Her slim fingers continued to run through his soft hair in a soothing motion, getting him to relax. Nothing good would happen if he started to get worked up. A rapidly beeping monitor was never a good thing. Kaneko lightly squeezed his hand after a moment and leaned in close enough to plant a soft kiss on his forehead. She didn't like seeing him here. It was a place he was not comfortable in but he would be home soon. But how long would he be safe? Were other people looking for him too? Or was it just her father? Would her father try to kill him again once he got out? It was frightening to think that her father would do such a thing. 'He's a killer Kaneko. He's incapable of loving anyone. He's a vampire.' She remembered what her father had said and let out a soft sigh.
She didn't want to go through this again. Why couldn't her father leave them alone? Allen's voice roused her out of her thoughts. "W-why do you say that? Shouldn't it be fine with the transfusion? I..I mean...it's the same blood type." Kaneko explained softly. Her sleep had been frightened away, but she still looked tired even though she didn't feel it now.
Hearing him, Kaneko smiled and laughed softly. "You're funny Allen."
Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses
@Boss Rimi: hey, i'm slowly coming back into.. or trying to anyway >.<
hope it's reasonable ^^'
Allen slowly closed his eyes and chuckled quietly to her unamused comment about his statement. "I'm just saying.. My blood and body are different from yours. It might look like normal blood, but under a microscope.. not so much." He murmured quietly, knowing that most vampires didn't even bleed at all. It all depended on the type of vampire really. At least his attempt to tease her had worked, kind of. He opened his milky eyes and slowly lifted his hand to lightly brush her cheek. Feeling somewhat bold, he gently moved his arm behind her mid-back and gently pulled her next to him. He wanted her to lay next to him, if she was willing- not knowing if it was even allowed. But he didn't entirely care either.
hope it's reasonable ^^'
Allen slowly closed his eyes and chuckled quietly to her unamused comment about his statement. "I'm just saying.. My blood and body are different from yours. It might look like normal blood, but under a microscope.. not so much." He murmured quietly, knowing that most vampires didn't even bleed at all. It all depended on the type of vampire really. At least his attempt to tease her had worked, kind of. He opened his milky eyes and slowly lifted his hand to lightly brush her cheek. Feeling somewhat bold, he gently moved his arm behind her mid-back and gently pulled her next to him. He wanted her to lay next to him, if she was willing- not knowing if it was even allowed. But he didn't entirely care either.
@xnovax: Oh hey! -hugs- I hope everything has been alright with you. Take your time. I understand we all need breaks from time to time.
Kaneko's fingers played with his soft hair as he spoke. She stopped after a moment to look at him. Would his body really reject the transfusion? What would happen then? What would be another option? Did they have another option? Surely the nurses and doctors would list other options if this one failed. She had to be optimistic, he would be fine. His body would accept the transfusion. She had to believe that it would. "So...you really are a vampire?" She whispered, blushing softly once his hand gently brushed her cheek. "I didn't know they existed..." She admitted quietly. At first, she was confused by his sudden action. "You want me to lay down with you?" She asked, a smile on her face then. She looked at the door of the room, this wasn't exactly allowed but maybe they would be lucky and the nurse would not mind. Besides, she was pretty tired so laying down sounded nice. She just hoped she didn't fall to sleep. "Alright, I'll be very careful though. I don't want to hurt you." Kaneko was very careful in getting in bed and laying down beside him. She was afraid of hurting him. Footsteps could be heard in the hall and after a while, the door opened and the nurse walked in. "Alright, let's get this transfusion going shall we?" She asked looking up at Allen and blinking in surprise when she saw that both of them were in bed together.
