Yeah, I feel you. Cosmetic dlc I'm fine with, all day long, I don't have to buy it, unless I REALLY like the look of an outfit or something. But No way do I like stuff that changes the meta. That's why overwatch is so chill by me. All the DLC has been free, and on top of that, the pay stuff is all cosmetic, plus you don't HAVE to buy it to unlock it.
@Lily: I have played PoE, and I dig it. It makes me wanna play diablo 3 everytime though, and I have that. lol Also, I want to play wildstar, and I have it, I just haven't had the time to dedicate a full day or even couple of hours to start it. Plus I don't really need ANOTHER mmo timesink into my life.
@Lily: *steps back from the ash pile of remains that used to be Diablo 3* Oooh... Alright, then. lol. You got some strong feelings there Lily. :vanora_xd: I liked PoE, and I'm interested in getting back into it, but then I also have SWTOR calling me and like, 4's a problem...because Time is a construct that humans created....and now we all just follow it blindly...
I refuse to play overwatch on the principal that I can't stand games where people are just complaining if you win or do good. And they complain if you play nice. In otherwords any kinda moba team shooters yada yada not my thing. I'll stick with my RPGs and such <3
@Shadami: It's really a lot better if you play with a bunch of friends...i also just ignore the chat sometimes. The community isn't as toxic as people make it out to be, but then again, I don't play Competitive.... I just play arcade. :) I can respect a love for RPG's though. Have you played Mass Effect?
I have played mass effect.. but it was on my exes computer so i didn't get very far. I believe i just got it recently as a gift or something so i plan to play through 1 and 2 (which i'm pretty sure are the ones i own now) . But I haven't had the time yet. I also have the hitman, and deus ex series to play though.
But i'm kinda failing at playing much lately. so much going on. I'm settling back into a routine so hopefully soon. once i finish my last 20 minutes of layers of fear that i owe my stream :vanora_cry:
But i'm kinda failing at playing much lately. so much going on. I'm settling back into a routine so hopefully soon. once i finish my last 20 minutes of layers of fear that i owe my stream :vanora_cry:
@Shadami: They are a good series of games, I've played all three. I need to get to streaming again, but I just now got caught up with my week for youtube, and on top of that I have a tabletop RP on discord that is finally in the starting stages.
@Lily: I never got into the FF online stuff. I played wow for about three months straight. That was a mistake.... So obsessed. SWTOR is cool because you still the the light side dark side choices even if your in a party. It's a number system, whoever has the highest gets their dialogue choice read in the cutscene, but you still get the results of your original choice. :)
@Lily: I never got into the FF online stuff. I played wow for about three months straight. That was a mistake.... So obsessed. SWTOR is cool because you still the the light side dark side choices even if your in a party. It's a number system, whoever has the highest gets their dialogue choice read in the cutscene, but you still get the results of your original choice. :)
i've never been a diablo fan so i wouldn't know. xD
Have fun with that!!! i miss tabletop RPs so much. I just started streaming again now that my kids are in school. So i have to balance the new schedule and than i'll be playing lots more games. I was gifted witcher 3 cause someone wanted tme to play it. SO i also have that on my list. so many games. SO LITTLE TIME!!! :vanora_sick:
Have fun with that!!! i miss tabletop RPs so much. I just started streaming again now that my kids are in school. So i have to balance the new schedule and than i'll be playing lots more games. I was gifted witcher 3 cause someone wanted tme to play it. SO i also have that on my list. so many games. SO LITTLE TIME!!! :vanora_sick:
@Lily: Yeah, I'm with you...I can't justify a sub cost...not when I can find like 3 F2P mmos and rotate. Lol. Plus paying for an Mmo just to do a months worth of footage on a Youtube channel isn't the smartest business idea. lol. Especially when we don't make money right now.
@Lily: hehe. i've been uhhhhh well. distracted. i'm still elvel 1 or 2 i think. and i've been
and playing it so i mustly run around, talk to my stream and collect flowers and loot bodies. I don't think i've even made it bast 5 main quests. i'm terrible. i wander everywhere and do lots of side stuff.

I've been finding everything I can explore to. Killed a monster nest or two. But I can't beat the screaming witch lady.
Picking flowers? Sounds like my entire career in fiesta, and my mining career in runescape...
I just want to be a crafter, stop bullying me :C
I just want to be a crafter, stop bullying me :C

Vassal of a Wordsmith
I used to love crafting in WoW. Like making your own armor and stuff was awesome. Q vQ !!
@prodigy: Heck yeah!!!
What kind of games do you play??
Also love the avatar. /pets
@lily: Still do that in WoW? The only shame is that you need to pay for it monthly, and I don't think I would get my monies worth, since I'd only really have time on the weekends, and well there's Overwatch and drawing and here and all. /squints.
What kind of games do you play??
Also love the avatar. /pets
@lily: Still do that in WoW? The only shame is that you need to pay for it monthly, and I don't think I would get my monies worth, since I'd only really have time on the weekends, and well there's Overwatch and drawing and here and all. /squints.
@Yuracye: Thank you! :vanora_smile: I mostly play RPGs or adventure games of sorts. ^^ My favorite game series is the Ace Attorney series on handhelds, but I also love the Elder Scrolls and Fallout series, Metal Gear, Silent Hill, and LOTS of other things. I'll pretty much try whatever. :)
@Lily: Ugh, dealing with icky people at work is never fun. :/ Hope it gets better! I'm off to a friend's bachelor party for the night, so it should be lots of fun.
@Lily: Ugh, dealing with icky people at work is never fun. :/ Hope it gets better! I'm off to a friend's bachelor party for the night, so it should be lots of fun.
@lily: Definitely. x___ x Not good especially if I'm not going to have much time in the future. x___ x
Wha- really?? They have where you can pay for the monthly subscription? That's pretty awesome. I never thought they'd have that... That's pretty awesome.
Ahh, I wish I could be online while I'm at work. I can get fired if someone higher up catches me with a cell phone on me. > ___ >
@prodigy: Of course! <3
I've tried to get into those games, but I'm so bad at it. I love watching others play those games though. * v*
I loved watching my fiance play Fallout!
Wha- really?? They have where you can pay for the monthly subscription? That's pretty awesome. I never thought they'd have that... That's pretty awesome.
Ahh, I wish I could be online while I'm at work. I can get fired if someone higher up catches me with a cell phone on me. > ___ >
@prodigy: Of course! <3
I've tried to get into those games, but I'm so bad at it. I love watching others play those games though. * v*
I loved watching my fiance play Fallout!
@Shadami: I assume you're talking about the Noonwraith, try using Yrden to pull it into the corporeal realm. While it's wispy and not fully in this realm it takes like 10% damage from your attacks. She's also a hard fight if you're under leveled so don't stress too much about her being a challenge!
@Loki: There's nothing wrong with a primal love of gathering! Gathering is one of my favorite things to do in almost all games I play. There's just something that feels right about collecting things.
nah pretty sure I killed her. She's the one in the well right? I'm talking about the one up in the north across the river/cliffs in a little graveyard like area outside a town with a chest in the basement. She's like level 7 I think @Shadami: I assume you're talking about the Noonwraith, try using Yrden to pull it into the corporeal realm. While it's wispy and not fully in this realm it takes like 10% damage from your attacks. She's also a hard fight if you're under leveled so don't stress too much about her being a challenge!
@Loki: There's nothing wrong with a primal love of gathering! Gathering is one of my favorite things to do in almost all games I play. There's just something that feels right about collecting things.
Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.
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