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Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 06:58:01 )
I found some cool Daily Prophet banners.
Might use them for some form of announcements.
Not sure if they're worthy of the daily "joke" announcements I'm planning or if I should just save them for big thread announcements...

Voltie — He/Him Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 07:21:00 )
@The Youngest Granny: That wasn't helpful...I just realized I didn't actually answer what I thought I read... lol Here:

My Video Of Me Singing

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 12:53:15 )
/curls up and goes to bed/
Night night.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 21:01:33 )
Good morning hogwarts. I had the urge to sign up on pottermore. and oh my goodness, its changed since I was there last. They resorted me T.T and I'm in a different house now. CURSES!!!

Voltie — He/Him Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 21:02:32 )
@Shadami: What? That is odd, unless you've changed as a person. Which I guess is possible. How are you doing today?

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 21:32:58 )
Well I've always been pretty even across the board for all of the houses. But dern it I liked being in Hufflepuff. xD

And i'm doing okay. i seem to have twisted or sprained or something to my ankle. And in a fairly good mood after the awesome American Football game last night.

Voltie — He/Him Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 21:37:50 )
@Shadami: Right on. Sorry to hear about your ankle... Who's your team though? I'm a fan of the Packers and the Panthers.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 21:43:27 )
I'm a steelers fan through and through. Always will be. ^-^ My husband is a Bills fan. But above all else (except the steelers) I'm a fan of good games. The ones you watch that are up and down. That have great plays, that aren't like. wow this is a boring blow out.... Like that superbowl.. what was it two years ago? omg that was painful to watch. I ended up going off and making food cause i didn't need to watch the game.

I do have a least favorite team, but really its more about the number of fans i've known of the team that can't get past that and ruin friendships because their former friend liked a different team and they can't handle it. And it seems to be how pretty much any fan of that team i've encountered acts. Every once in awhile one of them doesn't get that way. But. man a large majority of them are vicious scary. o.o
The team itself is actually filled with some really fantastic players. ^-^

Voltie — He/Him Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 21:45:15 )
@Shadami: I could guess a few teams that make your least favorite team But I like a close game too. I'm not a super fan that gets grumpy and pissed when we lose, so I guess I don't really care that much about it. But I do love watching it. There is something about the athleticism of these people that's astounding.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 21:49:01 )
Right!?! A good game no matter the team is just so much fun to watch. Like last nights season starter game. Patriots vs KC!
I've never seen a game quite like it. Patriots got 6 touchdowns 3 of which were overruled. There was i believe 4 sacs throughout the game, one was inches from being a safety, one fumble from the rookie, his first fumble in his entire career even in college and high school. All those amazing runs and. This is is the part that really amazes me. Absolutely NO interceptions. I rarely see that in the games that air here.

Voltie — He/Him Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 21:50:46 )
That's awesome. I'm not a huge fan of the patriots...just because I'm honestly tired of hearing about them. It seems like every year, even if Tom Brady isn't playing, its PATRIOTS ARE AWESOME. I'm win yes...but chill. lol Not to mention Deflate-gate. Regardless if it's true or not.

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 22:03:55 )
Ew, sports.
You bring talk of sports into my nerdy haven?
How dare!

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 22:04:55 )
*giggles* It's my least favorite team. But i try not to say the actual name. They are good though, i will admit that. minus for certain discrepancies that make me mad that I shall not mention except *cough* lawsuitsandcraplikethat *cough* .

Sorry Anarchist, it just kind of happened. :3

Voltie — He/Him Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 22:05:04 )
@Anarchist Beauty: I mean...I could change it up... GO SPORTSBALL.. PUT THE FIMFLONG INTO THE GOOPYSPLAT! POINTS! GOALS! GO SPORTSBALL! Is that better?

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 22:05:37 )
You mean shoot the quaffle through the goal posts right? Go chasers!

Voltie — He/Him Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 22:06:13 )
Yes of course! And Get the Snitch, but only if you are ahead!

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 22:08:34 )
or it will leave you ahead. Silly krum :3

Voltie — He/Him Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 22:11:41 )
Anywhoo... I'm late for herbology....*strolls away from the area.*
My awesome Art

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 22:13:56 )
Lol, I prefer that kind of sports talk to actual sports. Boo irl sports. :P

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 22:15:16 )
I just like talking. and it only came up because of special circumstances :3 also i'm hungry. be right back lovely hogwarts people.
Oh and dragon... pottermore sorted me into slytherin ..... The first time i took it before they changed the site I was in Hufflepuff.
Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.

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