"Miss...you can't be doing that." She said to Kaneko who shook her head. "I promise I won't hurt him, please?" She begged. The nurse stopped to take this into consideration as she approached the metal stand and hooked the blood bag to one of the hooks. "Very well, but do your best to not move around so much. Your friend needs to rest." The nurse explained, picking up a needle and connecting it to the end of the small plastic tube that tumbled down from the bloodbag. She then connected the needle to Allen's IV and made sure everything was where it was supposed to be and that it was working. "Alright. I will be back in a few to replace the bag when it's empty. Sleep now if you'd like. I'm afraid you'll be here a while. I made it so that it enters your body slowly to prevent any clotting." She explained and excused herself, turning off the lights and closing the door behind her. Kaneko's eyes locked on the bloodbag. She had never seen one before. Not with her own eyes like this. She looked at Allen then, worried about what he had said about his body rejecting this. "H-How are you feeling Allen?" She whispered, curling up beside him. Wanting to be as close to him as was possible without hurting him.
Kaneko's fingers played with his soft hair as he spoke. She stopped after a moment to look at him. Would his body really reject the transfusion? What would happen then? What would be another option? Did they have another option? Surely the nurses and doctors would list other options if this one failed. She had to be optimistic, he would be fine. His body would accept the transfusion. She had to believe that it would. "So...you really are a vampire?" She whispered, blushing softly once his hand gently brushed her cheek. "I didn't know they existed..." She admitted quietly. At first, she was confused by his sudden action. "You want me to lay down with you?" She asked, a smile on her face then. She looked at the door of the room, this wasn't exactly allowed but maybe they would be lucky and the nurse would not mind. Besides, she was pretty tired so laying down sounded nice. She just hoped she didn't fall to sleep. "Alright, I'll be very careful though. I don't want to hurt you." Kaneko was very careful in getting in bed and laying down beside him. She was afraid of hurting him. Footsteps could be heard in the hall and after a while, the door opened and the nurse walked in. "Alright, let's get this transfusion going shall we?" She asked looking up at Allen and blinking in surprise when she saw that both of them were in bed together.
"Miss...you can't be doing that." She said to Kaneko who shook her head. "I promise I won't hurt him, please?" She begged. The nurse stopped to take this into consideration as she approached the metal stand and hooked the blood bag to one of the hooks. "Very well, but do your best to not move around so much. Your friend needs to rest." The nurse explained, picking up a needle and connecting it to the end of the small plastic tube that tumbled down from the bloodbag. She then connected the needle to Allen's IV and made sure everything was where it was supposed to be and that it was working. "Alright. I will be back in a few to replace the bag when it's empty. Sleep now if you'd like. I'm afraid you'll be here a while. I made it so that it enters your body slowly to prevent any clotting." She explained and excused herself, turning off the lights and closing the door behind her. Kaneko's eyes locked on the bloodbag. She had never seen one before. Not with her own eyes like this. She looked at Allen then, worried about what he had said about his body rejecting this. "H-How are you feeling Allen?" She whispered, curling up beside him. Wanting to be as close to him as was possible without hurting him.
@Boss Rimi: (yea ^^' i'm just takin' it slow lol )
Allen leaned his head back a little, once she was up on the bed with him. He felt a lot calmer now then a few minutes ago. He chuckled, and nodded lightly. "Yeah.. A pack found me when I was ill- before I ran away from home. Their leader changed me, instead of letting me die- that's why I ran away from home." He started to explain, stopping when the nurse came back into the room. He stayed quiet as the lady got onto Kaneko, and instinctively wrapped a loose arm around her. He only relaxed when the nurse said it was alright.
The IV was carefully put back into his arm and he momentarily tensed. He hated needles.. but at least this one was for a better cause than a pain killer. His blood was being replaced, one way. Once the nurse left, he could already feel the blood from the IV running it's course and his fangs showed themselves some. Feeling the prick from the tip of his fangs, he slowly allowed his eyes to slide closed and managed a small smirk. "Tired.." He murmured quietly, hiding his fangs as much as he could.
