@nyreen: Oh whattt. That's just crazy. o ____ O
I mean- a teacher is mandated to call CPS if something seems off. Especially since back area tends to not be a common area for scratches/marks? But if the kid says one thing (such as mom beat me) we're mandated to call. q vq ;;
I mean, I wouldn't have told that to her face though, that's for sure. Wheeze.
I called a parent the other day about her child refusing to do classwork (because I literally can't FORCE her to do schoolwork), so I called her mom. The mom broke down crying because she said she needs to be more lenient when dealing with being strict because apparently the kid said that she beat her children and she almost got her children taken away??
Like damn. I know some parents really love their kids, but it's sad because even if we know that a parent doesn't mean to hurt their kid, we're mandated to call. q vq
Forums Wonderland "How long is forever?" [open!!]
@Yuracye: that's nuts. honestly. the kid i watched was extremely manipulative too. and the summer camp that i work at has kids mostly from group and foster homes. like 99% of them. and lots of them have trauma and stuff. a lot compulsively lie and are crazy manipulative.
anyways the kid i watched use to try to guilt me to do things and like i said, he would exaggerate me being mean about not tech. the reason why he didn't have tech that particular weekend was bc he proceeded to lie and hide him tests for the past few months. mom wasn't disciplining him. whatsoever. and i decided well fuck, no. no tech. instead we went for a walk, did arts and crafts and i made him study on and off for two tests and finish a project. he tried to guilt me to let him play games all day. and i kept saying no. it's like she never says no to him so he thinks if he tries asking in a different way that he'll get what he wants. or eventually i'll get annoyed and say fine.
even when he wanted me to play games with him he would try to guilt me. there were other days were i was doing work and would let him play a game bc he had been good. he built this big house in minecraft then asked me to play. i said no. for the third time. he then started telling me that was mean bc he supposedly spent a hour building a house in minecraft for me. and basically telling me he did something nice so now i have to play. i told him flat out no. i don't have to do anything just bc you were nice and did something nice. that doesn't mean you're entitled to something from me. and he actually seemed confused.
i actually had a lot of convos with him about how he should be kind and do nice things bc.. just that. not bc he wants something from someone. and that people are allows to say no, just like him, and stop and can not want to do anything. i slipped in so much subtle lessons about consent and respecting bodily autonomy, etc. and i'm 99% sure mom never once fucking talked to him about any of that. she makes him hug and kiss his grandpa even when he doesn't want to. i think it's gross.
anyways the kid i watched use to try to guilt me to do things and like i said, he would exaggerate me being mean about not tech. the reason why he didn't have tech that particular weekend was bc he proceeded to lie and hide him tests for the past few months. mom wasn't disciplining him. whatsoever. and i decided well fuck, no. no tech. instead we went for a walk, did arts and crafts and i made him study on and off for two tests and finish a project. he tried to guilt me to let him play games all day. and i kept saying no. it's like she never says no to him so he thinks if he tries asking in a different way that he'll get what he wants. or eventually i'll get annoyed and say fine.
even when he wanted me to play games with him he would try to guilt me. there were other days were i was doing work and would let him play a game bc he had been good. he built this big house in minecraft then asked me to play. i said no. for the third time. he then started telling me that was mean bc he supposedly spent a hour building a house in minecraft for me. and basically telling me he did something nice so now i have to play. i told him flat out no. i don't have to do anything just bc you were nice and did something nice. that doesn't mean you're entitled to something from me. and he actually seemed confused.
i actually had a lot of convos with him about how he should be kind and do nice things bc.. just that. not bc he wants something from someone. and that people are allows to say no, just like him, and stop and can not want to do anything. i slipped in so much subtle lessons about consent and respecting bodily autonomy, etc. and i'm 99% sure mom never once fucking talked to him about any of that. she makes him hug and kiss his grandpa even when he doesn't want to. i think it's gross.
@Yuracye: forgot to add that yeah 100% teacher should have called CPS or mom to see what's up. or even called for an emergency meeting with mom. instead of thinking about it for a month and watching for PT meeting.

