— They/Them
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/15 03:09:32 )
Eros frowned a bit, "How come Triton is there and I'm not?" He asked. Aphrodite grabbed a few things, handing them to Eros after she paid for them. "Because dear, he is the son of the brother of your grandfather; and he's only a child. Much younger than you. Come now, don't pout." She said, waving a finger at him. Eros nodded but said nothing as he took the things from her and held them while she did the shopping. Would he even want to go to these feasts her mother talked about? Part of him was pretty curious about them but he liked being here. He had a friend here, he didn't have any friends over there but seeing the family would be fun.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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