Allen leaned his head back a little, once she was up on the bed with him. He felt a lot calmer now then a few minutes ago. He chuckled, and nodded lightly. "Yeah.. A pack found me when I was ill- before I ran away from home. Their leader changed me, instead of letting me die- that's why I ran away from home." He started to explain, stopping when the nurse came back into the room. He stayed quiet as the lady got onto Kaneko, and instinctively wrapped a loose arm around her. He only relaxed when the nurse said it was alright.
The IV was carefully put back into his arm and he momentarily tensed. He hated needles.. but at least this one was for a better cause than a pain killer. His blood was being replaced, one way. Once the nurse left, he could already feel the blood from the IV running it's course and his fangs showed themselves some. Feeling the prick from the tip of his fangs, he slowly allowed his eyes to slide closed and managed a small smirk. "Tired.." He murmured quietly, hiding his fangs as much as he could.
@xnovax: (Hey, that's totally okay.)
Kaneko frowned listening to the story Allen was telling. So he had been at home ill, and he had been...turned? So that caused him to run away. "You ran away from home and ended up in that..manor?" She asked, her voice very quiet. "I'm glad they didn't let you die though." Kaneko whispered, laying there in bed beside him. Curled up beneath his arm. "I'm glad your'e still here.." Maybe he thought it was a curse but she was really happy to have met him. Even if at first she thought nothing of it. Even if having met him led to all this mess, she wouldn't change it because..because she cared about him too much and yes, maybe she too love him.
Kaneko smiled and pressed her lips to his cheek softly. "Get some sleep Allen, you'll feel better after." She hoped he did anyway. She was not a nurse, but she always felt better after some sleep. He lost a lot of blood, he had been through a lot today. Rest was much needed right now. For both of them. Her shift had been a long one. She was tired, and instead of sleeping, all of this had happened. Her father was away, but for how long? She was going to have to think of a way to keep him away from Allen. Kaneko hummed a lullaby quietly, hoping it would lull Allen to sleep. "It's okay, I'm not going anywhere." She promised softly.
Kaneko frowned listening to the story Allen was telling. So he had been at home ill, and he had been...turned? So that caused him to run away. "You ran away from home and ended up in that..manor?" She asked, her voice very quiet. "I'm glad they didn't let you die though." Kaneko whispered, laying there in bed beside him. Curled up beneath his arm. "I'm glad your'e still here.." Maybe he thought it was a curse but she was really happy to have met him. Even if at first she thought nothing of it. Even if having met him led to all this mess, she wouldn't change it because..because she cared about him too much and yes, maybe she too love him.
Kaneko smiled and pressed her lips to his cheek softly. "Get some sleep Allen, you'll feel better after." She hoped he did anyway. She was not a nurse, but she always felt better after some sleep. He lost a lot of blood, he had been through a lot today. Rest was much needed right now. For both of them. Her shift had been a long one. She was tired, and instead of sleeping, all of this had happened. Her father was away, but for how long? She was going to have to think of a way to keep him away from Allen. Kaneko hummed a lullaby quietly, hoping it would lull Allen to sleep. "It's okay, I'm not going anywhere." She promised softly.
Allen listened to her words quietly, happy that she seemed to remember the story he told her the other night. "I ran away.. and they found me. We went to the manor together, they were my family.. until I went blind." He murmured lazily.That was so long ago.. How long had he been a vampire? Well, now it didn't really seem to matter. A sleepy smile formed across his thin lips and he nodded lightly, slowly leaning down just a little so he could kiss the top of her head, before shifting a tad bit and allowed sleep to claim him as he listened to the soft melody of the lullaby Kaneko hummed.
As the morning light peeked from behind the hospital window curtain, Allen was woken by a nurse coming in to check his vitals and everything. He was feeling more like himself, and less like a drained plant. How many times had they changed the bag? He could still feel the pricking of the tips of his fangs, so he didn't open his mouth to speak just yet. He couldn't stop himself from placing his free hand over his eyes, and the hand resting over Kaneko balled. It was his eyes, but if he opened his mouth then he risked the nurse seeing his fangs. He needed his remedy.
