Donator — She/Crazy
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/18 23:33:10 )
It's alright. Most of my days are pretty short. Though I'd rather have a couple days with longer hours and more days off.
I don't drive myself, so it's a lot of driving for my husband.
Donator — SENPAI
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/18 23:34:24 )
Ah, fair enough. Luckily I only work Monday through Friday, and I have most holidays off. u vu ///
Haaa. SAME HERE. My hubby drives me to and from work every day . q vq !!
So my three hours isn't really much compared to him.
Donator — She/Crazy
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/18 23:38:21 )
We have off on Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.
We also usually have shorter days on Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Christmas Eve (maybe some others too).
Donator — SENPAI
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/18 23:49:15 )
Ohhh. o:
Well at least Memorial day is coming up soon!
I have ... a few holidays. Like we had MLK day off.
And a week for the major holidays, and like spring break and stuff. uvu !!! It's kinda nice!
Donator — SENPAI
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/18 23:58:42 )
Ahh, that is nice! * A* !!!
May I ask what you do? o: I'm just curious!
I used to work in a sports retail store, and we were open pretty much every day except christmas day. q ___ q
Donator — She/Crazy
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/19 00:02:15 )
I work at Kitchen Collection. We sell kitchen gadgets and stuff.
It's retail in the mall. The mall itself is only open those days and hours, so that's why we get off a lot.