-looks at wall of text- Naw, not going to backread. ^_^
This was the last thread on my subscribed list. cry.
@nyreen: Awhman. Yeah, that really stinks. I generally fall for those things too, because I feel bad for the kids. q vq
I never remember being that smart as a kid. Though, I was terrified of my mom when I was younger so I would do my best to not get into trouble.> > ;;;;
Oh boy. That's... well that is something. Hopefully he learned that lesson, otherwise it's going to be interesting when he's an adult. I feel like a lot of kids don't understand that. Just because you do one nice thing or a moment of something, doesn't mean that you can go to extra gym time or pretend like everything is okay.
I'm glad you were able to do something like that for him though. I'm hoping he takes those lessons to heart. It seems like he won't learn anything from his family. > > ;;;
Hug his grandfather? Was there a deal with the grandpa or something? I mean, if it's family you should be polite, but if a kid doesn't want to, I don't think they should either. e ___ e
Seriously. I feel like I would get fired or something if I didn't call. I know you can lose your license to teach. Especially if you know something is going on.
Dragoness: ah, sorry! XD
I tend to talk a lot, so it's mostly my fault. orz.
@nyreen: Awhman. Yeah, that really stinks. I generally fall for those things too, because I feel bad for the kids. q vq
I never remember being that smart as a kid. Though, I was terrified of my mom when I was younger so I would do my best to not get into trouble.> > ;;;;
Oh boy. That's... well that is something. Hopefully he learned that lesson, otherwise it's going to be interesting when he's an adult. I feel like a lot of kids don't understand that. Just because you do one nice thing or a moment of something, doesn't mean that you can go to extra gym time or pretend like everything is okay.
I'm glad you were able to do something like that for him though. I'm hoping he takes those lessons to heart. It seems like he won't learn anything from his family. > > ;;;
Hug his grandfather? Was there a deal with the grandpa or something? I mean, if it's family you should be polite, but if a kid doesn't want to, I don't think they should either. e ___ e
Seriously. I feel like I would get fired or something if I didn't call. I know you can lose your license to teach. Especially if you know something is going on.
Dragoness: ah, sorry! XD
I tend to talk a lot, so it's mostly my fault. orz.