As the morning light peeked from behind the hospital window curtain, Allen was woken by a nurse coming in to check his vitals and everything. He was feeling more like himself, and less like a drained plant. How many times had they changed the bag? He could still feel the pricking of the tips of his fangs, so he didn't open his mouth to speak just yet. He couldn't stop himself from placing his free hand over his eyes, and the hand resting over Kaneko balled. It was his eyes, but if he opened his mouth then he risked the nurse seeing his fangs. He needed his remedy.
And there it was, the sad reminder that he was left alone anyway during the moment when he needed them the most. Where had they gone? Were they still around? Were they still watching over him but from a distance? No. If they had, none of this would have happened. It was okay though, he didn't need them. He had her and no she wasn't a vampire but she would always be there for him no matter what. Blind or not, she was never going to abandon him. He was too kind to be treated that way. A tired smile was on Kaneko's face when he finally drifted off and not long after, she did as well.
Morning came and she stirred slightly having heard footsteps enter the room. Opening her tired eyes, she saw the nurse there checking everything and removing the empty blood bag. "Alright, I'll bring in a new one and that should be the last one. You seem to be doing fine, which means after this last bag you should be able to be released back home." The nurse said with a smile. "I'll be right back." She tossed the empty bag into the hazardous waste bin and left the room to grab a new blood bag. "Well that's good news, we can go home after this." Kaneko commented. She was pretty happy to be leaving this dreadful place.
Upon seeing his hand over his eyes, Kaneko carefully reached over and placed her hand on his arm. "Are your eyes hurting?" She whispered. If that was the case, this was bad. His remedy was all the way back in his manor and he couldn't possibly get there from here. He wouldn't know the way. She would have to take a cab to the park and then make a beeline to his manor and hope she could find it then bring it back in time. Money, she would need money. Hopefully she had enough in her purse for that.
Morning came and she stirred slightly having heard footsteps enter the room. Opening her tired eyes, she saw the nurse there checking everything and removing the empty blood bag. "Alright, I'll bring in a new one and that should be the last one. You seem to be doing fine, which means after this last bag you should be able to be released back home." The nurse said with a smile. "I'll be right back." She tossed the empty bag into the hazardous waste bin and left the room to grab a new blood bag. "Well that's good news, we can go home after this." Kaneko commented. She was pretty happy to be leaving this dreadful place.
Upon seeing his hand over his eyes, Kaneko carefully reached over and placed her hand on his arm. "Are your eyes hurting?" She whispered. If that was the case, this was bad. His remedy was all the way back in his manor and he couldn't possibly get there from here. He wouldn't know the way. She would have to take a cab to the park and then make a beeline to his manor and hope she could find it then bring it back in time. Money, she would need money. Hopefully she had enough in her purse for that.
Another bag.. How much blood did he lose? Oh jeez. "I can't.." He murmured once the nurse had left. This vampire didn't normally feed, and the blood transfusion was awakening that hunger. He wasn't feeding, but it sure felt like it. He was afraid of turning on his only friend, or the nurses. Allen sat for a moment as a feeling to see and soon he was grabbing a very close-by bag and chuked, not a lot but it was mostly blood. He wasn't like most vampires, that much was apparent. He wasn't sure what to do once it was over, he only nodded to her question about his eyes hurting.
"I can't stay here.. It'll be bad for everyone here." He murmured quietly. His eyes were the least of his problems.
"I can't stay here.. It'll be bad for everyone here." He murmured quietly. His eyes were the least of his problems.
