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Donator — A.I. Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 02:32:57 )
@ChemicalDivision: I KNOW, thankfully it only took like 3-4 hours c': wasn't too bad. Aaaand the opening sequences for D2 literally had me in tears. I'd already played through the first part in the Beta but it held so much more impact for the real go-around. The controls thus far feel heavier / slower, though it could be that my character has low agility right now and I'm just used to my maxed out Bladedancer; and there are a few things that have changed that I'm not in love with / will have to get used to, but some other things they added that are awesome, like high-value enemies that drop chests when you kill them. cB

Voltie — He/Him Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 02:34:35 )
Good to know! :) Thanks for the update.
My awesome Art

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 04:18:22 )
The opening memories thing almost made me cry :vanora_cry: I thought It was so awesome they did that even though most of them were just me alone xD
I found myself running through the main missions to try to keep up with my brother who also got the game but I decided to stop cause I was missing out on so much free roam patrolling. I barely made it to Titan and found zavala before my internet cut out and I decided to call it a night, I can't wait to get back on tonight ! :vanora_heart:

Donator — A.I. Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/9 20:04:48 )
@Burial: Dude, they totally made me cry q-q I used to play with my friend Abel a lot and he was in a couple of my snapshots, which really brought back some nostalgia. And don't rush! I find myself rushing sometimes but then I remind myself that I only have one "first time" playing the game. c': There was actually one day where I tried the same mission like, 5 times (Hope I think it was, on Titan) and kept getting booted out of the world / having to start over. So I said screw it and spent that day watching movies or something idk. xD

Also, I redact my earlier statement about the controls, I realise now that was just my character being all low-leveled and clumsy.
c': For the most part everything's totally golden! It's been an amazing experience thus far!

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/9 22:19:51 )
@Vii: tried to take my time but the main story seems pretty short, but i loved it so much! I've been playing any chance I get for the last few days, trying to get better gear. I plan on going through the main story with my titan soon, then warlock after :vanora_heart:
Omg I fell absolutely in love with the arcstrider <3 I seriously cannot wait to try out the other new subclasses !
Have you gotten any cool new emotes? I'm dying to get that ramen one, saw someone using it and I immediately wanted it !

Donator — A.I. Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/10 03:15:35 )
@Burial: Argh, that means I'm probably nearing the end. Q-Q But, the first one was kinda short as well so I'm not terribly surprised--and it'll be plugged with the DLC.

Arcstrider is hella amazing though! I love how fluid and powerful it feels. I've never been good with the solar class as I'm not a deadshot but the Voidwalker was definitely fun in Destiny, so I'm excited to give it a shot in D2.

Also, the Shard of the Traveler is such an awesome place. That first time you go and get back your light... ahhh, man, I almost tear up just thinking about it. And then Ghost saying "The Traveler has given us a gift. Let's use it!" *commence dreg ass-kicking* ahhh that was great.

I got a "You're the Guardian" emote with fingerguns or something, but that's all so far. I have mixed feelings about the new Shaders system. >.> damn you bungie, if you make me spend real silver on pretty colours A ramen emote sounds hilarious tho, I can't say I've seen that. xD

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/10 04:51:06 )
@Vii: I almost have all three of the hunter subclasses unlocked, just need to do the nightstalker one which used to be my favorite class but idk arcstrider is so amazing, I doubt I'll switch anytime soon :vanora_heart: its way too much fun going through those waves of enemies :vanora_xd:
Omg I was so sad cause like I don't have a problem spending money on the game but I didn't wanna spend too much and not end up getting what I really want but apparently you don't have to spend any money at all once you reach lvl 20. After that once your exp bar fills up your rewarded with a bright engram so you really don't have to spend anything, just a lot of grinding lol
Idk I'm pretty ok with the shader thing. For me I like that you can now use it on different parts of armor and on your weapon and atleast when your rewarded shaders you get like 3 or 4 at a time. Idk I feel like if you could switch them on and off and keep them I'd have one less thing to grind for but apparently a lot of people are mad about that xD maybe I'm just weird. So far the only shader I like is called nebula rose I think, it's just so petty and pink/purple <3

Donator — A.I. Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/16 12:03:30 )
@Burial: Jeeze, idk why I never saw this before!! Dx
So, I finished the D2 storyline today. The ending had me in tears, which my boyfriend was making fun of me for, but h8ers gonna h8. xD
I tend to be OCD about my outfit coordinating well but I do agree that it's nice to be able to apply shaders individually. I like the VEIST Poison Shimmer, a glossy omolon for which I can't remember the name, another one called Indigo [something], and Arctic Pearl shaders particularly. Love the shiny / silver ones so much cB it is nice getting Bright Engrams per level after 20, but the really nice shaders are especially rare and I made the mistake of applying them to disposable gear q-q (has learned my lesson now lol)
I'm not proud to admit that I spent... a good deal of money at the Eververse trying to collect shaders... xD