No worries, some walls of text can be pretty good.
It was just late in the day when I was posting that. ^_^
Ahh, yeah. I tend to get carried away though. I know giant walls of text tend to scare people away.> > ;;;
Anywho, how are you today?
Anywho, how are you today?
@Yuracye: sometimes he wouldn't want to give hugs or kisses, yet she would insist he has to and guilt him to with certain folks. I find that dangerous bc you're disregarding the child's bodily autonomy and reinforcement of boundaries. I can tell he has boundary issues bc of stuff she hasn't taught him and what she has taught him just by being herself.
When I first started watching him, he would often jump on me, throw things at me, tug on me and take my belongings. He use to be very psssive aggressive and condescending when I didn't know something he did. He would say "wow, you're old and I'm smarter than you" because I didn't know something in Minecraft. I would address him tho and say he can't speak to others like that bc it's rude and mean. And eventually he stopped but he would still do it with my friend who replaced me. His mom never disciplines him or holds him accountable for anything. It's really bad. :/
Instead she would reward him and get him anything he wanted regardless of his behavior. And also she's in total denial that he's disruptive in class and unmotivated, and instead blames the teacher for his poor grades.
When she already knows he hides tests and once during a convo when I asked who he thought was to blame for his poor grades, he laughed and legit with a smug face said "heh, not me". I then said "actually, it is you." And explained to him how he had four adults, two with his teachers, that are all very supportive and would do anything to see him suceed. But instead he hides tests and distracts others in class. Then that night I found another hidden test and told mom. Instead of doing anuthing about it, she gave him an ice cream sandwich and let him play his games.
When I first started watching him, he would often jump on me, throw things at me, tug on me and take my belongings. He use to be very psssive aggressive and condescending when I didn't know something he did. He would say "wow, you're old and I'm smarter than you" because I didn't know something in Minecraft. I would address him tho and say he can't speak to others like that bc it's rude and mean. And eventually he stopped but he would still do it with my friend who replaced me. His mom never disciplines him or holds him accountable for anything. It's really bad. :/
Instead she would reward him and get him anything he wanted regardless of his behavior. And also she's in total denial that he's disruptive in class and unmotivated, and instead blames the teacher for his poor grades.
When she already knows he hides tests and once during a convo when I asked who he thought was to blame for his poor grades, he laughed and legit with a smug face said "heh, not me". I then said "actually, it is you." And explained to him how he had four adults, two with his teachers, that are all very supportive and would do anything to see him suceed. But instead he hides tests and distracts others in class. Then that night I found another hidden test and told mom. Instead of doing anuthing about it, she gave him an ice cream sandwich and let him play his games.
Awhman. Sick day like 5 or something.
@nyreen: Ahhhh, I see, I see. That is kinda strange. o ___ o I feel like my parents did that too. Like "why didn't you give a hug to this family member? You know they treat you well blah blah." Or, well my mother at least.
Wholy bananas. That's just.. that's insane. e ____ e He's going to have problems later if you didn't help him out though.
Like, that's insane.
I know a lot of parents that just can't seem to contain their children. I don't even know what to tell them when they ask for advice. I don't have kids, and I can't tell them to do certain things. idk.
Haaaaaaahahaha. OH MAN. I hear that A LOT. I don't know how parents can blame the teachers. Granted, there are some who are horrible and don't do anything, but geez. I love how it's my fault when a student is failing because their homework isn't done, they perform poorly on tests, don't participate, etc. I've even tried to contact a few parents about their children failing. I can't be on top of all 24 students at all times. Especially since I have about 5 kids with IEP's that I need to focus on.
Woooooow. Yep. Well. There's nothing you can do if the parent isn't on board. It's really a shame. : /
@nyreen: Ahhhh, I see, I see. That is kinda strange. o ___ o I feel like my parents did that too. Like "why didn't you give a hug to this family member? You know they treat you well blah blah." Or, well my mother at least.
Wholy bananas. That's just.. that's insane. e ____ e He's going to have problems later if you didn't help him out though.
Like, that's insane.
I know a lot of parents that just can't seem to contain their children. I don't even know what to tell them when they ask for advice. I don't have kids, and I can't tell them to do certain things. idk.
Haaaaaaahahaha. OH MAN. I hear that A LOT. I don't know how parents can blame the teachers. Granted, there are some who are horrible and don't do anything, but geez. I love how it's my fault when a student is failing because their homework isn't done, they perform poorly on tests, don't participate, etc. I've even tried to contact a few parents about their children failing. I can't be on top of all 24 students at all times. Especially since I have about 5 kids with IEP's that I need to focus on.
Woooooow. Yep. Well. There's nothing you can do if the parent isn't on board. It's really a shame. : /
@Yuracye: sorry only saw your ping now!
Yeah ugh. I've dealt with some really incompetent parents. It's exhausting.
Yeah ugh. I've dealt with some really incompetent parents. It's exhausting.
call me grem

@nyreen: It's alright! I've been online most of the day just hanging out. q vq
Seriously. I don't understand how people think sometimes. I mean, I know a lot of people talk about having kids, but they don't understand the difficulties of taking care of them and raising them. Ahh.
Seriously. I don't understand how people think sometimes. I mean, I know a lot of people talk about having kids, but they don't understand the difficulties of taking care of them and raising them. Ahh.

I don't get scared away, but I do cycle through too many threads sometimes.
But I do return again! ^_^
Dragoness: Well, welcome back! * A* !!
I need some of those last minute items, so I appreciate the help with posting!
I need some of those last minute items, so I appreciate the help with posting!

I don't count for a prize yet! Plus I just want the shrooms!
-has a mouth full of shrooms-
Oh no... Not again! D:

@queen prisma: HEY THERE! * A* !!!
Haha, need to get those 5 posts in. B )
I need more mushrooms to get the items I need. ajkdshldsg.
Haha, need to get those 5 posts in. B )
I need more mushrooms to get the items I need. ajkdshldsg.

@Yuracye: Hai!
Yes, lol. What would this be? Post 2? xD
Same here, but I think I'm just gonna get the one item. xD But I'm not sure yet.

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