He wanted to leave? But he couldn't, not until the nurse said it was okay. Kaneko had to make a choice, but after she saw him puck out some blood, she knew staying here wasn't what he needed. They needed to get home. "O-Okay Allen. Okay we can leave...umm just one second." She stepped out of the bed and walked around to his side and carefully removed the IV before looking at him. "Are you sure you can walk?" He had just been operated yesterday but maybe it hadn't been so intense. Maybe he could still walk. She looked around and grabbed her purse, glad that her phone was still in there. The battery was dying but hopefully it would last long enough to make one phonecall. "Allen, if you want to leave, we need to go now before the nurse comes back." Kaneko was quick to hold his hands in hers. "Come on, careful." She helped him off the bed and grabbed the puke bag just in case he would need it later.
Allen waited for Kaneko like she had asked. He felt the IV being removed, then nodded lightly. He sat up and carefully slipped out from under the blanket and gripped the side of the bed as his feet touch the cold floor. That's when he realized he wasn't wearing his clothes, but something much lighter. He didn't know what a hospital gown was so.. He wasn't sure what to think. Where were his clothes? Nevermind that!
He steadied when he felt Kaneko hands around his own, and he nodded. "Let's go then." Allen murmured quietly with a light smirk. He trusted her.
He steadied when he felt Kaneko hands around his own, and he nodded. "Let's go then." Allen murmured quietly with a light smirk. He trusted her.
Where were his clothes? She looked around, frantically looking for a plastic bag but in her panicked state she didn't see it. Taking a deep breath, she reached for one of the thick blankets to drape over Allen's shoulders. Hospital gowns weren't exactly...appropriate to walk around in outside and they weren't warm either. Granted, Allen probably didn't feel hot or cold but she didn't want to risk it. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a small glare. Looking in that direaction, she saw the plastic bag with his clothes. Quickly, she grabbed it but she kept the blanket around him and took hold of on of his hands so that he could hold the blanket snug around him with his free hand. "Alright, let's go." She said, her voice quiet. They needed to hurry so with the hand that was holding the bags, she struggled but managed to open the room door and looked out into the hall. Nothing.
"This way." Her hand never let go of his as they made their way down the hall, Kaneko pulling him into other rooms to hide from passing doctors or nurses. When they were entering the lobby, she struggled to open her purse then pulled out her cellphone and quickly dialed the number for a taxi. Giving them the address of the hospital after getting it from the plastic bracelet around on of Allen's wrists. "Come on, they're on their way." She whispered to him. "Ma'am? Where are you going with a patient?" One of the lobby attendants asked, seeing Kaneko and Allen standing there in just his socks. "I uhh..." Kaneko blanked out. What could she say? "I am just taking him outside for some fresh air, the nurse said it was okay. Fifteen minutes while she went to grab something." A flat out lie, but Kaneko wasn't sure what else to say. The attendant didn't seem too convinced so she reached for the phone and started looking for who the nurse in charge was. This wasn't good, they needed to go and now! "Come on." Kaneko was mindful not to pull him around, but they had to hurry. She noticed he wasn't wearing his shoes, only socks provided by the hospital but they didn't have time to stop and put shoes on right now. She would take care of him once they were out of here.
Stepping outside, she could hear the lady calling out to her to stay inside, but Allen couldn't be there. Not when he was in so much pain and morphine probably wouldn't even help. "It's okay Allen, just try to hang on a little while longer. Do you feel nauseous still?" She asked holding out the puke bag in case he needed it.
"This way." Her hand never let go of his as they made their way down the hall, Kaneko pulling him into other rooms to hide from passing doctors or nurses. When they were entering the lobby, she struggled to open her purse then pulled out her cellphone and quickly dialed the number for a taxi. Giving them the address of the hospital after getting it from the plastic bracelet around on of Allen's wrists. "Come on, they're on their way." She whispered to him. "Ma'am? Where are you going with a patient?" One of the lobby attendants asked, seeing Kaneko and Allen standing there in just his socks. "I uhh..." Kaneko blanked out. What could she say? "I am just taking him outside for some fresh air, the nurse said it was okay. Fifteen minutes while she went to grab something." A flat out lie, but Kaneko wasn't sure what else to say. The attendant didn't seem too convinced so she reached for the phone and started looking for who the nurse in charge was. This wasn't good, they needed to go and now! "Come on." Kaneko was mindful not to pull him around, but they had to hurry. She noticed he wasn't wearing his shoes, only socks provided by the hospital but they didn't have time to stop and put shoes on right now. She would take care of him once they were out of here.
