been doing ok, my summer break was full of finishing up some classes so I wouldn't be bogged down this final year. Hbu?

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 05:12:29 )
@Vig: aww thats so sweet ; v; im honored you still have it

oh damn, thats pretty awesome o:
and sure, dont mind if i dooo * v*

ah sounds nice but at the same time a shame it went over your summer break.
Nothing much hereee, just applying for jobs still hah

Voltie — What? Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 05:26:51 )
@Bean: yeah... but I'll manage. I hope that winter break will make up for the summer rip. Because it's too short to take classes by long enough to really unwind.

What jobs have you been applying for?

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 05:51:58 )
@Vig: just anything really xD need a job so i can start looking for an apartment -v-
they wont let you take out loans when you dont have one >:C

ah i see. What classes are you taking? seeing you need to do so much o3o

Voltie — What? Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 05:56:35 )
@Bean: oh that's lame. Good luck finding one and an apartment! How much is rent going for in your area?

I am taking this semester:
Physical Chemistry
Lab Ethics and Safety
Technical Writing and Document Design
Apparel Design (my fun class, I'm learning how to use a sewing machine again because I haven't found anybody in town that teaches classes) might as well since I need to take 12 hours minimum

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 06:00:39 )
around 1.2k i think?
and thats one of the lower prices lol
unless you live in a super shitty place+ unsafe area

but imma try buy one instead.
Saving up rn hah

daaamn thats a lot oAo
apparel design sounds fun tho!

Donator — Winchester Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 14:10:32 )
@Bean: he has 2 white spots: one on his chest and one on his belly, that looks like his underpants is showing

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/10 00:45:46 )
@Tuijp: ;A; that sounds so cute omg
eee i wanna pet himm so bad
//needs to pet everycat

Donator — Female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/10 11:55:01 )
@Bean: I love you so much ♥

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