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/19 01:52:45 )
@Vii: omg I almost cried when zavala was like I need my fire team, I need ikora and cayde :vanora_cry:
The legendary shaders are pretty hard to get tho from the bright engrams, I've been dying to get indigo matrix and all I get are blues:( I'm torn because I want my hunter to be pretty and pink but I want a matching set of good legendary armor so for now she's a fashion mistake lol
I actually ended up getting that ramen emote on my titan! I was so happy!
I think I have all three of my characters atleast past 270 now and I ended up joining my brothers clan and since they do lots of activities I get free stuff! It's awesome xD
Are you apart of a clan?

Donator — A.I. Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/25 12:50:53 )
@Burial: I don't know why but I never really cared much about Zavala, until Destiny 2--and now I love him as much as the others. (I just love how Cayde and Ikora are both Firefly characters x3)

Lol jeeze that's crazy! Three characters already to level? |D I feel like I can't even call myself a gamer anymore with how little time I seem to game anymore. Also I totally had a full set of Indigo Matrix, it's the BEST, but I was an idiot and used it on armour that I couldn't upgrade c': so now I'm trying to collect those again too. Though it's more of a purple/blue, so if you were after pink wouldn't you want Nebula Rose or Dusk and Dawn? I wish shaders could be tradeable. [s]I've probably already spent like $50 at Eververse trying to collect shaders oTL)

Awesome that you got the ramen emote! I got Flip Out and Six Shooter which are pretty funny too. I always loved the expressions. xD

And yeah, I just joined a clan not too long ago, though come to think of it I probably should have joined one ages ago. I've met a lot of people recently too but my internet is pretty difficult sometimes so, they often don't want to play with me as I'll be dropping out of the game over and over again. c':

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 03:46:48 )
@Vii: omg I saw one of my clan members using indigo matrix and I absolutely want it now, but I seem to have horrible luck! I have enough of the nebula rose shader to put it on all my armor pieces but now I'm just trying to find a good looking legendary set to apply it to. That sucks! I would've been so mad if I did that xD
Having three characters is pretty great, three chances for exotics and weekly powerful engrams but it's kinda exhausting DX and since they made it to where class armor isn't infusable with different classes it's a huge grind :vanora_cry:

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/26 07:18:46 )

I have a 298 Hunter on Xbox One, and I'm literally just now starting my file on PS4. I'm Addark on both consoles!

My clan and I beat Calus Saturday. Twice :'D It was a looong day.

Donator — A.I. Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/27 21:04:18 )
AYYYEEE WElcome to the party! c': I haven't finished any Raids or Nightfalls yet, I feel like a loser q-q I tried doing the Leviathan raid with some friends but my internet wasn't cooperating. And since then, people don't really want to play with me as they're afraid I'll just be dropping out / sucking eggs the whole time. c':

I plan on hopping on Destiny 2 today, though, and maybe I'll get to try this week's Nightfall ^-^

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/29 02:26:47 )
@vii: The nightfall is much easier this week than it was last week, so I'd definitely recommend giving it a go today!

Donator — A.I. Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/29 03:22:56 )
@Addy: Oooh, awesome! I'll see if I can hop on tonight! I didn't have enough time during the day today :c wasted too much of it working on a pointless profile layout xD

@Burial: Oi! I don't know if you've noticed but Tess Everis has Indigo Matrix shaders on sale right now in D2!!! I totally just bought 20 of them c':

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/29 03:24:45 )
@vii: I'm not sure if I'll be on, otherwise I would offer help. ;w;

You may be able to do the guided games thing, though?

Donator — A.I. Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/29 20:28:20 )
@Addy: I never hopped on last night, just felt too tired as usual xD But I plan on spending pretty much all of today with the game, unless the internet vortex sucks me in once more... c':

I do have some tickets for the Guided Games, but... I almost feel like that's for people who... aren't really gamers, idk. xD I don't need a "guide" per se, just a group to play with c': Though, well okay for that one the other week, I'd have needed a guide. xD

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/1 00:31:43 )

My step sister plays Destiny, it looks interesting but I've never gotten around to trying to play it myself.


Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/2 07:31:52 )
Oh whoops, I noticed the first post has 360. Did I say I played D2 on 360? My bad, lmao, it didn't even come out on 360. D: I do play it on Xbox One, though!

Also, did one of you folks add me? :o if so plz say who you are first, I'm a lil weird about adding names I don't recognize
pls ping me, ty!!


quest | etc

Donator — A.I. Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/6 02:14:54 )
@Addy: Well, might have been a mistake on my end lol whoops. c': I'll fix it! And if someone added you it wasn't me, I always ask first and play on Sony consoles anyway. c':
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