Stepping outside, she could hear the lady calling out to her to stay inside, but Allen couldn't be there. Not when he was in so much pain and morphine probably wouldn't even help. "It's okay Allen, just try to hang on a little while longer. Do you feel nauseous still?" She asked holding out the puke bag in case he needed it.
When he felt the blanket around him, and his hand being moved to hold it up, he did so. He figured she found something, by the sound of a rustling plastic bag, but paid little mind to it. He followed her which ever way they went, and listened as she spoke to the nurse who had caught them. Her lie was quite amusing though..
He could tell they were outside by the fresh smell of plants and other things, no longer smelling mixtures of cleaners and too many people in one building. Allen shook his head lightly to her question, and slowly raised his foot to take off the annoying socks, one foot at a time. His eyes though.. "Alright." He voiced quietly .
He could tell they were outside by the fresh smell of plants and other things, no longer smelling mixtures of cleaners and too many people in one building. Allen shook his head lightly to her question, and slowly raised his foot to take off the annoying socks, one foot at a time. His eyes though.. "Alright." He voiced quietly .
He was fine, for now. She was a little confused when he took off his socks though. Looking at him, she looked down at his now bare feet then back at him. "Allen, you took off your socks. Why?" She wasn't upset or anything, she just found it strange. Wouldn't his feet hurt stepping on the rough ground on his way to the manor? Well, it didn't matter. As long as he was comfortable.
The taxi showed up about fifteen minutes later, Kaneko was now growing impatient and opened the door for Allen once it did arrive. "Careful, just get comfortable." She said quietly to him and then sat down beside him once he was properly seated. "Take us to the park please." She told the cab driver who nodded and after she closed the door, he drove off. All that had been left behind were the vampire's hospital socks with the white dots of grip on the soles.
The ride was a silent one, but Kaneko was filled with worry. How much pain was Allen feeling? He was hiding it so well. At least they were going to be back home soon. Hopefully they made it in time. She wasn't sure she wanted to find out what would happen if they didn't make it to the manor in time. Her hand gently squeezed his. In her mind, she was already thinking of things she could get him if he continued to feel nauseous.
After a long car ride, they arrived in front of the park and Kaneko opened the door then stepped out and helped Allen out of the car as well. He didn't give any sign of weakness or pain. It was impressive. She would have been crying if she was in any large amount of pain. Humans really were weak. "Thank-you.." She told the driver and reached into her purse, holding out some money. The driver took the money and drove off. familiarity. Oh it felt so nice to be home again, even though this wasn't really home. It was the park. "Okay, let's get you home Allen." Kaneko looked both ways, her hand holding Allen's then she crossed the street and started towards the direction of the manor, taking the path that Allen had take her down when he had first showed her his home.
The taxi showed up about fifteen minutes later, Kaneko was now growing impatient and opened the door for Allen once it did arrive. "Careful, just get comfortable." She said quietly to him and then sat down beside him once he was properly seated. "Take us to the park please." She told the cab driver who nodded and after she closed the door, he drove off. All that had been left behind were the vampire's hospital socks with the white dots of grip on the soles.
The ride was a silent one, but Kaneko was filled with worry. How much pain was Allen feeling? He was hiding it so well. At least they were going to be back home soon. Hopefully they made it in time. She wasn't sure she wanted to find out what would happen if they didn't make it to the manor in time. Her hand gently squeezed his. In her mind, she was already thinking of things she could get him if he continued to feel nauseous.
After a long car ride, they arrived in front of the park and Kaneko opened the door then stepped out and helped Allen out of the car as well. He didn't give any sign of weakness or pain. It was impressive. She would have been crying if she was in any large amount of pain. Humans really were weak. "Thank-you.." She told the driver and reached into her purse, holding out some money. The driver took the money and drove off. familiarity. Oh it felt so nice to be home again, even though this wasn't really home. It was the park. "Okay, let's get you home Allen." Kaneko looked both ways, her hand holding Allen's then she crossed the street and started towards the direction of the manor, taking the path that Allen had take her down when he had first showed her his home.
Allen shrugged lightly when she asked about his socks. "They were annoying.. Being barefoot feels better." He answered calmly. Once he was in the cab he relaxed some, as much as he could. He didn't know where they were, or where they were round-up direction wise. He didn't like it. As they were taken into the park, he closed his eyes and tried to focus on Kaneko. Her scent, that seeming kept him sane at a time like this. Even if neither of them were speaking, he felt calm.
The car eventually stopped, and he allowed Kaneko to help him out of the car. "Home.." He murmured quietly as they walked. Allen was trying so very hard to stay unphased by the pain. The feeling of turning had faded, so he felt more relieved. Pain he could deal with, as long as he had to.
The car eventually stopped, and he allowed Kaneko to help him out of the car. "Home.." He murmured quietly as they walked. Allen was trying so very hard to stay unphased by the pain. The feeling of turning had faded, so he felt more relieved. Pain he could deal with, as long as he had to.
They were annoying. That response made her laugh softly. "That's right, home." Where he would be safe. Her father wouldn't be behind bars for long though. Another thought for another day. It almost felt surreal, that they were back here despite what had happened. Was he truly going to be safe here? Would her father try to come after him again? Would her father try to hurt her first so that she didn't get in the way again? Again, thoughts for a later date. Allen's relief was her priority. Her feet twisted to the side, causing her to almost fall. Her ankle popped though. Or, it sounded as if it had. Either way, it hurt but it wasn't something she couldn't walk off.
Up ahead, the large, abandoned manor came into view and she had never been so happy to see a house before as she was right now. "Straight ahead. Watch your step." The ground was uneven of course and there was that fallen thick branch they had to step over. They passed by the marked tree and it didn't occur to her until now that yes, it was probably Allen himself who had done that. Out of pain? Anger? Or a way to tell her she was getting close to the danger that was him? "There are steps here now." She whispered when they reached the house, not daring to raise her voice in case anyone had followed them. Was she paranoid? Yes, yes she was.
Up ahead, the large, abandoned manor came into view and she had never been so happy to see a house before as she was right now. "Straight ahead. Watch your step." The ground was uneven of course and there was that fallen thick branch they had to step over. They passed by the marked tree and it didn't occur to her until now that yes, it was probably Allen himself who had done that. Out of pain? Anger? Or a way to tell her she was getting close to the danger that was him? "There are steps here now." She whispered when they reached the house, not daring to raise her voice in case anyone had followed them. Was she paranoid? Yes, yes she was.
Allen smirked lightly as they walked. He paused when heard a pop, and pretty much thought maybe Kaneko had hurt herself, but she didn't stop. So neither did he. He continued to walk alongside Kaneko, taking notice of how the ground felt beneath his feet. He seemed to instinctively know where to step to avoid sticks and rocks, large ones anyways, the smaller ones didn't bother him.
Kaneko helped him over the fallen thick branch, and he paused once more once they reached the steps to the house. Allen slowly climbed the steps and pushed the door open. He inhaled lightly and smiled. He was home.. Allen stumbled some over something on the floor, but caught himself and stood straight as if nothing happened. "Okay.. My remedy." He voiced quietly, some strain slipping through his throat. As he began up the stairs, he paused, gripping the railing rather tightly. He was so close! If he could just make it to the study, he'd be fine!
Kaneko helped him over the fallen thick branch, and he paused once more once they reached the steps to the house. Allen slowly climbed the steps and pushed the door open. He inhaled lightly and smiled. He was home.. Allen stumbled some over something on the floor, but caught himself and stood straight as if nothing happened. "Okay.. My remedy." He voiced quietly, some strain slipping through his throat. As he began up the stairs, he paused, gripping the railing rather tightly. He was so close! If he could just make it to the study, he'd be fine!
Kaneko followed him inside and carefully closed the door behind them and locked it just to be safe. "Oh! Please be careful sir Allen." She gasped, seeing him almost fall. However, he stood back straightly as if nothing had happened. She watched him in silence as he walked to the stairs and made his way up only to stop. Quickly, she made her way over and stood beside him, her hand lightly resting on his shoulder. "We will get your remedy Allen, only a few more steps further and we will be there. We can make it on time, I'm sure we can." She said, trying to be as supportive as possible and always keeping a positive mindset. They were so close, they just had to reach the top of the stairs and enter his study which wasn't too far. The remedy would be there waiting for him and after he took it, all would be well. She would remain by his side until he asked her to go and even then, she would be very reluctant.
((I was wondering.. How would feel about starting another rp? O.o))
Allen adjusted some, so he was now sitting on the stairs. On time.. What she talking about? It had been two days since he had taken his remedy. Slowly, he started to get back up and began up the rest of the staircase. "You're foot.. Are you okay?" He asked, remembering the popping sound he heard a few minutes earlier, slightly trying distract himself.
Allen adjusted some, so he was now sitting on the stairs. On time.. What she talking about? It had been two days since he had taken his remedy. Slowly, he started to get back up and began up the rest of the staircase. "You're foot.. Are you okay?" He asked, remembering the popping sound he heard a few minutes earlier, slightly trying distract himself.
((Oh? What did you have in mind?))
Her hands went to her hips. "My foot is fine, sorry for worrying you. I promise I'll be okay." If it was hurt, she'd soak it in some Epson salt when she got home. That would help with the pain. "Allen, come along. Don't you want to take your remedy? D-do you want me to bring it down for you?" She started to worry more. Maybe the pain was too much. Maybe it was up to her to bring it to him.
Her hands went to her hips. "My foot is fine, sorry for worrying you. I promise I'll be okay." If it was hurt, she'd soak it in some Epson salt when she got home. That would help with the pain. "Allen, come along. Don't you want to take your remedy? D-do you want me to bring it down for you?" She started to worry more. Maybe the pain was too much. Maybe it was up to her to bring it to him.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
Chat with me on Discord if you wanna! My username is: thebossrimi
Just tell me who you are when you message me there.
(( I have two characters I've really wanted to play with recently, both female and both kind of mentally unstable, who need someone in their life to trust.
A; https://angelsbasement.jimdo.com/ocs/maddie/
B; https://angelsbasement.jimdo.com/ocs/vanity/ ))
Allen mentally cursed when she shut the conversation down so quick, but at least she was alright for the time being. He shook his head lightly at her question and paused as he took the last step to the top of the staircase. Besides, did she even remember how to make it? "Almost there.." He murmured quietly, gritting his teeth some.
Soon, he managed to enter his lab with Kaneko's help and asked her to help him make the remedy. He'd ask her for the ingredients and he'd do the rest.
A; https://angelsbasement.jimdo.com/ocs/maddie/
B; https://angelsbasement.jimdo.com/ocs/vanity/ ))
Allen mentally cursed when she shut the conversation down so quick, but at least she was alright for the time being. He shook his head lightly at her question and paused as he took the last step to the top of the staircase. Besides, did she even remember how to make it? "Almost there.." He murmured quietly, gritting his teeth some.
Soon, he managed to enter his lab with Kaneko's help and asked her to help him make the remedy. He'd ask her for the ingredients and he'd do the rest.
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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.